Azadmere is the only remaining kingdom of Khuzdul (dwarves) on Hârn. Located high in the Sorkin Mountains of eastern Hârn, the kingdom is centered on the city of Azadmere and includes the mountains surrounding Lake Arain. Founded more than 7,000 years ago, it is now ruled by King Hazmadul III of Clan Tarazakh. The capital city of Azadmere is an impressive walled settlement with a moat, stout double walls, and prominent towers. The Outer City lies between Lake Arain and a massive cliff at the foot of Mount Zaduryn. The workshops of most of the city’s craftsmen are located here, as are the homes of its human residents. The Inner City is carved into the solid rock of the mountain. Its extensive chambers and passages are home to Khuzdul, many of whom work in the Outer City. Very few humans are permitted access to the Inner City. Tunnels from the Inner City lead to numerous mines and to the Godstone that sits at the heart of the mountain. The kingdom’s culture is a unique hybrid of Khuzan and human customs. While almost all Khuzdul live in the city, the human population is centered around the settlement of Habe and the manors that provide much of the kingdom’s food. King Hazmadul’s chief human vassal, Baron Gyndael Kophar, rules with little interference from the king. With its high altitude and poor soil unsuitable for growing wheat, the kingdom supplements its crops with grain from Kaldor. It also imports fine linen, spices, and some luxury items. In return, Azadmere’s primary exports are weapons and armour, gems and jewelry, and artifacts of silver and gold. The Khuzdul have a strong enmity for the gargun that infest the surrounding mountains. In addition to the city walls and towers, the kingdom’s fortifications include the formidable fortress of Zerhun and a ring of smaller forts strategically placed to guard the mountain passes.