Gender A Graphic Guide TPB Icon Books

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Creators: Meg-John Barker, Jules Scheele (Illustrated by)

Publisher: Icon Books
ISBN: 9781785784521
Binding: Trade Paperback
Pages: 176 pages
On Sale Date: 11/7/2019
Dimensions: 10 in H | 6.9 in W | 0.5 in T

An exciting new exploration of gender from the creators of the groundbreaking Queer: A Graphic History
'An outstanding work' - CN Lester, author of Trans Like Me

Join the creators of Queer: A Graphic History ('Could totally change the way you think about sex and gender' VICE) on an illustrated journey of gender exploration.

Is masculinity 'toxic'? Why are public toilets such a political issue? How has feminism changed the available gender roles - and for whom? Why might we all benefit from challenging binary thinking about sex/gender?

In this unique illustrated guide, Meg-John Barker and Jules Scheele travel through our shifting understandings of gender across time and space - from ideas about masculinity and femininity, to non-binary and trans genders, to intersecting experiences of gender, race, sexuality, class, disability and more.

Tackling current debates and tensions, which can divide communities and even cost lives, Barker and Scheele look to the past and the future to explore how we might all approach gender in more caring and celebratory ways.

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