4 x 5 original color transparency photo by Gordon parks  from "THE SUPER COPS" (1974), starring DAVID SELBY and RON LEIBMAN. Very rare. Even though the photo shown may make the slide appear with marks or out of focus, it is in magnificent condition, with no marks at all and sharp as a whistle.

Gordon Parks, one of the most celebrated African American artists of his time, is the subject of this exhibition of groundbreaking photographs of Fort Scott, Kansas—focusing on the realities of life under segregation during the 1940s, but also relating to Parks’s own fascinating life story.

In 1948, Gordon Parks (1912–2006) became the first African American photographer to be hired full time by LIFE magazine. One of the rare African American photojournalists in the field, Parks was frequently given magazine assignments involving social issues that his white colleagues were not asked to cover. In 1950, Parks returned to his hometown in Kansas to make a series of photographs meant to accompany an article that he planned to call “Back to Fort Scott.”

Fort Scott was the town that he had left more than 20 years earlier, when after his mother died, he found himself—a teenager and the youngest of 15 children—suddenly having to make his own way in the world. He used this assignment to revisit early memories of his birthplace, many involving serious racial discrimination, and to reconnect with childhood friends, all of whom had attended the same all-black grade school as Parks. One of the most visually rich and captivating of all his projects, Parks’s photographs, now owned by The Gordon Parks Foundation, were slated to appear in April 1951, but the photo essay was never published. This exhibition represents a rarely seen view of everyday lives of African American citizens, years before the Civil Rights movement began in earnest.

The Super Cops is a 1974 film starring Ron Leibman and David Selby, directed by Gordon Parks. The film is based on the book The Super Cops: The True Story Of The Cops Called Batman and Robin by L.H. Whittemore. The film was released the year after the successful cop movie Serpico (also based on a true story).


    1 Plot
    2 In other media
    3 DVD Release
    4 External links


Two rookie policemen, Dave Greenberg and Rob Hantz, straight out of the NYPD police academy, want to do more than traffic control. They have their own ideas about fighting crime against drug dealers, criminals and corrupt cops in Brooklyn.
In other media

The Archie Comics superhero imprint Red Circle Comics published one issue of a Super Cops comic book (with stories written by Marv Channing) in July 1974.
DVD Release

On January 19, 2011, film director Edgar Wright requested a DVD release of The Super Cops from the Warner Archive on Twitter, and Warner responded by announcing a remastered manufactured on-demand edition of The Super Cops. The film was released on DVD via the Warner Archive Collection on September 13, 2011.

Gordon Parks (November 30, 1912 – March 7, 2006) was an American photographer, musician, writer and film director. He is best remembered for his photographic essays for Life magazine and as the director of the 1971 film Shaft.[2]


    1 Early life
    2 Career
        2.1 Photography
        2.2 Film
        2.3 Composing music
        2.4 Writing
    3 As subject for others
    4 Personal life
    5 Legacy
        5.1 Awards
    6 Works
        6.1 Books
        6.2 Compilations of poetry and photography
        6.3 Films
        6.4 Music
    7 See also
    8 References
    9 Other sources
        9.1 Primary source materials
        9.2 Additional article length works
        9.3 Books about Parks
        9.4 Documentaries on or including Parks
    10 External links

Early life

Parks was born in Fort Scott, Kansas, the son of Sarah (née Ross) and Jackson Parks.[3] He was the last child born to them. His father was a farmer who grew corn, beets, turnips, potatoes, collard greens, and tomatoes. They also had a few ducks, chickens, and hogs.[4]

He attended a segregated elementary school. The town was too small to afford a separate high school that would facilitate segregation of the secondary school, but blacks were not allowed to play sports or attend school social activities,[5] and they were discouraged from developing any aspirations for higher education. Parks related in a documentary on his life that his teacher told him that his desire to go to college would be a waste of money.

When Parks was eleven years old, three white boys threw him into the Marmaton River, knowing he couldn't swim. He had the presence of mind to duck underwater so they wouldn't see him make it to land.[6]

His mother died when he was fourteen. He spent his last night at the family home sleeping beside his mother's coffin, seeking not only solace, but a way to face his own fear of death.[7] Soon after, he was sent to live with relatives. That situation ended with Parks being turned out onto the street to fend for himself.

In 1929, he briefly worked in a gentlemen's club, the Minnesota Club. There he not only observed the trappings of success, but was able to read many books from the club library.[8] When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 brought an end to the club, he jumped a train to Chicago,[9] where he managed to land a job in a flophouse.[10]

At the age of 25, Parks was struck by photographs of migrant workers in a magazine and bought his first camera, a Voigtländer Brillant, for $12.50 at a Seattle, Washington, pawnshop.[11] The photography clerks who developed Parks' first roll of film, applauded his work and prompted him to seek a fashion assignment at a women's clothing store in St. Paul, Minnesota, that was owned by Frank Murphy. Those photographs caught the eye of Marva Louis, the elegant wife of heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis. She encouraged Parks to move to Chicago in 1940,[12] where he began a portrait business and specialized in photographs of society women.

Over the next few years, Parks moved from job to job, developing a freelance portrait and fashion photographer sideline. He began to chronicle the city's South Side black ghetto and, in 1941, an exhibition of those photographs won Parks a photography fellowship with the Farm Security Administration (FSA).
American Gothic, Washington, D.C. – a well-known photograph by Gordon Parks

Working as a trainee under Roy Stryker, Parks created one of his best-known photographs, American Gothic, Washington, D.C.,[13] named after the iconic Grant Wood painting, American Gothic. The photograph shows a black woman, Ella Watson, who worked on the cleaning crew of the FSA building, standing stiffly in front of an American flag hanging on the wall, a broom in one hand and a mop in the background. Parks had been inspired to create the image after encountering racism repeatedly in restaurants and shops in the segregated capital city.
A later photograph in the FSA series by Parks shows Ella Watson and her family

Upon viewing the photograph, Stryker said that it was an indictment of America, and that it could get all of his photographers fired.[14] He urged Parks to keep working with Watson, however, which led to a series of photographs of her daily life. Parks said later that his first image was overdone and not subtle; other commentators have argued that it drew strength from its polemical nature and its duality of victim and survivor, and so has affected far more people than his subsequent pictures of Mrs. Watson.[15]

After the FSA disbanded, Parks remained in Washington, D.C. as a correspondent with the Office of War Information.[16] Finally, disgusted with the prejudice he encountered, however, he resigned in 1944. Moving to Harlem, Parks became a freelance fashion photographer for Vogue. He later followed Stryker to the Standard Oil Photography Project in New Jersey, which assigned photographers to take pictures of small towns and industrial centers. The most striking work by Parks during that period included, Dinner Time at Mr. Hercules Brown's Home, Somerville, Maine (1944); Grease Plant Worker, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1946); Car Loaded with Furniture on Highway (1945); and Ferry Commuters, Staten Island, N.Y. (1946).

