These are tapes of lectures about Adam Smith and his book "WEALTH OF NATIONS". The narrative is about the economic background of Adam Smith's time and how it influenced his book. It also delineates some of the pertinent ideas of his discourse about the wealth of nations and his economic philosophy. These tapes are good learning instruments for those who don't want to read the large and laborious original text but still want to understant Smith's main ideas. Smith's ideas are still relevant and are the basis of the writings of people like Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman who pilfered some parts and put out their bastardized versions as new ideas.
Obama should listen to these tapes, then maybe he would stop giving taxpayer money to the banks and financial institutions in order to invigorate the economy. If you give billions of taxpayer dollars to billionairs, they are likely to just pocket the money, which does nothing to stimulate the economy. Smith explaines that a few wealthy individuals don't make a wealthy nation and free trade does not mean a few powerful individuals are free to make the rules. In the end, free trade, like communism is not viable in the real world.