Kodak Gold 200 Color 35mm Film (24 Exposures)

Kodak Gold 200 is a medium-speed, daylight-balanced color negative film offering a versatile combination of vivid color saturation, fine grain and high image sharpness. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200/24° along with a wide exposure latitude for exposing up to two stops under or three stops over to enable working in a wide variety of lighting conditions. Additionally, due to the fine grain structure, this film is well-suited for scanning or enlarging your photographs.

This item is nine 24 exposure rolls of 35mm film & three 36 exposure rolls of 35mm film.

In addition to the above, also included is a single roll of Fuji 24 exposure roll of 35mm film and a single Kodak MAX single-use outdoor camera.

All film and camera is certainly expired but dates are unknown as film is all unboxed but in plastic tubes.  Outdoor camera expired 11/2005
Film format35mm
Exposures9 rolls @ 24 & 3 rolls @ 36
Film typeColor