Parks renewed his search for photography jobs in the fashion world. Despite racist attitudes of the day, the Vogue editor, Alexander Liberman, hired him to shoot a collection of evening gowns. Parks photographed fashion for Vogue for the next few years and he developed the distinctive style of photographing his models in motion rather than poised. During this time, he published his first two books, Flash Photography (1947) and Camera Portraits: Techniques and Principles of Documentary Portraiture (1948).

A 1948 photographic essay on a young Harlem gang leader won Parks a staff job as a photographer and writer with Life magazine. For 20 years, Parks produced photographs on subjects including fashion, sports, Broadway, poverty, and racial segregation, as well as portraits of Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Muhammad Ali, and Barbra Streisand. He became "one of the most provocative and celebrated photojournalists in the United States."[17]

An exhibition of photographs from a 1950 project Parks completed for Life magazine is scheduled for 2015 at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.[18] He returned to his hometown, Fort Scott, Kansas, where segregation persisted, and he documented conditions in the community and the contemporary lives of many of his eleven classmates from the segregated middle school they attended. The project included his commentary, but the work never was published by the magazine. The exhibition of 42 of those photographs is entitled "Gordon Parks: Back to Fort Scott" and the opening date of the exhibit is January 17, 2015.

In the 1950s, Parks worked as a consultant on various Hollywood productions. He later directed a series of documentaries on black ghetto life that were commissioned by National Educational Television.

With his film adaptation of his autobiographical novel, The Learning Tree in 1969, Parks became Hollywood's first major black director. It was filmed in his home town of Fort Scott, Kansas.[19] Parks also wrote the screenplay and composed the musical score for the film, with assistance from his friend, the composer Henry Brant.

Shaft, a 1971 detective film directed by Parks and starring Richard Roundtree as John Shaft, became a major hit that spawned a series of films that would be labeled as, blaxploitation. Parks' feel for settings was confirmed by Shaft, with its portrayal of the super-cool leather-clad, black private detective hired to find the kidnapped daughter of a Harlem racketeer.

Parks also directed the 1972 sequel, Shaft's Big Score, in which the protagonist finds himself caught in the middle of rival gangs of racketeers. Parks's other directorial credits include The Super Cops (1974) and Leadbelly (1976), a biopic of the blues musician Huddie Ledbetter.

In the 1980s, he made several films for television and composed the music and a libretto for Martin, a ballet tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr., which premiered in Washington, D.C. during 1989. It was screened on national television on King's birthday in 1990.

In 2000, as an homage, he had a cameo appearance in the Shaft sequel that starred Samuel L. Jackson in the title role as the namesake and nephew of the original John Shaft. In the cameo scene, Parks was sitting playing chess when Jackson greeted him as, "Mr. P.".
Composing music

His first job was as a piano player in a brothel when he was a teenager.[20] Parks also performed as a jazz pianist. His song "No Love", composed in another brothel, was performed during a national radio broadcast by Larry Funk and his orchestra in the early 1930s.[21]

Parks composed Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1953) at the encouragement of black American conductor, Dean Dixon, and his wife Vivian, a pianist,[22] and with the help of the composer Henry Brant.[23] He completed Tree Symphony in 1967. In 1989, he composed and directed Martin, a ballet dedicated to Martin Luther King, Jr., the civil rights leader who had been assassinated.

Beginning in the 1960s, Parks branched out into literature, writing The Learning Tree (1963). He authored several books of poetry, which he illustrated with his own photographs, and he wrote three volumes of memoirs.

In 1981, Parks turned to fiction with Shannon, a novel about Irish immigrants fighting their way up the social ladder in turbulent early 20th-century New York. Parks' writing accomplishments include novels, poetry, autobiography, and non-fiction that includes photographic instructional manuals and filmmaking books. During this period, Parks also wrote the poem entitled, "The Funeral".
As subject for others

Gordon Parks was the subject of film and print profiles produced by others, notably, Half Past Autumn in 2000. A gallery exhibition of his photography-related, abstract oil paintings was held in 1981.
Personal life

Parks was married and divorced three times. He married Sally Alvis in Minneapolis during 1933 [24] and they divorced in 1961. He married Elizabeth Campbell in 1962 and they divorced in 1973. Parks first met Genevieve Young in 1962 when he began writing The Learning Tree.[25] At that time, his publisher assigned her to be his editor. They became romantically involved at a time when they both were divorcing previous spouses, and married in 1973. They divorced in 1979. Candace Bushnell claims to have dated Parks in 1976, when she was 18 and he was 58 (sic).[26] For many years, Parks was romantically involved with Gloria Vanderbilt, the railroad heiress and designer.[27] Their relationship evolved into a deep friendship that endured throughout his lifetime.

Parks fathered four children: Gordon, Jr., David, Leslie, and Toni (Parks-Parsons). His oldest son Gordon Parks, Jr., whose talents resembled his father's, was killed in a plane crash in 1979 in Kenya, where he had gone to direct a film.[28][29] Parks has five grandchildren: Alain, Gordon III, Sarah, Campbell, and Satchel. Malcolm X honored Parks when he asked him to be the godfather of his daughter, Qubilah Shabazz.

Gordon Parks received more than 20 honorary doctorates in his lifetime.[30]

He died of cancer at the age of 93 while living in Manhattan, New York City, and is buried in his hometown of Fort Scott, Kansas.

Parks is remembered for photography, film making, music composition, and writing. He also is known for his activism and campaigning for civil rights. He was the first African American to work at Life magazine and the first to write, direct, and score a Hollywood film. He was profiled in the 1967 documentary The Weapons of Gordon Parks,[31] by American filmmaker Warren Forma.

Parks was a co-founder of Essence magazine. He was one of the early contributors to the style of movies that became known as the blaxploitation genre, in which negative stereotypes of black males being involved with drugs, violence and women, were exploited for commercially-successful films featuring black actors.

Parks said that freedom was the theme of all of his work. He described it as, "Not allowing anyone to set boundaries, cutting loose the imagination, and then making the new horizons."[13]

Parks' son, Gordon Parks, Jr. (1934–1979) also directed films, including Super Fly, Three the Hard Way, and Aaron Loves Angela. His career was cut short when he died in a plane crash in Africa.

