When your dog is in the prime of his life, he needs a quality dog food that keeps up. Hill's® Science Diet® Adult dry dog food uses a high-quality protein source for lean muscles, natural fibers for healthy digestion and omega-6s for a beautiful coat. Specially formulated to make grown dogs come running for mealtime, this adult food provides the right balance of nutrients to help your grown-up dog live a happy, healthy life. Science Diet dog food made with natural ingredients is #1 Veterinarian Recommended and is formulated for great taste adult dogs love. There’s more to love with the new look of Science Diet®. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes & new formulas. ▸ Made with natural ingredients uses high quality, easy-to-digest ingredients to fuel the specific energy needs of your full-grown dog ▸ Helps maintain beautiful skin and a healthy coat by providing a precise balance of omega-6 & vitamin E ▸ Supports lean muscle growth and maintenance in your adult dog with a premium source of high-quality protein ▸ Packed with natural fibers to promote healthy digestion for your fully grown dog ▸ Made with natural ingredients