“Little Fretty” is patented pocketsized, with a 5 fret / 6 string full size portion of the fret-board / neck of astandard electric or acoustic guitar that fits comfortable in your hand. Building hand and finger strength is most import for players to master the craft of playing bass, electric or e acoustic guitar.  Great for rehabilitation after an injury. 

Pocketsized, he is recommended for musicians of all skill levels and is great forwarm up, practice or rehearsal. He doesn’t make any sound so you can jam awaywithout disturbing your neighbors, parents, spouse, friends or fellowmusicians, although you may imagine hearing him in your head. He is made of aspace age, hard foam type material, engineered to give a 3-Dimensional feel ofthe guitar neck, frets and strings and gives a pressure resistance to buildplaying strength and ability.

Keep him with you at all times to helpcontinually develop your finger stretch and help increase the your note, speed,scales or chord playing progressions. It can build your playing hand strengthand increase your reach and dexterity while improving circulation, maybe evenhelping relieve those painful cramps from repetitious note progressions orchording fatigue.  He is accompanied with a short instructional referralsheet for getting starting and receiving the maximum benefits of Little Fretty. 

Little Fretty DOES NOT MAKE ANY SOUND. And let’s face it, learning to play guitar does not always sound good soyou can now warm up, build your finger strength and practice your chords andscales without annoying your nearby neighbors. He does not have anyelectronics, sound, speaker, cable outputs or inputs. You can travel with himanywhere internationally, it will PASS Security.

Building and exercising hand andfinger muscles may result in temporary discomfort but it should not persist. Asyour playing ability develops the muscles should build more stretch and reachand increase endurance. There are no medical claims regarding the use of thisproduct.** If the use of this product causes any major discomfort, discontinueuse immediately and consult with a licensed physician.*** The users assumesresponsibility and all medical liability for its use.** No medical claimsare made through the use of this product.