    In 1941, Parks was awarded a fellowship for photography from the Rosenwald Fund. The fellowship allowed him to work with the Farm Security Administration.[32]
    In 1961, Parks was named "Magazine Photographer of the Year" by the American Society of Magazine Photos.[32]
    In 1972, the NAACP awarded Parks the Spingarn Medal.[33]
    In 1984, Parks received an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree from Thiel College, a private, liberal arts college in Greenville, Pennsylvania
    In 1989, the United States Library of Congress deemed The Learning Tree "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" due to its being the first major studio feature film directed by an African American and the film was preserved in the United States National Film Registry
    In 2000, Parks was awarded The Congress Of Racial Equality Lifetime Achievement Award.
    In 2000, the Library of Congress deemed Shaft to be "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant", selecting it for NFR preservation as well
    In 2003 he was awarded The Royal Photographic Society's Special 150th Anniversary Medal and Honorary Fellowship (HonFRPS) in recognition of a sustained, significant contribution to the art of photography.[34]
    In 1995, Parks announced that he would donate his papers and entire artistic collection to the Library of Congress and one year later, "The Gordon Parks Collection" was curated
    In 1997, the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. mounted a career retrospective on Parks, Half Past Autumn: The Art of Gordon Parks
    In 1999, Gordon Parks Elementary School, a nonprofit, K-5 grade public charter school in Kansas City, Missouri, was established to educate the urban-core inhabitants [35]
    In 2004, The Art Institute of Boston conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters upon Parks
    In 2008, an alternative learning center in Saint Paul, Minnesota renamed their school Gordon Parks High School after receiving a new building [36]


    Flash Photography (1947)

    Camera Portraits: Techniques and Principles of Documentary Portraiture (1948) (documentary)
    The Learning Tree (1964) (semi-autobiographical)
    A Choice of Weapons (1967) (autobiographical)
    Born Black (1970) (compilation of essays and photographs)
    To Smile in Autumn (1979) (autobiographical)
        New edition with foreword by Alexs D. Pate. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009
    Voices in the Mirror, New York: Doubleday (1990) (autobiographical)
    The Sun Stalker (2003) (biography on J. M. W. Turner)
    A Hungry Heart (November 1, 2005) (autobiographical)

Compilations of poetry and photography

    Gordon Parks: Elementary school
    Gordon Parks: A Poet and His Camera
    Gordon Parks: Whispers of Intimate Things
    Gordon Parks: In Love
    Gordon Parks: Moments Without Proper Names (1975)
    Arias of Silence
    Glimpses Toward Infinity
    A Star for Noon – An Homage to Women in Images Poetry and Music (2000)
    Eyes With Winged Thoughts (released November 1, 2005)
    Half Past Autumn: A Retrospective, memoir excerpts by Gordon Parks. Bulfinch Press/Little, Brown (1997) ISBN 0-8212-2298-8

The success of Shaft (1971) and its cash-in sequel Shaft's Big Score! (1972) obliged photographer-turned-film director Gordon Parks to cut short his honeymoon with third wife Genevieve Young to rush right into his next project, The Super Cops (1974). The New York setting was a more custom fit for Parks than the movie's subject matter: the real life story of two white NYPD rookies (and later plain clothes detectives) whose unorthodox methods of keeping the peace and running down drug peddlers in Brooklyn's crime-plagued Bedford-Stuyvesant section (660 arrests in four years and a 97% conviction rate) had earned them the nicknames Batman and Robin by 1970. L. H. Whittemore's account of the exploits of Dave Greenberg and Bob Hantz was published in 1973 by Stein & Day, following a highly-publicized New York Magazine profile of the dynamic duo that immortalized them as "two copyright cops in a state of imminent fame with four studios budding for the rights." Hired by winning bidder Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to adapt the Whittemore book for the screen was Lorenzo Semple, Jr., a former writer and script consultant for the 20th Century Fox/ABC series Batman.

Derided by Time magazine as "a loud and clumsy film" and by The New York Times as "rather silly," The Super Cops has nonetheless endured as an artifact of seminal 70s cinema. Part of this pedigree is due to the connection with Parks, although the film remains the least-discussed or critically-heralded of his five features. Another reason for its currency with moviegoers is the cross pollination casting. Supporting leads Ron Leibman and David Selby are Dan Frazer (from John Avildsen's The Stoolie [1972] and the Kojak TV series), Shelia Frazier (from Super Fly [1972], directed by Gordon Parks, Jr.), Al Fann (from Cotton Comes to Harlem, 1970), stage actor Pat Corley (in his feature film debut) and Hollywood veteran Pat Hingle, as a Brooklyn squad commander. Greenberg and Hantz also snagged cameos as corrupt precinct cops. As Dave Greenberg, "Batman" of The Super Cops, Ron Leibman was varying only slightly the brand of manic performance he had brought to supporting roles in Carl Reiner's Where's Poppa? (1970), Peter Yates' The Hot Rock (1972) and George Roy Hill's Slaughterhouse-Five (1972); but "Robin" was a shot at mainstream stardom for David Selby, formerly the benighted werewolf Quentin Collins of the supernatural soap opera Dark Shadows.

If The Super Cops seems at first glance to be Gordon Parks' least substantial film, it is worth remembering that the groundbreaking Shaft was, for all its historic importance, far from cinema verité; for that film's big finish, star Richard Roundtree even swung through a window on a rope, à la the Caped Crusader, to rescue a gangster's kidnapped daughter. Its focus squarely on velocity and wit rather than suspense or violence, The Super Cops helped to split the crime genre down the middle, dividing the territory between lone wolf cop films such as Don Siegel's Dirty Harry (1971) and Phil Karlson's Walking Tall (1973) and buddy cop adventures on the order of Richard Rush's Freebie and the Bean (1974), Peter Hyams' Busting (1974) and the ABC-TV series Starsky and Hutch. Location shooting by cinematographer Richard Kratina (who had worked the camera on the set of John Schlesinger's Midnight Cowboy, 1969) also puts The Super Cops in the gritty company of such revered pre-economic recovery New York City films as Barry Shear's Across 110th Street (1972) and Milton Katselas' Report to the Commissioner (1975). If in its day The Super Cops was a lighthearted distraction from Gotham's native financial crises and boiling racial tensions, today it stands as a bittersweet reminder of a city that no longer exists... except at the movies.

Director: Gordon Parks
Producer: William Belasco
Screenplay: Lorenzo Semple, Jr. (based on the book by L. H. Whittemore)
Photography: Richard Kratina
Music: Jerry Fielding
Editing: Harry Howard
Cast: Ron Leibman (Dave Greenberg, aka Batman), David Selby (Bob Hantz, aka Robin), Pat Hingle (Novick), Sheila Frazier (Sara), Dan Frazer (Krasna), Joseph Sirola (O'Shaughnessy), Arny Freeman (Barry Kellner), Bernard Kates (Heller), Alex Colon (Carlos), Charles Turner (Joe Hayes), Al Fann (Frank Hayes), Pat Corley (Captain Bush), Barton Heyman (Lt. Stratton), David Greenberg (Det. Basoff), Robert Hantz (Det. Neel).

by Richard Harland Smith

A Hungry Heart: A Memoir by Gordon Parks (Simon & Schuster, 2005)
"Batman and Robin: Jumping into Fame" by Julie Baumgold, New York Magazine, June 26, 1972
Toms, Coons, Mulatoes, Mammies & Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films by Donald Bogle (Continuum International Publishing Group, 2002)
Crime Movies: An Illustrated History by Carlos Clarens (W.W. Norton & Company, 1980)

Parks, Gordon, Sr. (Gordon Roger Alexander Buchanan Parks). (Fort Scott, KS, 1912-New York, NY, 2006)
Bibliography and Exhibitions

A Shout Out to GORDON [PARKS].
In: NKA: Journal of contemporary African art 22/23 (Spring-Summer, 2008):10-15, illus. 4to, wraps.

