Information about Dr. Reckeweg Jaborandi Mother Tincture Q

Dr. Reckeweg Jaborandi Mother Tincture Q is primarily used to treat hair fall and premature greying of hair. Jaborandi is a natural hair tonic that helps in strengthening hair follicles and prevents hair fall and baldness. Jaborandi is also used to treat conditions of perspiration, stomach disorder such as diarrhoea and related issues.

Key Ingredients:

It is indicated for various hair and stomach-related conditions like hair fall, hair greying, baldness, diarrhoea and related issues.

Key Benefits:
  • Jaborandi Mother Tincture Q is used for the treatment of hair fall and its associated conditions
  • Strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair fall
  • Jaborandi has natural sedative properties and is helpful in correcting sleeping disorders
  • It is also used in treating problems related to thyroid and goiter
  • Treats conditions of drowsiness due to stoppage of perspiration and salivation and the secreted parts become excessively dry
  • Based on its homoeopathic composition, it is safe to use and has no side effects

Take 10 drops of Dr Reckeweg Jaborandi Mother Tincture diluted with half a cup of water thrice a day