This army includes all of the following plus, a shoulder strap for the case, and the extra bits that I collected that are space wolves themed. Also if you would like to see more photos, then please message me!

Battle Foam puck foam 352 case

Ragnar Blackmane

Bojn fell-handed

Ulirk the slayer

Fen wolves

Thunder wolf Calvary

Hounds of morkai

Logan grimnar

Leman Russ, Primach (partially build, not painted)

Grey Slayers Upgrade (OoP)


Assault Intercessors

Horus Heresy Space Wolves Dice (OoP)

These next items are not assembled or painted

Atlan Forge(3rd party knock off) rune priest

Atlan Forge(3rd party knock off) iron priest

Atlan Forge(3rd party knock off) Viking themed bits