Buava Cages are made from high quality materials, prioritizing customer satisfaction. Production is small, but with excellent quality, giving great importance to all the details of a cage. Our cages are made from recycled or demolished wood!

          Our store, Gaiolas Buava, promises the best in quality bird cages. We also offer products for farm animals such as chickens and horses, and for domestic animals such as dogs, cats, jabutis and others. We also have products for aquarists. In our store you can find everything with great quality for your animal.

Product description:

Buava Cage, number 6 made entirely of coconut palm, super different and exclusive cage, with a striped finish, the cage contains 2(two) side runners with a vertically opening guillotine door, 1(one) main spring door, 1(one) luxury two-function hook, and luxury accessories.

Its tray is enveloped in black paper and can be removed from the side.

Comes with:

1(one) tall trough with perches (made from coconut palm), 1(one) traditional maritaca, 1(one) front maritaca, 4(four) vitamin holders and 3(three) perches with clips


Length: 18.70 inches

Width: 8.46 inches

Height: 21.06 inches