This ancient Celtic Iberian coin, minted in Kastilo and with only 115 pieces documented, is a must have for any collector. It is 2000 years old and is sure to be a great addition to your collection.

Kastilo or Castulo was located in modern-day Cazlona in Linares, province of Jaen. It was the seat of the Oretani, an Iberian tribe that settled in the north of the Guadalquivir valley in the beginning of the 6th century BC. According to tradition, a local princess named Himilce married Hannibal and gained the alliance of the city with the Carthaginian Empire. In 211 BC, Castulo was the site of Hasdrubal Barca's crushing victory over the Roman army with a force of roughly 40,000 Carthaginian troops plus local Iberian mercenaries. Thereafter, the Romans made a pact with the residents of the city who betrayed the Carthaginians, and they became foederati (allied people) of Rome. Kastilo issued many and diverse coins with both indigenous and Latin inscriptions. The Oretani people were known for their coins and this one is very rare with only 115 known of this coin (12/23).

As with coins of this period, there is a great deal of wear and environmental issues. At some point in this coins usage, thousands of years ago, it was either clipped or minted as such.

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