The positive response of many photographers and readers to the first volume Hot Cheeks encouraged us to continue this erotic subject with Hot Cheeks Two. A largely different generation of photographers to those included in the first volume jumped at the chance to put provocative bottoms centre stage in thrilling new ways. Over 500 "rear views" show more women with superb figures presenting their firm behinds to the camera. Countless artistic photographers are now partaking in the trend towards naturalness and getting a buzz from slight imperfections. A few wrinkles or dimples, an unruly little hair here and there or even a bit too much of all these things—why not? Ideals of beauty have never stopped changing through the ages, after all—just think of the fleshy curves on paintings by Rubens. In other words, the admirers of plump bottoms will get their money's worth here—and so will those who prefer firm little "buns".

very good condition, near new