Fortune Telling
 Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE


 The Ultimate Collection of 

   201 Books         



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  This USB contains 201 interesting books about Fortune Telling.
 You will discover information on many topics such as Crystal ball, Tarot cards, Palm reading, Astrology, Tea leaf reading, Clairvoyance, Numerology, Ouija board, Mediumship, Divination and many more!


             This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Fortune Telling!





A manual of occultism (1914) - Sepharial - 402 pages
Forty lessons in palmistry
(1914) - Zancig, J. - 98 pages
Practical psychomancy and crystal gazing 
(1908) - Atkinson, W. W. - 106 pages

The true fortune-teller or, guide to knowledge
(1698) - n.a. - 216 pages

What your hand reveals
(1922) - Rem, H. - 286 pages

A friendly chat and plain talk about mind reading
(1905) - Cochran, P. A. - 100 pages

A Handbook Of Cartomancy
(1891) - Orient, G. - 136 pages

A handbook of cartomancy; fortune-telling and occult divination 
(1897) - Orient, G. - 136 pages

A Manual Of Cartomancy, Fortune Telling And Occult Divination Including Cagliostro's Mystic Alphabet Of The Magi By Grand Orient 1909
(1909) - n.a. - 314 pages

A manual of cheirosophy
(1885) - Horsley, R. B. - 332 pages

A mirror of palms (
1898) - Stoddard, A. B. - 144 pages

A record of psychic experiences
(1922) - Goerner, G. F. - 266 pages

A Short Course in Scrying
(1998) - Benjamin, R. - 38 pages

A thought-reader's thoughts, being the impressions and confessions of Stuart Cumberland
(1888) - Cumberland, S. C. - 382 pages

Absolute key to occult science; The tarot of the Bohemians
(1892) - Morton, A. O. - 406 pages

Adventurings in the psychical
(1914) - Bruce, H. A. - 336 pages

Ancient Tarot of Marseilles
(n.d.) - Grimaud, B. P. - 27 pages

Apparitions and Thought - Transference
(1915) - Podmore, F. - 492 pages

Astrology, its technics and ethics 
(1917) - Libra, C. - 282 pages

Automatic or spirit writing, with other psychic experiences
(1896) - Underwood, S. A. - 364 pages

Babylonian oil magic in the Talmud and in the later Jewish literature
(1913) - Daiches, S. - 52 pages

Bird divination among the Tibetans 
(1914) - Laufer, B. - 124 pages

Birth Through Death; Ethics Of The Twentieth Plane 
(1920) - Watson, A. D. - 383 pages

Book in Arabic on calendars, planets and astrology
(1816) - n.a. - 314 pages

Book of knowledge; psychic facts
(1903) - Beighle, N. - 568 pages

Card fortune telling; a lucid treatise dealing with all the popular and more abstruse methods
(1920) - Platt, C. - 168 pages

Census of the exact sciences in Sanskrit; Series A Volume 1
(1970) - Pingree, D. E. - 72 pages

Census of the exact sciences in Sanskrit; Series A Volume 2
(1970) - Pingree, D. E. - 160 pages

Census of the exact sciences in Sanskrit; Series A Volume 3
(1970) - Pingree, D. E. - 228 pages

Census of the exact sciences in Sanskrit; Series A Volume 4
(1970) - Pingree, D. E. - 468 pages

Census of the exact sciences in Sanskrit; Series A Volume 5 
(1970) - Pingree, D. E. - 788 pages

Character analysis in condensed form 
(1919) - Rasher, O. M. - 100 pages

Cheiro's language of the hand
(1897) - Cheiro - 316 pages

Cheiro's memoirs; the reminiscences of a society palmist 
(1912) - Cheiro - 266 pages

 Cheirosophy (the hand); a scientific treatise on palmistry illustrated with new discoveries
(1901) - Raphael, A. - 238 pages

