Rock Band 4 plus Rivals Expansion for PS4 (Google says this will also work on PS5)
INCLUDES Pro Cymbals Expansion Kit.
It includes drums, a drum foot pedal, Blue Jaguar Fender guitar, microphone, and pro cymbals expansion kit.

Drums and Guitar are wireless, microphone is wired.

This mostly brand new. I think I've played it once over the past few years and all I played was the guitar, so the drums and pro-cymbal expansion kit is unused.

Game itself is free of any scratches or cosmetic issues.

One cosmetic issue is on the box itself, as seen in photos part of the inside of the box has some tears in it, but when the box is closed that part is on the inside and unseen. Other than that the box is in mostly excellent condition. It's been sitting in storage, now we're selling our house and buying a new one so everything we don't use is being sold!