Kara Monaco sexy model Playboy Playmate June 2005 and Year 2006 signed photo 8x10 inches (about 20x25 cm). Like new.

Comes with Coa from PSA number V89995. Don't waste time and money with forgeries or reprints. Buy a genuine signed photo from my collection.

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Kara Monaco is an American-born Playboy model. She was born under the sign of Pisces on February 26, 1983 in Lakeland, Florida, United States.

Kara Monaco was Playboy Playmate of the Month for June 2005 and Playmate of the Year 2006. She was awarded the prestigious title of Playboy Playmate at the age of 22. Her measurements are 34-24-34.

Rara foto autografata dalla modella di Playboy Kara Monaco Playmate Giugno 2005 e dell'anno 2006, misura più di 20x25 cm (8x10 pollici).

Verrà spedita in una busta protettiva acid free e includerà il certificato di autenticità rilasciato da PSA numero V89995.

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