63 Med 45

Bronze medal from the Paris Mint (cornucopia hallmark from 1880).
Minted in 1934.
Beautiful strike, volumes and patina.

Engraver/artist  : Albert Herbemont .

Dimension : 89mm.
Weight : 305 g.
Metal : bronze.

Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)  : cornucopia + bronze.

Quick and neat delivery.

The easel is not for sale.
The stand is not for sale.

The Charité hospital in Lyon is a former hospital intended to receive the poor wanderers built in the 17th century in Lyon.

In 1933, it was destroyed due to unsanitary conditions and only the church tower, built according to a sketch by Bernini, was preserved1.

    1 Location
    2 History
    3 Architec
63 Med 45 Bronze medal from the Paris Mint (cornucopia hallmark from 1880). Minted in 1934. Beautiful strike, volumes and patina. Engraver/artist  : Albert Herbemont . Dimension : 89mm. Weight : 305 g. Metal : bronze. Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)  : cornucopia + bronze. Quick and neat delivery. The easel is not for sale. The stand is not for sale. The Charité hospital in Lyon is a former hospital intended to receive the poor wanderers built in the 17th century in Lyon. In 1933, it was destroyed due to unsanitary conditions and only the church tower, built according to a sketch by Bernini, was preserved1. Summary     1 Location     2 History     3 Architec