Chiromancie nouvelle 
(1859) - Desbarrolles, A. - 636 pages

(1546) - Indagine, J. - 236 pages

(1897) - Grumbine, J. C. F. - 122 pages

(1903) - Leadbeater, C. W. - 192 pages

 Clairvoyance and Crystal Gazing 
(1908) - Stephenson, C. Y. - 76 pages

Clairvoyance and some practical results
(1876) - Botsford, G. - 38 pages

Clairvoyance and thought-transference
(1916) - De Laurence, L. W. - 140 pages

Clairvoyance as exemplified in 'The fifth force'; a new philosophy for the guidance of humanity during the coming cycle
(1915) - Lair, A. W. - 72 pages

 Clairvoyance, the system of philosophy concerning the divinity of clairvoyance; also a treatise on divination and crystal reading
(1904) - Grumbine, J. C. F. - 168 pages

Clairvoyance; a system of philosophy concerning its law
(1899) - Grumbine, J. C. F. - 132 pages

Comforts Palmistry Guide
(1894) - Cheiro - 68 pages

Crystal Gazing
(1926) - Zancing, J. - 26 pages

Crystal Gazing (How to Do It)
(1920) - Carrington, H. - 10 pages

 Crystal gazing; its history and practice, with a discussion of the evidence for telepathic scrying
(1905) - Thomas, N. W. - 226 pages

 Crystal vision through crystal gazing
(1923) - Achad, F. - 136 pages

Crystal-gazing and spiritual clairvoyance
(1916) - De Laurence, L. W. - 108 pages

De Laurence Crystal Gazing And Spiritual Clairvoyance
(n.d.) - n.a. - 99 pages

De Laurence Illustrated Key To The Tarot
(1918) - n.a. - 176 pages

Der Tarot
(1920) - Kurtzahn, E. - 120 pages

 Descriptive mentality from the head, face and hand 
(1899) - Merton, H. W. - 239 pages

Dictionnaire synonimique du livre de Thot 
(1791) - Alliette - 112 pages

Divination For Beginners Reading Past, Present And Future 
(n.d.) - Cunningham, S. - 238 pages

Divinatory miscellany; manuscript 
(n.d.) - n.a. - 106 pages

Divine inspiration; psychic research of the great beyond
(1916) - Williams, J. W. - 100 pages

Dreams and premonitions 
(1923) - Rogers, L. W. - 156 pages

Easy lessons for the unfoldment and realization of psychometry, clairvoyance, and inspiration
(1900) - Grumbine, J. C. F. - 56 pages

Eusapia Palladino and her phenomena
(1909) - Carrington, H. - 395 pages

 Everybody's astrology
(1922) - Jensen, M. - 58 pages

 Everybody's book of luck 
(1900) - n.a. - 196 pages

First lessons in palmistry
(1897) - Geffney, C. T. E. - 68 pages

Fixed stars; or, An analyzation and refutation of astrology
(1814) - Beaumont, G. - 152 pages

Fortunes and dreams 
(1917) - Cielo, A. - 244 pages

Fortune-telling in America today; A study of advertisements 
(1895) - Bolton, H. C. - 9 pages

 Goetic Divination
(n.d.) - Kent, J. S. - 27 pages

Greek divination; a study of its methods and principles 
(1913) - Halliday, W. R. - 336 pages

Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling, illustrated by numerous incantations, specimens of medical magic, anecdotes, and tales
(1891) - Leland, C. G. - 296 pages

Hand book of games and pastimes 
(1887) - n.a. - 104 pages

Heliocentric Astrology
(1918) - Merton, H. W. - 298 pages

Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquité Vol.1
(1879) - Bouché-Leclercq, A. - 404 pages

Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquité Vol.2
(1879) - Bouché-Leclercq, A. - 428 pages

Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquité Vol.3
(1879) - Bouché-Leclercq, A. - 428 pages

Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquité Vol.4
(1879) - Bouché-Leclercq, A. - 422 pages

How to know people by their hands
(1938) - Ranald, J. - 160 pages

Human experience
(1894) - Telfer, T. - 44 pages

Human hand
(1958) - Revesz, G. - 154 pages

Indian palmistry
(1895) - Dale, J. B. - 76 pages

Innocent amusement, or the heiroglyphical fortune teller
(1832) - Napoleon, I. - 36 pages

