Here is a Tyco HO Scale Train Bridge and Trestle set # T909S

Things to know before you buy:

  •  Many customers have asked me if items have been exposed to smoke. My answer is this:  Most things I sell are vintage, and there is simply no way for me to know where things have been over the decades.  All items I sell are cleaned (if possible )  and inspected before I offer them for sale. If  this is a major issue for you, and I can understand why, please refrain from bidding on my listings .
  • If you would like more information about items listed please ask, I would be happy to answer any questions you have  to the best of my ability.

  • Feedback policy: I leave feedback when the transaction is complete.  I consider the transaction complete when a customer has received the item and is satisfied.

  • Because I like this groovy rock we all live on, I use quality  recycled packaging whenever possible.