Artists, Performers, and Black Masculinity in the Haitian Diaspora.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008.
310 pp., 39 illus., notes, bibliog., index. Notable for the chapter on Jean Michel Basquiat "Trans-American Art on the Streets: Basquiat's Black Canvas Bodies and Urban Voudou Art in Manhattan" and an extensive analysis of "Haitian Corner." Otherwise, the focus is on blaxploitation film, the queer diaspora, drag queens, drag kings, hip-hop. Very brief mention of Edouard Duval-Carrié's representation of Duvalier, Isaac Julien, Gordon Parks, Marlon Riggs. 8vo (25 x 16 cm.; 9.2 x 6.1 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Bronx (NY). Gordon Parks Gallery, School of New Resources, John Cardinal O’Connor Campus, College of New Rochelle.
GORDON PARKS: A Tribute by his Daughter.
November 4, 2006-February 1, 2007.
Solo exhibition. Curated by Toni Parks. Exhibition of approximately 45 photographs, including images of Aaron Copeland, Langston Hughes, Duke Ellington, and Muhammad Ali, as well as "Battered Man," "Drug Store Cowboys," "American Gothic," and "Tenement House in Connecticut."

Chicago (IL). Art Institute of Chicago.
Photographs by GORDON PARKS.
March 13-May 1, 1953.
Solo exhibition of the LIFE Magazine photographer; biography note and Mr. Parks' comments; exhibition check-list. [Art Institute of Chicago Archives.]

Chicago (IL). South Side Community Art Center.
An Exhibition of Creative Photography by GORDON ROGER PARKS.
November 2-15, 1941.
Solo exhibition of photographs of the South Side. The exhibition that won him the Rosenwald Fellowship for Photography. [He chose to work for the FSA (Farm Security Administration) in Washington, DC.] [Exhibition brochure in South Side archives.] Folded sheet.

Chicago (IL). South Side Community Art Center.
November, 1941.
Solo exhibition.

Chicago (IL). Stephen Daiter Gallery.
WAYNE F. MILLER: Photographs 1942-1958.
July 11, 2008-March 1, 2009.
256 pp., 190 b&w illus. Texts by Miller, Gordon Parks, Kerry Tremain, Amy Dru Stanley, with comments by Edward Steichen, et al. Small folio, stamped cloth, clamshell case. Signed.

Daytona Beach (FL). Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College.
Midway: Portrait of a Daytona Beach Neighborhood: Photographs by GORDON PARKS.
February 5-May 5, 1999.
98 pp., 41 b&w illus. (most full-page), bibliog. Intro. Alison Nordstrom; substantial text on Parks by Deborah Willis, Leonard Lempel, exhib. checklist with commentary on the images by the town's residents. Parks went to Florida to photograph Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, the renowned African American educator and activist. What resulted was a series of photographs taken in 1943 both of the privileged students on the Bethune-Cookman college campus and of the poorer residents of the town itself. Sq. 8vo (22 cm.), card wraps., photo tipped to front cover. First ed.

Donloe, Darlene.
Los Angeles: Melrose Square Pub. Co., 1993.
192 pp., illus. 8vo, wraps.

Durham (NC). Center for Documentary Studies, Duke University.
The Restraints - Open and Hidden: Photographs by GORDON PARKS.
November 15, 2012-March 2, 2013.
Solo exhibition.

In the Alleys: Kids in the Shadow of the Capitol.
Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995.
70 nicely reproduced photos by white photographer Godfrey Frankel, mostly a record of the old Southwest neighborhood in Washington, D.C. Notes, references, chronol., exhibs., colls. Text by Laura Goldstein on Frankel's life and work, foreword by Gordon Parks. 4to, wraps.

Frankfurt (Germany). Fotografie Forum.
GORDON PARKS: Forty Years of Photography.
July 8-August 13, 1989.
Solo exhibition.

HOUSTON (TX). Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
From the Printed Page: Photographs from the MFAH Collection.
January 20-April 30, 2006.
Group exhibition of 28 photographs dating from the late 1920s to the 1960s shot for magazine photo essays and designed to communicate a range of issues from serious social concerns to more light-hearted subject matter. Included: Gordon Parks.

Kevles, Barbara.
The Marketing of Leadbelly [GORDON PARKS].
In: Cineaste (Fall 2003):34-35.

London (UK). Photographers' Gallery.
GORDON PARKS: Black Americans.
September-November, 1993.
Exhib. brochure, 8 b&w illus., biog., chronol., bibliog. Folding card (5.75 x 5.75 in.)

Manhattan (KS). Kansas State University, Department of Art.
The GORDON PARKS Collection.
56 pp. traveling exhibition catalogue, checklist of 125 works, 124 illus. of photos by Parks, biog. Intro. Inge Balch. 4to, stapled wraps. First ed.

New Orleans (LA). Arthur Roger Gallery.
GORDON PARKS: Segregation Story.
August 2-September 20, 2014.
112 pp. exhib. cat., color illus. Foreword by Peter W. Kunhardt, Jr., Brett Abbott; intro. by Charlayne Hunter-Gault; text by Maurice Berger. Solo exhibition of more than 40 color photographs. Included never-before-published images originally part of a series photographed for a 1956 Life magazine photo-essay assignment, "The Restraints: Open and Hidden," which documented everyday lives of an extended black family living in the rural South under Jim Crow segregation. [Traveled to: High Museum of Art, November 15-June 7, 2015.] 4to (10 x 11.5 in.), boards.

New York (NY). Ebony editors.
Country Gentleman.
In: Ebony 2 (August, 1947):9-15. Biography of E. Simms Campbell with numerous photos by Gordon Parks 4to, wraps.

New York (NY). International Center of Photography.
April 13-June 24, 1990.
Solo exhibition.

New York (NY). International Center of Photography.
Moments Without Proper Names: Photographs by GORDON PARKS.
September 27-November 11, 1975.
Solo exhibition. Major retrospective.

New York (NY). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.
GORON PARKS: 100 Moments.
July 12-December 1, 2012.
Solo exhibition highlighting Parks's photographs from the 1940s. [Traveled to: New York State Museum, Albany, January 26-May 19, 2013.]

New York (NY). Studio Museum in Harlem.
GORDON PARKS: A Harlem Family.
November 8, 2012-March 10, 2013.
Solo exhibition. Curated by Thelma Golden and Lauren Haynes. Includes thirty black and white photographs of the Fontenelle family, whose lives Parks documented as part of his 1968 Life magazine photo essay. The exhibition includes all of the images from the original essay as well as several unpublished images (some which have never been displayed publicly.)

