2002 MB Jade Games Outrage! Steal The Crown Jewels Board Game 100% Complete

Experience the thrill of being a master thief in the 2002 Jade Games Outrage! Steal The Crown Jewels board game. 

This game challenges 2 or more players to strategize their way through a series of obstacles to successfully steal the crown jewels without getting caught. 

With its architecture and strategy theme, it is perfect for players aged 10 years and up who enjoy a mix of luck and skill in their games. This complete game board comes with instructions and is made of high-quality materials including cardboard, paper, and plastic. Bring the excitement of a heist to your family game night or party with this popular children's and family game. Don't miss out on the fun and challenge of Outrage!

There Is Some Scuff Marks On The Box And A Small Water Mark On The Board