White Tea China Yunnan Silver Bud Ya Bao 1kg

In the winter months, wild tea trees grow in the vastness of Yunnan province, from which this exceptional quality comes. The leaves are carefully picked. The changing color nuances of the pure flowers from cream-white to slightly iridescent to moss-green shades is due to the changing weather conditions. The production of this quality is still very original. After the tea is picked, the flowers are dried by the sunlight themselves, hence the nickname of this tea: "white pu-erh". By the further storage also further degrees of maturity can be reached. This process is called "aging". A lovely fragrance, crowned by a freshness in combination with a tart note culminating in a white and golden cup.

White Tea China Yunnan Silver Bud Ya Bao 1kg In the winter months, wild tea trees grow in the vastness of Yunnan province, from which this exceptional quality comes. The leaves are carefully picked. The changing color nuances of the pure flowers from cream-white to slightly iridescent to moss-green shades is due to the changing weather conditions. The production of this quality is still very original. After the tea is picked, the flowers are dried by the sunlight themselves, hence the nickname of this tea: "white pu-erh". By the further storage also further degrees of maturity can be reached. This process is called "aging". A lovely fragrance, crowned by a freshness in combination with a tart note culminating in a white and golden cup.