With natural herbal value. Free from chemicals and animal fat. Helps skin to deep cleanse. The skin is not irritated.

Deeply removes dirt on the face. Accelerates the elimination of dead skin cells easily. Ideal for those with dull face problems. Prevent and reduce melasma, freckles, black spots, scars, pimples and body odor with skin to tighten and tighten skin look always soft.

Botaya Herb Soap
Ingredients: Tamarind Extract, Pueraria Mirifica, Tanaka, Centella asiatica, Plai extract, Baiang extract, Mahad extract, Cheddar extract, Mangosteen extract, Seaweed powder, Silk powder, And other components.

How to use: Wash your face regularly morning - before bedtime.

Brand : Botaya
Net. Vol 50g.
Quantity : 10 Pieces