Small Water Feature Value Pack


All plants will be supplied Bare Rooted. Existing foliage may be trimmed to help promote new growth and aide with postage.

A unique and exciting way to buy a collection of plants for your Patio pool or Small Water Feature.

This pack contains a great combination of plants for your Patio pool or small water feature.

This collection is chosen by our trusted growers. They will pick the varieties looking the best and strongest at the time of your order. The image shown is for display purposes only. We do not take orders for named varieties.


You will receive the following plants for planting guidance please see below.


2x Bareroot Marginal Plants

1x Bareroot Dwarf water Lily (Please add the colour you would like under notes to seller when completing your purchase. You can choose from Red, White, Yellow or Orange)


Planting Instructions

Water Lily – We recommend the lily Rhizome is planted in a 1-2 lite basket using either top soil or aquatic compost. The end with shoots sits above the soil / gravel if used. Firm around so the lily Rhizome can’t float out when submerged into your Water Feature. Ensure there is at least 10cm of water covering the top of the lily Rhizome.

Marginal Plants – We recommend planting in 1 litre baskets using either top soil or aquatic compost. When placed in the pond we recommend the foliage is above the waterline.


Have you got everything you need before you leave?


Marginal Plants – Provide Shelter a breeding ground and remove nitrates

Oxygenating Plants – Provide essential oxygen

Floating Plants – Provide shelter and remove nitrates

Lilies – Provide Shelter and shade

Snails – Eat algae from the sides and bottom of the pond

Aquatic Baskets – For the above in a range of shapes and sizes


Thank You