1. Material: Typically crafted from repurposed materials such as shell casings, bullets, or other metal scraps commonly found on the battlefield.
    2. Design: The frame may feature intricate details reflecting military motifs or symbols, such as insignia, flags, or weaponry.
    3. Size: With a height of 17 cm, the frame is compact yet substantial enough to showcase a military portrait or photograph.
    4. Age: As a vintage item, this trench art picture frame likely carries historical significance and may exhibit signs of wear or patina, adding to its character.
    5. Uniqueness: Each trench art piece is one-of-a-kind, reflecting the creativity and resourcefulness of its creator.

    This trench art picture frame serves not only as a functional display for military portraits but also as a tangible piece of history, offering a glimpse into the experiences and craftsmanship of soldiers during wartime.