This lot of 10 Cisco CP-8851 IP phones is the perfect solution for any business looking for a unified VoIP communication system. The phones are designed to provide high-quality audio and video calls, with advanced features such as programmable keys, Bluetooth connectivity, and a large color display. The Cisco CP-8851 phones are also compatible with Cisco's unified communication platform, making them easy to integrate into any existing system. These phones are ideal for any business environment, from small offices to large enterprises. They are easy to use, with a user-friendly interface, and can be configured to meet the specific needs of your business. With this lot of 10 phones, you can easily equip your entire office with the latest technology in communication. Whether you are looking to upgrade your current system or start a new one, the Cisco CP-8851 phones are the perfect solution.

Shipped from Canada
There will be a total of 10 phones shipped like you see in the picture, all in similar condition