This is a vintage lens manufactured in the former Soviet Union (USSR). HELIOS-44-2 f2/58mm - one of the most common lenses of the Helios-44 series.

The Helios 44-2 is an interesting lens with an amazing image and a fixed focal length of 58mm. Lens focusing is smooth. The focus ring rotates 270 degrees. The front and rear lenses do not rotate when focusing. The diaphragm has 8 blades. The iris control ring rotates smoothly, stopping at fixed values. The HELIOS-44-2 2/58 has a preset ring diaphragm. With it you can choose one of the fixed values: F / 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16.

The lens has a very specific bokeh function. Like other lenses in the HELIOS-44 family, the 44-2 version swirls in the background (legendary helios "swirling bokeh"). Such a lens can be a great find for a photographer. The optical element of this lens creates a stunning swirling bokeh effect.