Bolivia Cafe La Frontera - 1kg - whole bean

Origin and plantationCafé de Frontera (Border Coffee) is a project to promote the coffee industry between Bolivia and Peru in order to improve the living conditions of Bolivian coffee farmers. The project focuses on sustainability, quality and fair marketing. The coffee is produced in Bolivia and then sold via Peru. Through this cooperation, the problems of logistics and sales are solved and cultivation becomes profitable for the coffee farmers. Due to the increased income, the social and economic situation of Bolivians has noticeably improved. Character and tasteThe Bolivia Cafe La Frontera has a harmonious body, which is rounded off by its medium acidity. A chocolaty, honey-like taste with an aromatic fruit note characterizes this coffee and will make you rave about it.

Bolivia Cafe La Frontera - 1kg - whole bean Origin and plantationCafé de Frontera (Border Coffee) is a project to promote the coffee industry between Bolivia and Peru in order to improve the living conditions of Bolivian coffee farmers. The project focuses on sustainability, quality and fair marketing. The coffee is produced in Bolivia and then sold via Peru. Through this cooperation, the problems of logistics and sales are solved and cultivation becomes profitable for the coffee farmers. Due to the increased income, the social and economic situation of Bolivians has noticeably improved. Character and tasteThe Bolivia Cafe La Frontera has a harmonious body, which is rounded off by its medium acidity. A chocolaty, honey-like taste with an aromatic fruit note characterizes this coffee and wi