This is a high-quality straight razor from the renowned brand Wade & Butcher, made in Sheffield, England. With a history dating back to 1818, this razor is a piece of collectible history that's sure to impress any shaving enthusiast. The razor is shave-ready and has been well-maintained, ensuring a smooth and comfortable shaving experience.

The razor is perfect for those who appreciate traditional shaving methods and are looking for an authentic piece to add to their collection. The brand is known for its quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, making this razor a valuable addition to any straight razor collection. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of history and elevate your shaving experience.

Fully refurbished and rescaled.

Medium sized hollow ground.

Brass hardware all around.

Honed to 10k.

Further honing available at no extra cost to buyer. Just msg me at time of purchase.