7? Reel to Reel Recording Tape - BULK ERASED.


Length and content (if not bulk erased) unknown. Please see the images, which are of the actual tape(s) being offered for sale. 

WHAT IS A  BULK ERASED TAPE ? It is a tape which has been erased on a special piece of equipment called a BULK ERASER. The process involves time, effort and additional cost  which is reflected in the asking price for the tape(s).

WHY BULK ERASE? Reel To Reel Tapes can be erased or recoded over using the tape recorder recording facility. But if the previous recording has been made on a two or half track machine and the new recording is made on a four or quarter track machine, the tape will still retain some of the recording made with the half track machine.
A BULK ERASER wipes the ENTIRE tape, and is said to restore its performance to that of a new tape. It is also QUICKER and saves WEAR AND TEAR of the recording head(s).

Some of my tapes for sale have been BULK ERASED, and that will be clearly shown in the description. Where this is not mentioned, the tapes have NOT been erased.