Palo Alto (CA). Cantor Center for the Visual Arts, Stanford University.
Bare Witness: Photographs by GORDON PARKS.
March 21-July 1, 2007.
112 pp. exhib. cat., 91 illus. (5 in color), bibliog Text by Maren Stange. The exhibition, which comes from the collection of the Capital Group, is comprised of 73 photographs that were selected by the artist as some of the finest examples of his work. [Traveled to: St. Louis Art Museum, May 9-August 3, 2008; Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, OH, February 5-April 25, 2010; Phoenix Art Museum, 2011; and many other venues.] 4to (29 x 25 cm.; 11.2 x 9.7 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

A Choice of Weapons.
New York: Harper & Row, 1966.
x, 274 pp. Compelling first autobiography by the now-famous photographer, poet, novelist, composer, filmmaker. His second book, describing his early struggle against poverty and racial discrimination. [Received Notable Book Award from the American Library Association.] 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. First ed.

A Harlem Family.
In: Life Magazine, March 8, 1968. Special issue devoted to "The Negro and the Cities. They Cry that will be heard. A special Section The Cycle of Despair: The Negro & the City" pp. 48-100. Tall 4to, wraps.

A Hungry Heart: a memoir.
New York: Atria Books, 2005.
346 pp. 8vo (25 cm.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

A Poet and His Camera.
New York: Viking Press, 1968.
Unpag. (approx. 92 pp.). Preface by Stephen Spender. Intro. by Philip B. Kunhardt, Jr. Poems and 29 color photos designed as an artist's book by Parks. Small 4to, cloth, dust jacket.

A Star for Noon: An Homage to Women in Images, Poetry and Music.
Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 2000.
eto, blue cloth, d.j. First ed.

Arias in Silence.
Boston, Bulfinch Press, 1994.
128 pp., 71 full-page color photos by Gordon Parks accompanied by his poems. Beautiful book. Oblong 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.

Born Black: A Personal Report on the Decade of Black Revolt 1960-1970.
Philidelphia, New York: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1971.
192 pp., photo illus. 8vo, decorative cloth.

Camera Portraits: the techniques and principles of documentary portraiture.
New York: Franklin Watts, 1948.
8vo, cloth, d.j. First ed.

Eyes With Winged Thoughts: Poems and Photographs.
New York: Atria Books, 2005.
128 pp., forty-four photographs and fifty-eight poems by Parks. 4to (10.1 x 7 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Flash Photography.
New York: Franklin Watts, 1947.
Parks's first book. 96 pp., 87 illus. (34 from photographs by the author, with others by Jack Delano, Herbert Gehr, Phillippe Halsmann, Barbara Morgan, Edward Rosskam, John Vachon, Weegee, etc.) [Reprinted by Grosset & Dunlap, 1947.] 8vo, wraps.

Flavio: An Evocative Statement About Love, Pain, Hunger, and Despair - And At Last About Hope.
New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1978.
198 pp., 44 photos. Photojournalist text about the life of a poverty-stricken Brazilian boy whom Parks found lying in the street of the Catacumba slums above Rio de Janeiro in 1961. Parks helped and maintained a relationship with the boy for 16 years prior to the writing of this book. An important book on the desperate horror of poverty. 8vo, red papered boards, black cloth spine, d.j. First ed.

Glimpses Toward Infinity.
Boston: Bullfinch Press / Little Brown & Co., 1996.
110 pp., poetry and photographs by Parks. 4to, cloth, d.j.

Harlem Gang Leader.
In: Life (Magazine), November 1, 1948:96-106.

In Love.
Philadelphia and New York: J.B. Lippincott, 1971.
Unpag. (80 pp.), poems accompanied by 23 color photos, many double-page -- an artist's book. Small 4to, cloth, dust jacket. First ed.

Interview of Eldridge Cleaver.
In: Life Magazine, February 6, 1970. Tall 4to, wraps.

Martin Luther King: The Impact A man who tried to love somebody.
In: Life Magazine, April 19, 1968. Special issue devoted to the life, assassination, and funeral of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tall 4to, wraps.

Moments without Proper Names.
New York: Viking Press, 1975.
173 (3) pp., 100 color and b&w photographs, accompanied by autobiographical poetry and prose prologue giving voice to the confusion and poverty he experienced as a child growing up in Fort Scott, Kansas, as well as the bigotry, drug addiction, terror, chaos and inhumanity to which he was exposed as a rising young journalist and photographer. 4to (12 x 10.5 in.; 32 cm.), gilt stamped blue cloth, pictorial d.j. First ed.

Photographic Essay: A Cuban Way With Styles - Designers' U.S. hits are set off by their native land.
In: Life Magazine (May 5, 1958). Tall 4to, wraps.

Shannon: a novel.
Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1981.
402 pp. Novel set among several families (one Irish-American, one African American) in New York in the early 1900s. 8vo, green cloth, d.j. First ed.

The Learning Tree.
New York: Harper & Row, 1963.
303 pp. Parks' first semi-autobiographical coming-of-age novel of a black boy and his family facing racism in America. The basis of the film (1969) directed by Gordon Parks, starring Kyle Johnson, Alex Clarke, Estelle Evans, and Dana Elcar. [Related publication: In 1970, subsequent to the release of the film, Scholastic Magazines released a set of two black vinyl 33 1/3 RPM long playing phonograph records of Gordon Parks reading excerpts from the novel. Scholastic records catalog number FS 11009.] 8vo (21 cm), black cloth spine lettered in red, over black boards stamped with gilt stamped tree image, d.j.

To Smile in Autumn, A Memoir.
New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1979.
249 pp. The third in the series of memoirs by the eminent African American writer, poet, photographer, musician, film director, covering the years 1944-1978. 8vo, cloth, d.j. First ed.

Voices in the Mirror: An Autobiography.
New York: Doubleday, 1990.
xv, 351, 36 photos, index. Important and inspiring book by the great documentary photographer, film director, poet, writer, songwriter. 8vo, cloth, d.j. First ed.

Whispers of Intimate Things.

PARKS, GORDON & Michael Torosian.
Harlem. The Artist's Annotations on a City Revisited in Two Classic Photographic Essays.
Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1997.
Introduction & interview with Gordon Parks by Michael Torosian, 3 tipped-in varnished duotones printed on Warrens Lustro Dull Cream; the frontispiece, a self-portrait from 1940, is a tipped-in toned gelatin-silver print made from a copy negative. Includes two double-page opening layouts reproducing Parks's originals for Life Magazine accompanying Parks photo essays "Harlem Gang Leader," Life, November 1, 1948 and "A Harlem Family," Life, March 8, 1968. In the interview with Torosian, Parks recalls the evolution of these two essays, the mechanics of working on a story for LIFE, and the lives of the people he documented. The interviews are suffused with Parks' personal history, aesthetic and cultural development, and perspective on the city whose life he chronicled. Composed in Linotype Bodoni Book with Metro and Futura Black for display and printed on Mohawk Superfine. 4to, 1/4 linen, papered boards, d.j. Limited ed. of 200 copies.

