Mexican Dream Herb Calea Zacatechichi Lucid Pure Dried Organic Herbal Tea 1Kg+

Mexican Dream Herb

Product Description 

  • Calea zacatechichi, also called dream herb and bitter grass, is a shrub plant that primarily grows in Mexico. It has a long history of use for all kinds of health issues, especially gastrointestinal concerns. Today, it’s a popular herb among people looking to induce hallucinations and try lucid dreaming.

  • Also this herb is frequently used for relaxation and agreed by many herbalists to aid in inducing highly vivid and lucid dreams. Quite a few people believe these dreams enhance their awareness and understanding of the universe on a deeper level.

  • Most people who use Calea zacatechichi ( Dream Herb ) tend to smoke it in a pipe or rolled cigarette, or brew it into a tea. However, the herb has a bitter taste. It might also increase appetite. 

  • It seems to have an effect on sleep that might lengthen shallow sleep patterns, increase dream memory, and increase sleep awakenings throughout the night.People use Calea zacatechichi for anxiety, insomnia, memory and thinking skills, diabetes, and headache


           According to anecdotal reports, this dream herb can have a range of effects on your sleep and the quality of your dreams.

Some reported effects on dreams include

the ability to alter or control your dreams

more vivid, memorable, or longer dreams

an increase in the dreams you experience and remember

a sense of deeper knowledge and understanding of your dreams

People often report

  • Feeling drowsy after taking the herb

  •  lighter sleep

  • Waking up more frequently and easily


Usually made into a tea with other herbs to stave off it’s rather bitter taste. This Herb is also frequently placed into a pillow before bedtime and used to enhance dreams. Many people think it is because of the Aromatic effects of the herb. It is very effective in this way as well.  

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