No Artist – Sound Effects No. 9 Vinyl LP Excellent

Vinyl is Excellent
Cover is Excellent

Westminster Abbey
A1a Bells Pealing, With Birdsong And Distant Traffic
St. Paul's Cathedral
A1b Interior Atmosphere
A1c Bells Pealing
Covent Garden Market
A2a 11 PM: Lorries, Parking
A2b 1 AM: Unloading, Trollies, Etc...
A2c 6 AM: Floral Hall Coffee Stall
A2d 8 AM: Dedicated Market: (Interior) Trollies, Salesmen, Buyers
London Locations
A3a Berwick Street Market
A3b Pool Of London Atmosphere
A3c Paternoster Square: Footsteps, Chatter, Distant Traffic
Musical Box
A4a "Auld Lang Syne"
A4b "The Last Rose Of Summer"
Special Effects
A5a Eerie Wind
A5b Movement Through Undergrowth
A5c "Monsters" Roaring
A5d Tolling Bell And Wind
Association Football (Derby Vs Arsenal)
B1a Atmosphere Before Match, With "We Shall Not Be Moved"
B1b Atmosphere During Match
B1c End Of Match
Outdoor Events
B2a Bonfire
B2b Firework Display
B2c Crowd At Festive Occasion
Electrical Sounds
B3a Trimphone Ringing Tone, Receiver Lifted And Replaced
B3b Telephone Ringing Tone, Receiver Lifted And Replaced
B3c Electrical Buzz
B3d Computer Printing
B3e Electrical Fan Hum
B3f Greenwich Time Signal
Country Backgrounds
B4a Devon Hedgerow At Dawn: Birdsong, Stream, Light Breeze
B4b Tractor Ploughing, With Sea Birds Following
B4c Nightingales
Animals And Birds
B5a Sheep, With Birdsong, Stream And Breeze
B5b Pigs Grunting
B5c Geese Dabbling In Water
B5d Horse Approaches And Stops (On Gravel)
B5e Horse Snorts
B5f Stable Atmosphere: Horse Whinnies, Voices, Footsteps

UK p&p = £4 for 1-7 records