Premium Bandai Exclusive set of five Gundam Converge figurines of the "White Dingo Squad" that appeared in the novels "At the Site of the Fallen Colony" based on the "Rise from the Ashes" game. Small pre-painted figurines with a variety of optional parts and accessories. Some assembley required, assembly instruction available online via QR code.

GM White Dingo Colors- three weapon options- spray gun, machine gun, and rocket launcher. Two shields- standard and small.

GM Cannon White Dingo Colors-  three weapons- spray gun, machine gun, prototpye beam rifle. Two shields. Left weapon holding hand allows to equip weapon in each hand.

Guncannon Mass Production type- two machine guns and a weapon holding left hand to allow dual wielding.

GM Sniper White Dingo Colors- Four Weapons- machine gun, beam rifle, rocket launcher, and sniper rifle along with the White Dingo's unique shield.

Bloodhound hover truck- with swap out parts to display with the sonar equipment activated.

New in box. Will ship in an additional outer box for protection. Free shipping in USA. International available through eBay.