orgonite torus shungite rodin coil

Orgonite Torus with Shungite and Rodin Coil

The Orgonite Torus with Shungite and Rodin Coil is a powerful tool designed to generate beneficial electromagnetic fields for both mental and physical well-being. At its core is the Torus, a vortex coil known for producing a central pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF), highly advantageous for PEMF therapy.

In addition to the PEMF, this orgonite device emits orgonic and tachyonized fields. Its toroidal shape encapsulates various crystals including lemurian quartz, rose quartz, green quartz, tiger's eye, and selenite, along with a mixture of metal filings such as aluminum, copper, and brass.

This combination has been carefully designed to amplify energies and promote harmonious balance. Lemurian quartz, rose quartz, green quartz, tiger's eye, and selenite contribute to this synergy, providing a complete and powerful energy experience.

Furthermore, this device offers the ability to select and amplify specific frequencies for enhanced therapeutic effects. The connection with the cell phone in this model is made through Bluetooth, facilitating remote control of settings. The amplifier connected to the torus is also Bluetooth-enabled.

Included in this package is a 60-watt amplifier with Bluetooth connectivity, the Torus Orgonite Vortex, magnetized hematite, and a 12-volt, 5-ampere power supply.