1982 JV Squier Precision Bass.

This is the 57 version that was originally 2 tone sunburst. Has the raised pole pieces on the pickup, and the cloth wiring ,all electrics are original. Non original Mighty Mite scratch plate.

The neck is beautifully worn and gorgeous and slim to play. The frets are in very good condition. Truss rod works fine although the nut is slightly rusted. Professionally set up by my luthier. The lacquer on the back of the neck has been sanded, which makes it more comfortable and fast to play

When I bought this many years ago it had been stripped down to the wood with only slight evidence of the original finish beneath the scratch plate. I had it professionally refinished for the aged Olympic White feel and the job is spectacular. Best paint job I ever had done for sure.

Original reverse tuners and hootenanny button.

There's a reason why these basses are so sought after, just as good if not better in my opinion as the American precisions of the era. It's a beautiful bass and plays just as it should. Sad to see it go but I no longer use it, which is such a shame and someone should enjoy this beast! I've had a few precisions and this is the nicest all round for sure.

Has no hard case but I will ship in a Fender gig bag and it will be very well packed and insured.

Happy to answer any questions or send more photos on request.