Introduction To The Study Of The Tarot 
(1920) - Case, P. F. - 47 pages

Key to palmistry
(1902) - Williams, L. - 82 pages

Le ingeniose sorti
(1550) - Marcolini, F. - 219 pages

Le plaisant iev dv dodechedron de fortune, non moins recreatif, que subtil & ingenieux
(1560) - Jean, M. - 200 pages

Le quadruple oracle des dames et des demoiselles
(1862) - Angers, H. - 200 pages

Les sciences physionomiques; leur passé et leur présent
(1908) - Godard, C. - 68 pages

Lessons in astrology
(1898) - Erickson, J. - 130 pages

Lessons in palmistry; studies of the eye and planetary influences 
(1901) - Gaffney, C. T. E. - 102 pages

Looking Into The Future
(1906) - Goldston, W. - 23 pages

Madam Clara's Two-Penny Oracle Little White Book
(n.d.) - Clara, M. - 48 pages

Madame Zadkiel's Fortune teller and mirror of fate
(1884) - Haney, J. - 168 pages

Magic And Divination In Ancient Palestine And Syria 
(1996) - Ann, J. - 304 pages

Magic, black and white; charms and counter charms. Divination and demonology among the Hindus, Hebrews, Arabs and Egyptians
(1910) - Davies, T. W. - 154 pages

 Man is a spirit; a collection of spontaneous cases of dream, vision and ecstasy
(1918) - Hill, J. A. - 209 pages

Man visible and invisible; examples of different types of men as seen by means of trained clairvoyance 
(1920) - Leadbeater, C. W. - 220 pages

Man; whence, how and whither; a record of clairvoyant investigation
(1913) - Besant, A. W. - 566 pages

Manfs revealing hand 
(1934) - Jaquin, N. - 176 pages

Manual of psychometry; the dawn of a new civilization 
(1885) - Buchanan, J. R. - 528 pages

Marguerite Hunter; Descriptive Of Life In The Material And Spiritual Spheres
(1894) - Courtney, H. H. - 280 pages

Meditations on the Tarot 
(n.d.) - n.a. - 657 pages

Mehemet Ali's Oriental interpretation of dreams
(1873) - Kayser, C. F. F. - 138 pages

 Mesmerism tried by the touchstone of truth
(1848) - Corfe, G. - 44 pages

Mesopotamian Magic
(1999) - Abusch, I. - 328 pages

Mind reading
(1875) - Frzer, P. - 32 pages

 Mind-reading and beyond 
(1885) - Hovey, W. A. - 219 pages

Modern psychical phenomena, recent researches and speculations 
(1919) - Carrington, H. - 390 pages

Mother Bunch's closet newly broke open, and the History of Mother Bunch of the West
(1885) - Gomme, G. L. - 56 pages

Mother Shipton's Gipsy fortune teller and dream book
(1890) - Wehman, A. - 74 pages

Napoleon's Oraculum and dream book 
(1884) - n.a. - 68 pages

Natural and mesmeric clairvoyance 
(1975) - Esdaile, J. - 305 pages

 New discoveries in palmistry
(1901) - Hargett, J. B. - 247 pages

Niblo's The complete palmist;a practical guide to the study of cheirognomy and cheiromancy
(1900) - Niblo, E. - 248 pages

Oracles from the poets; a fanciful diversion for the drawing room
(1845) - Gilman, C. H. - 274 pages

Our gipsies in city, tent, and van
(1885) - Morwood, V. S. - 411 pages

Pahlavi cartomalcy or card reading; a new and complete method adapted to the Pahlavi cards 
(1904) - Mounton, S. A. - 80 pages

(1886) - Sweet, G. H. - 166 pages

Palmistry For All
(1894) - Cheiro - 202 pages

Perin's science of palmistry; a complete and authentic treatise
(1902) - Perin, C. L. - 252 pages

