The blue items in the LOVE collection will be available in Japan for the first time.

The heartwarming LOVE illustrations resemble the relationship between Snork's old man and the Moomins: the two don't always agree, and sometimes they fall in love with other people, but it always works out in the end.

This is a popular illustration from a Tove Jansson comic from the 1990s.

The love depicted in Moomin Arabia is not only about romance and companionship, but is also inspired by the Moomins' positive and open-minded outlook on life.

The LOVE collection is all about love and connection throughout the year, including Valentine's Day, White Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and a best friend's birthday.

It makes a wonderful gift for your sweetheart or someone you have feelings for, as well as a thank-you gift for friends and family, or a reward for yourself.