#3 - Kidnapped by the Fairies
#4 - A Fresh Start
#5 - Arrival in France
# 8 - An Ally Against the Comte
#10 - Lord Broch Tuarach and the Bonnie Prince
#14 - The Birds and the Bees
#15 - A Torturous Truth
#16 - Joseph Duverney, the Minister of Finance
#17 - Idle Hands
#19 - The Prince´s Deception
#24 - A Tenuous Partnership
#26 - Debts Unpaid
#29 - The Impossible Ask
#30 - Time to Flee
#32 - A New Breed of Bandit
#34 - A Promise Broken
#38 - Judged
#39 - Freedom and Forgeiveness
#47 - The Return of the MacKenzies
#49 - Damsel in Distress
#55 - Unexpected Loss
# 60 - Bargaining for Freedom
#61 - Honor Restored
# 63 - A Debt to Mary
#70 - Family Secret
#72 - Checklist


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