Death In A Scarlet Gown - The Murray of Letho Series (Book One) 2011 1st Edition Signed Paperback ISBN: 9780956373151
1802. An ancient Scottish university is wracked by murder. A vindictive professor, an uncouth student, and a man seeking ministry lie dead, but who wanted to kill them? Charles Murray, a student with enough problems of his own, is drawn into the mystery, where neither innocuous accidents nor good friends are all they seem.

A Knife in Darkness - Hippolyta Napier Series (Book One) 2016 1st Edition Signed Paperback ISBN: 9781910926215
The distant Scottish spa town of Ballater seems a world away from the stylish and familiar streets of Georgian Edinburgh, but recently married Hippolyta Napier is making a new life amidst its dark woods and pure, flowing waters. But suspicion, intrigue and death await both inside and outside her new home, and the forces of nature take few prisoners.

Tomb For An Eagle - The Orkneyinga Murders Series (Book One) 2018 1st Edition Signed Paperback ISBN: 9781910926444
A man lies under the tawny earth, hands
still clutching the knife that killed him. Thorfinn Sigurdarson, Earl of all Orkney and Caithness, has made a mistake, and he won't let himself forget it. Now rumours have started in the Norse lands that he might be getting a second chance - but should he take it, when it means that dead men are walking?