Personality and telepathy 
(1911) - Constable, F. C. - 356 pages

Philosophic chiromancy
(1879) - Campbell, R. A. - 210 pages

Popular pastimes for amusement and instruction
(1901) - Northrop, H. D. - 390 pages

Practical cheirosophy, a synoptical study of the science of the hand
(1887) - Heron-Allen, E. - 140 pages

Practical mind reading; a course of lessons on thought-transference, telepathy, mental-currents, mental rapport, etc.
(1908) - Atkinson, W. W. - 104 pages

Practical palmistry; a treatise on chirosophy based upon actual experiences
(1895) - Frith, H. - 174 pages

Practical palmistry; or, Hand reading simplified 
(1897) - Saint-Germain, C. - 334 pages

Practical views on psychic phenomena
(1920) - Wright, G. E. - 156 pages

 Prophetical, educational and playing cards
(1912) - Van Rensselaer, J. K. - 432 pages

Psychical phenomena and the war
(1918) - Carrington, H. - 383 pages

(1850) - Haddock, J. W. - 128 pages

Psychology of the hand
(1919) - Lindsay, G. A. - 104 pages

Raphael's witch; or the oracle of the future 
(1831) - Blewitt, J. - 222 pages

Revelations of the hand
(1900) - McIvor-Tyndall, A. J. - 208 pages

 Seership; the magnetic mirror 
(1870) - Randolph, P. B. - 110 pages

Signs and symbols of palmistry
(1914) - Wise, M. - 72 pages

Six Lessons in Crystal Gazing
(1928) - Nelson, R. A. - 28 pages

Somnolism & psycheism, or, The science of the soul and the phenomena of nervation, as revealed by vital magnetism or mesmerism
(1851) - Haddock, J. W. - 266 pages

Spirit Intercourse, Its Theory And Practice
(1917) - McKenzie, J. H. - 310 pages

Studies in psychical research
(1897) - Podmore, F. - 480 pages

Tarot Get The Whole Story
(2004) - Willis, J. - 238 pages

Tarot Of Marseilles
(n.d.) - n.a. - 36 pages

(1910) - Grumbine, J. C. F. - 110 pages

 Telepathy and the subliminal self
; an account of recent investigations regarding hypnotism, automatism, dreams, phantasms, and related phenomena (1897) - Mason, R. O. - 370 pages

Telepathy, genuine and fraudulent 
(1918) - Baggally, W. W. - 92 pages

Telling fortunes by cards
(1916) - Case, C. B. - 176 pages

Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves
(1946) - Kent, C. - 184 pages

The Art of Crystal Gazing
(1922) - Clayton, H. - 17 pages

The Astral World And Higher Occult Powers
(1910) - Tiffany, J. - 220 pages

The book of fate; formerly in the possession of and used by Napoleon 
(1923) - Kirchenhoffer, H. - 122 pages

The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients
(1735) - Pater, E. - 178 pages

The book of palmestry and physiognomy
(1651) - Indagine, J. - 244 pages

The Book of remarkable characters and events
(1850) - n.a. - 392 pages

The Book Of Tarot
(1981) - n.a. - 99 pages

The case for and against psychical belief
(1927) - Murchison, C. - 400 pages

The Christmas rose
(1879) - Wood, H. J. - 52 pages

The elements of astrology
(1898) - Broughton, L. D. - 522 pages

The floral fortune-teller; a game for the season of flowers 
(1847) - Mayo, S. C. E. - 162 pages

The Folly of fortune telling
(1838) - n.a. - 20 pages

The golden wheel dream-book and fortune-teller 
(1862) - Fontaine, F. - 202 pages

The grammar of palmistry
(1893) - Katherine, H. - 134 pages

The Graven Palm; A Manual Of The Science Of Palmistry
(1911) - Robinson, A. - 349 pages

The hand and its lines; a short treatise on palmistry
(1902) - La Seer, E. J. - 46 pages