Diary of a Harlem Family [Film].
Documentary. Television broadcast produced by National Educational Television's Public Broadcasting Laboratories in association with "Life" Magazine. A plea for poverty relief and equal opportunity, this film documents the life of the Fontinelli family who live in a Harlem tenement in New York City. After a brief live-action introduction the film becomes a montage of still photographs. 16mm. Sd., b&w. 20 min.

Leadbelly [Film].
Drama of blues musician Huddie Ledbetter, a.k.a. Leadbelly. Made for PBS. Winner, first place, Dallas Film Festival. 16mm. Sd., col. 126 min.

Shaft [Film].
Hollywood, MGM, 1971.
The first and most renowned Hollywood blaxploitation film. Novel and script by Ernest Tidyman. Starring Richard Rountree as Shaft. 16mm. Sd., col. 98 min.

Shaft's Big Score [Film].
Directed by Gordon Parks and produced by Ernest Tidyman and Roger Lewis. The cast included Richard Roundtree, Moses Gunn, Drew Bundini Brown, Joseph Mascolo, Kathy Imrie, Wally Taylor, and Joe Santos.

Solomon Northup's Odyssey [Film].
Made-for-TV drama based on the autobiography of Solomon Northup "Twelve Years A Slave."

The Learning Tree [Film}.
Based on Parks' semi-autobiographical novel of the same title. Selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress. 16mm. Sd., col. 107 min.

The Super Cops [Film].
True-life story about two NYC cops. Based on The Super Cops: The True Story of the Cops Called Batman and Robin by L. H. Whittemore. 16mm. Sd., col.

PARKS, GORDON and Warren Forma (Dir.).
The Weapons of Gordon Parks [Film].
Documentary film on the life and work of Gordon Parks. Parks is seen at work, at home, with his family, and on the streets of Harlem. 16mm. Sd., col. (one reel). approx. 28 min.

Parr, Ann and GORDON PARKS.
Gretna, LA: Pelican Pub. Co., 2006.
Children's book. Ages 4-8. 32 pp., b&w illus. Biography of Gordon Parks's life and work told for kids. 4to (11.3 x 8.7 in.)

Pomona (NJ). Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
GORDON PARKS: A Selected Retrospective.
February 24-March 13, 1992.
Solo exhibition.

Portland (OR). Blue Sky Gallery.
June 3-28, 2015.
Solo exhibition of Parks's series of color photos depicting African American life in Alabama in 1956.

RICHMOND (VA). Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Signs of Protest: Photographs from the Civil Rights Era.
January 11-August 3, 2014.
Group exhibition. Curated by Sarah Eckhardt. 25 photographs of the culture of resistance during that turbulent decade, with an emphasis on civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Stokely Carmichael. In addition to Benedict Fernandez’s powerful portfolio "Countdown to Eternity," which documents the last year of King’s life, the exhibition includes other works by Gordon Parks, Leroy Henderson, Lou Draper, and Alf Khumalo. [Most works were recently acquired for the collection.]

San Francisco (CA). Jenkins Johnson Gallery.
GORDON PARKS: Centennial.
February 21-April 27, 2013.
Solo exhibition.

San Francisco (CA). Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD).
GORDON PARKS: Photographs at his Centennial.
June 20-September 29, 2013.
Solo exhibition.

Shepard, T.
Beyond the 'Black Film' - An Interview with GORDON PARKS.
In: Cineaste VIII, 2 (Fall 1977):38-40, illus.

Special Moments in African American History, 1955-1996: The photographs of MONETA SLEET, Jr..
Chicago: Johnson Publishing Co., 1998.
184 pp., color and b&w illus. Foreword by Gordon Parks; afterword by Lerone Bennett. Compiled by Doris E. Saunders. A photographic record of the life and times of Moneta Sleet Jr., the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography. Includes photos of politicians, fashion, and his travels from Atlanta to Russia. 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.

St. Louis (MO). St. Louis Art Museum.
Bare Witness: Photographs by GORDON PARKS.
May 9-August 3, 2008.
Solo exhibition of over 50 photographs covering the span of Parks's career. [Seemingly a subset of the photographs in the larger exhibition organized by Stanford.]

Syracuse (NY). Lubin House, Syracuse University.
The Photographic Legacy of GORDON PARKS.
February 1-March 15, 2000.
Solo exhibition.

Torosian, Michael.
Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1997.
49, [7] pp., 3 tipped-in b&w plates including a frontis gelatin-silver photograph print made from a copy negative. Includes two double-page opening layouts for Life Magazine with photography by Gordon Parks. Text includes introduction by book designer and editor Torosian, his interview with Gordon Parks and layouts for Take the Train: Uptown in the City (circa 1930s), Harlem GangLeader [Life Magazine, November 1, 1948), and A Harlem Family. Tan cloth spine over tan papered boards (as issued.) Limited edition of 200 numbered copies.

Washington (DC). Corcoran Gallery of Art.
GORDON PARKS: Half Past Autumn, A Retrospective.
Boston: Bulfinch, 1997.
360 pp., 95 color plates, 195 b&w illus., bibliog., index. Text by Philip Brookman. Published to accompany a major traveling retrospective. [Traveled to: Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY, June 7-September 1, 2002.] 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.

Washington (DC). Corcoran Gallery of Art.
GORDON PARKS: Photographs from the Collection.
October 1, 2011-January 16, 2012.
Solo exhibition.

It's Wings that Make Birds Fly.
New York: Pantheon, 1968.
55 [i] pp., photographs. The post-script states that the child on whose life this book was based was killed, shortly after publication, in an auto accident while playing in the street. 4to, pictorial boards. First ed.

Wichita (KS). Edwin A. Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University.
Crossroads: The Art of GORDON PARKS.
January 23-April 11, 2011.
138 pp. retrospective exhib. cat., illus., bibliog., colls., awards. Interview with Parks. Solo exhibition. An expanded version (172 works) of the national touring exhibition, with additional photographs from the Ulrich Museum of Art, the Spencer Museum of Art, and the Kansas African American Museum in Wichita.

Wichita (KS). Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University.
GORDON PARKS Centennial: his legacy at Wichita State University.
68 pp., b&w and color illus., bibliog. Texts by Patricia McDonnell, Ted D. Ayres, John S. Wright. 4to (28 x 22 cm.), wraps.


ALBANY (NY). New York State Museum.
Paul Robeson.
January, 2003.
Exhibition of approximately 200 photographs, documents, and objects offering a comprehensive view of Robeson's life. Included: photographs by Roy DeCarava, Gordon Parks, Austin Hansen and Morgan and Marvin Smith.

Why We Make Movies: Black Filmmakers Talk About the Magic of Cinema.
New York: Harlem Moon/Broadway Books, 2003.
xiv, 528, b&w illus., filmography. Interviews with Melvin van Peebles, Michael Schultz, Charles Burnett, Spike Lee, Robert Townsend, Fred Williamson, Ernest Dickerson, Keenan Ivory Wayans, Bill Duke, Forest Whitaker, Julie Dash, Kasi Lemmons, Gina Prince Blythewood, John Singleton, George Tillman, Jr., Reginald Hudlin, Warrington Hudlin, Malcolm Lee, Euzhan Palcy, Doug Greaves, Kathe Sandler, Camille Billops, Haile Gerima, Gordon Parks, Ossie Davis, Doug McHenry, Lee Daniels, St. Clair Bourne, Stanley Nelson, Orlando Bagwell, Carl Franklin, Debra Martin Chase, Manthia Diawara. 4to, wraps. First ed.

Collecting the New: Museums and Contemporary Art.
Princeton University Press, 2005.
208 pp., illus. Unfortunately discussion of a museum collecting African or African American art is ghettoized in two essays about specialized museum collections (as if no other museum professional would consider such a purchase.) Passing mention of 70+ African American artists (only 14 women), most in the essay by Lowery Stokes Sims (Director, Studio Museum in Harlem) "Collecting the Art of African Americans at the Studio Museum in Harlem: Positioning the 'New' from the Perspective of the Past." The African artists are primarily clustered in the text by Pamela McClusky (Curator of African and Oceanic Art, Seattle Art Museum) "The Unconscious Museum: Collecting Contemporary African Art without Knowing It." 8vo (9.2 x 6.1 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience.
Oxford University Press, 1999; 2005.
5 Vols. 4500 pp., 1000 photographs, maps, illus. Expanded to 8 vols. No new information or in-depth discussion of the visual arts. Names of visual artists included in the accounts of each period of black history are often lumped into a one sentence list; very few have additional biographical entries. [As of 2011, far more substantial information on most of the artists is available from Wikipedia than is included in this Encyclopedia.] Includes mention of: James Presley Ball, Jean-Michel Basquiat, David A. Bailey, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Cornelius Battey, Romare Bearden, Dawoud Bey, Everald Brown, Elizabeth Catlett, Dana Chandler, Roland Charles, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Albert V. Chong, Robert H. Colescott, Allan R. Crite, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Murry Depillars, Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, Robert S. Duncanson, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, the Goodridge Brothers, Rex Goreleigh, Tapfuma Gutsa, Palmer Hayden, Lyle Ashton Harris, Chester Higgins, Joshua Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Ben Jones, Seydou Keita, Lois Mailou Jones, William (Woody) Joseph, Wifredo Lam, Jacob Lawrence, Edmonia Lewis, Fern Logan, Stephen Marc, Lynn Marshall-Linnemeier, Willie Middlebrook, Scipio Moorhead, Archibald Motley, Gordon Parks, Horace Pippin, Prentiss H. Polk, James A. Porter, Elizabeth Prophet, Faith Ringgold, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Chéri Samba, Augusta Savage, Jeffrey Scales, Addison L. Scurlock, Charles Sebree, Johannes Segogela, Twins Seven- even, Coreen Simpson, LornaSimpson, Moneta Sleet, Marvin & Morgan Smith, Renée Stout, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Hank Willis Thomas, Dox Thrash, James Vanderzee, Christian Walker, the Wall of Respect, Laura Wheeler Waring, Augustus Washington, Carrie Mae Weems, Charles White, Cynthia Wiggins, Carla Williams, Pat Ward Williams, et al. The entry on African Women Artists includes an odd and out-of-date collection of names: Elizabeth Olowu, Agnes Nyanhongo, Alice Sani, Inji Efflatoun, Grace Chigumira, Theresa Musoke, Palma Sinatoa, Elsa Jacob, and Terhas Iyasu. Hopefully future editions will follow the path of the substantially expanded edition of 2005 and will alter the overall impression that black visual artists are not worth the time and attention of the editors. [Note: Now out-of-print and available only through exorbitant subscription to the Oxford African American Studies Center (OAASC) a single database incorporating multiple Oxford encyclopedias, ongoing addiitions will apparently be unavailable to individuals or to most small libraries in the U.S. or worldwide.] 4to (29 cm.; 10.9 x 8.6 in.), cloth. Seond ed.

ATLANTA (GA). Spelman College Museum.
Undercover: Performing and Transforming Black Female Identities.
September 10-December 5, 2009.
Group exhibition. Curated by Andrea Barnwell Brownlee and Karen Comer Lowe. Included: Mequitta Ahuja, Emma Amos, Sheila Pree Bright, Nick Cave, Renée Cox, Ellen Gallagher, Myrah Green, Lyle Ashton Harris, Lauren Kelley, Marcia Kure, Deana Lawson, Kalup Linzy, Beverly McIver, Nandipha Mntambo, Zanele Muholi, Wangechi Mutu, Magdalena Odundo, Lorraine O'Grady, Gordon Parks, Jessica Ann Peavy, Etiyé Dimma Poulsen, Berni Searle, Coreen Simpson, Lorna Simpson, Renée Stout, Mickalene Thomas, Sheila Turner, Iké Udé, James Vanderzee, Pat Ward Williams.

AUSTIN (TX). Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum.
We Shall Overcome: Photographs from the American Civil Rights Era.
October 19-December 15, 2002.
Group exhibition of 75 photographs, many from the personal collections of the photographers. Curated by Robert Phelan. Included: Gordon Parks, Robert Sengstacke. The photographs in the exhibition were juxtaposed with the words of James Baldwin, Fannie Lou Hamer, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other movement participants. [Traveled to: Ralph Mark Gibbs Civil Rights Museum, Savannah, GA; Albin O. Kuhn Library and Gallery, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, April 13-June 6, 2004; and many other venues.]

BALTIMORE (MD). University Library, University of Baltimore.
Building a New World. Black Labor Photographs.
Exhib. cat., b&w illus. Curated by Tom Beck. Included: Gordon Parks. Oblong 4to, pictorial wraps. First ed.

BIRMINGHAM (AL). Birmingham Museum of Art.
Birmingham 1988: The Birmingham News Centennial Photographic Collection.
Lynn Duvall, ed. Text by Douglas K. S. Hyland. Includes photographs by Gordon Parks. 4to, wraps. First ed.

American Art: A Cultural History.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 2004.
512 pp., 400 illus. (150 in color), bibliog. of books cited and books consulted for each chapter. Brief mention of: James Presley Ball, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, Aaron Douglas, Robert S. Duncanson, David Hammons, Jacob Lawrence, Edmonia Lewis, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Gordon Parks, Betye Saar, Lorna Simpson, Henry Ossawa Tanner, James Vanderzee, Kara Walker, Carrie Mae Weems. This book is mentioned here because it is popular enough to have been reprinted and is credited as considering "America's visual culture as an arena in which conflicting notions of class, gender, race, and regional allegiance are fought." [Back cover blurb.] Unfortunately, this claim is not fulfilled. 4to (11.3 x 8.8 in.), cloth, d.j. 2nd ed.

Wake up our Souls: A Celebration of Black American Artists.
New York: Abrams in association with Smithsonian American Art Museum, 2004.
128 pp., photo of each artist and 1-3 color illustrations for each, notes, glossary of art terms, bibliog., suggested reading, index. Written for young adults. Includes 32 artists illustrated with art from the Smithsonian's collection: Edward Mitchell Bannister, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Roy DeCarava, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Robert S. Duncanson, Melvin Edwards, James Hampton, Palmer Hayden, Felrath Hines, Earlie Hudnall, Jr., William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Malvin Gray Johnson, Jacob Lawrence, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Winnie Owens-Hart, Gordon Parks, James Porter, Faith Ringgold, Betye Saar, Augusta Savage, Renée Stout, Hughie Lee-Smith, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, James VanDerZee, Hale Woodruff. 4to (27 cm.; 10 x 8 in), cloth, d.j. First ed.

The Muse In Bronzeville: African American Creative Expression In Chicago, 1932-1950.
New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2011.
336 pp., 12 illus., appendix A lists 35 artists (26 of whom were employed by the Federal Art Project), notes, bibliog., index. The book argues that a Chicago cultural Renaissance (equivalent to the Harlem Renaissance of the 20s and early 30s) occurred from 1935-50 when it picked up the torch from Harlem. This proposition, first advanced by Richard Bone, is laid out here in greater detail in a book he had been working on for over a decade and which was finished by his collaborator/colleague Richard Courage. Unfortunately, visual art was not a primary concern for Bone or for Courage, so as one might expect the visual art information here is largely a reworking of previously published material on the few artists who are discussed. No new information, for example, on Horace Cayton's support of visual artists at the Park Community Center. Includes: Margaret Burroughs, Eldzier Cortor, Archibald Motley, Jr., Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, Charles Sebree, Charles White; with bare passing mention of Elizabeth Catlett, William Dawson, William McKnight Farrow, Bernard Goss, and a few others. Most of the four dozen artists working in Chicago, or even the full 35 listed in Appendix A are not mentioned or discussed; they include: Hanry A. Avery, John Carlis, William S. Carter, Edward T. Collier, Charles Davis, Katherine Dorsey, Walter Ellison, Ramon Gabriel, Rex Goreleigh (as Gorleigh), Charles Haig, Fred Hollingsworth, Frederick D. Jones, Joseph Kersey, Clarence Lawson, Lonnie Moore, Frank Neal, George Neal, Kenneth Prince, David Ross, William Stewart, Jennelsie Walden, Earl Walker, Oscaretta Winn, Vernon Winslow, Leon Wright. 4to (10.2 x 7.2 in.), cloth, d.j.

BOSTON (MA). Museum of Fine Arts.
Common Wealth: Art by African-Americans in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Lowery Stokes Sims, with texts by Dennis Carr, Janet L. Comey, Elliot Bostwick Davis, Aiden Faust, Nonie Gadsden, Edmund Barry Gaither, Karen Haas, Erica E. Hirshler, Kelly Hays L'Ecuyer, Taylor L. Poulin, and Karen Quinn. Includes: Henry Ossawa Tanner, Jacob Lawrence, Romare Bearden, Lois Mailou Jones, Gordon Parks, Wifredo Lam, Kara Walker, Glenn Ligon, Kerry James Marshall, et al. 4to (11.2 x 9.6 in.), cloth, d.j.

African-American Art: The Long Struggle.
New York: Smithmark, 1996.
128 pp., 107 color plates (mostly full-page and double-page), notes, index. Artists include: Terry Adkins, Charles Alston, Amalia Amaki, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, William E. Artis, Radcliffe Bailey, Xenobia Bailey, James P. Ball, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, Edward Mitchell Bannister, John T. Biggers, Camille Billops, Willie Birch, Bob Blackburn, Betty Blayton, David Bustill Bowser, Grafton Tyler Brown, James Andrew Brown, Kay Brown, Vivian Browne, Beverly Buchanan, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Carole Byard, Elizabeth Catlett, Dana Chandler, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Ed Clark, Robert Colescott, Houston Conwill, Eldzier Cortor, Renée Cox, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Giza Daniels-Endesha, Dave [the Potter], Thomas Day, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, Leonardo Drew, Robert S. Duncanson, William Edmondson, Melvin Edwards, Minnie Evans, William Farrow, Gilbert Fletcher, James Forman, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, Michele Godwin, David Hammons, Edwin Harleston, William A. Harper, Palmer Hayden, Thomas Heath, white artist Jon Hendricks (no illus.), Robin Holder, May Howard Jackson, Wadsworth Jarrell, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnston, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Lois Mailou Jones, Cliff Joseph, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie-Lee Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Juan Logan, Valerie Maynard, Dindga McCannon, Sam Middleton, Scipio Moorhead, Keith Morrison, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Sana Musasama, Marilyn Nance, Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Piper, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Harriet Powers, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Martin Puryear, Patrick Reason, Gary Rickson, Faith Ringgold, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Augusta Savage, Joyce J. Scott, William E. Scott, Charles Sebree, Lorna Simpson, William H. Simpson, Clarissa Sligh, Frank Smith, Vincent D. Smith, Nelson Stevens, Renée Stout, Freddie L. Styles, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, Jean Toche (no illus.), Lloyd Toone, Bill Traylor, James Vanderzee, Annie E. Walker, William Walker, Laura Wheeler Waring, Carrie Mae Weems, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Grace Williams, Michael Kelly Williams, Pat Ward Williams, William T. Williams, Ellis Wilson, Fred Wilson, Hale Woodruff, et al. 4to (32 cm.), pictorial boards, d.j. First ed.

BROOKLYN (NY). Brooklyn Museum of Art.
Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties.
March 7-July 6, 2014.
176 pp. exhib. cat., color and b&w illus., notes, bibliog., index. Texts by Kellie Jones, Connie H. Choi, Teresa A Carbone, Cynthia A. Young; chronol. by Dalila Scruggs. Includes: Chalres Alston, Benny Andrews, Emma Amos, Romare Bearden, Frank Bowling, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, LeRoy P. Clarke, Roy DeCarava, Jeff Donaldson, Emory Douglas, Melvin Edwards, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Ben Hazard, Barkeley Hendricks, Jae Jarrell, Daniel Larue Johnson, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Tom Lloyd, Ademola Olugebefola, John Outterbridge, Joe Overstreet, Gordon Parks, Ben Patterson, Noah Purifoy, Faith Ringgold, John T. Riddle, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Robert A. Sengstacke, Merton D. Simpson, Moneta J. Sleet, Jr., Bob Thompson, Charles White, Jack Whitten, William T. Williams, Ernest C. Withers. Dozens of others mentioned in passing. [Traveled to: Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, August 30-December 14, 2014.] 4to (11.2 x 9.7 in.), boards. First ed.

Discovery: Inner and Outer Worlds. Portfolio II.
Carmel, CA: The Friends of Photography, 1970.
4 pp. text by Wynn Bullock. with 15 loose b&w full-page photographs. Designed by Adrian Wilson. