This rare ancient Roman coin dating back 2000 years depicts a hand holding a scale on one side and the abbreviation SC (Senato Consulto) on the other. The coin bears the denomination of Quadrans and belongs to the era of Ancient Rome.

It is a rare and valuable piece of history that collectors and enthusiasts would love to add to their collection. The historical period of this coin is Imperial Rome, spanning from 27 BC to 476 AD. The year of minting is estimated to be 41-54 AD, making it a significant piece of history.

The ruler of this coin is Claudius I, who was a famous emperor of Rome.

Claudius (full name Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) was the fourth Roman emperor from 41 to 54 AD. Best known for the successful expansion of Rome into Britain and parts of Africa and the Middle East, Claudius was an accomplished leader who brought forth improvements to the empire's judicial system, passed laws protecting enslaved workers, extended Roman citizenship and gave citizens more rights.

After marrying his niece Agrippina, Claudius adopted her son Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (later the emperor Nero) to satisfy Agrippina's lust for power, much to the disadvantage of his own son Britannicus. Roman tradition is unanimous: Claudius was poisoned by Agrippina on October 13, 54 CE, though the details differ.

Many at the time considered him to be too weak to rule compared to his predecessors, but much was still unknown by the public about the upstart ruler and the only surviving heir of Emperor Augustus.

This coin is sure to catch the eye of collectors and enthusiasts alike, and its historical significance is unparalleled.