The History Of Playing Cards, with anecdotes of their use In Conjuring, Fortune Telling & Card Sharping 
(1865) - Taylor, E. S. - 594 pages

The illustrated key to the tarot, the veil of divination, illustrating the greater and lesser arcana, embracing
(1918) - De Laurence, L. W. - 184 pages

The illustrated key to the tarot; the veil of divination
(1916) - De Laurence, L. W. - 188 pages

The Key of Destiny
(1928) - Curtiss, H. A. - 398 pages

The language of the hand, being a concise exposition of the principles and practice of the art of reading the hand
(1899) - Frith, H. - 168 pages

The magical ritual of the sanctum regnum; interpreted by the tarot trumps 
(1896) - Lévi, E. - 156 pages

The mind telegraph; a treatise on the telepathic influence of the human will 
(1901) - Stay, J. B. - 78 pages

The model book of dreams, fortune teller, and epitome of parlor entertainments 
(1864) - Ottley, C. M. - 352 pages

The mysteries of astrology, and the wonders of magic
(1854) - Roback, C. W. - 250 pages

The mystic oracle, or, The complete fortune-teller and dream book
(1893) - Lupton, F. M. - 80 pages

The mystic test book
(1919) - Richmond, O. H. - 348 pages

The mystic test book of 'The Hindu occult chambers'
(1909) - De Laurence, L. W. - 206 pages

The natural order of spirit; a psychic study and experience 
(1915) - Graves, L. C. - 402 pages

The new and complete fortune teller
(1816) - n.a. - 118 pages

The omnium-gatherum, or, The American fortune-teller 
(1872) - Yarrington, J. T. - 62 pages

The oracle of human destiny
(1825) - Le Normand, M. A. - 140 pages

The original Norwood gipsy; or, the fortune-teller's sure guide
(1840) - Ficnh, M. - 26 pages

The religious system of the Amazulu; Izinyanga zokubula
; or, Divination, as existing among the Amazulu, in their own words, with a translation into English, and notes (1870) - Callaway, H. - 468 pages

The science of palmistry and its relations to astrology and phrenology
(1901) - Smith, I. M. - 164 pages

The science of the hand, or, The art of recognising the tendencies of the human mind by the observation of the formations of the hands
(1886) - Arpentigny, C. S. - 478 pages

The seaside sibyl 
(1882) - n.a. - 36 pages

The secret book of the black arts
(1878) - Wiliams, H. - 227 pages

The Shakesperean oracle
(1855) - Shakespeare, W. - 158 pages

The song of Sano Tarot 
(n.d.) - Fullwood, N. - 236 pages

The spherical basis of astrology 
(1908) - Dalton, J. G. - 82 pages

The square of sevens; an authoritative system of cartomancy
(1900) - Antrobus, R. - 110 pages

The tarot of the Bohemians; the most ancient book in the world; for the exclusive use of initiates 
(1896) - Papus - 403 pages

The Tarot Of The Magicians
(1985) - Weiser, S. - 239 pages

The Universal fortune teller; being sure and certain directions for discovering the secrets of futurity
(1860) - Fortey, W. S. - 16 pages

The witches' dream book and fortune teller
(1885) - Noe, A. H. - 140 pages

The witches of New York
(1859) - Doesticks, Q. K. - 414 pages

Theodore Besterman, Crystal Gazing
(1924) - Besterman, T. - 210 pages

Thought transference; a critical and historical review of the evidence for telepathy
(1905) - Thomas, N. W. - 248 pages

Thoughts on things psychic
(1911) - Kenilworth, W. W. - 250 pages

True fortune teller; or universal book of fate
(1769) - Crawhall, J. - 32 pages

 Truths concerning communication and thought transmission
(1913) - Sherrill, M. B. - 56 pages

Witchcraft; or The art of fortune-telling unveiled 
(1805) - Pinchbeck, W. F. - 112 pages

Your future revealed by the gods of Greece, in the words of Shakespere
(1893) - Windsor, R. - 40 pages 


Here are a few images from the collection:



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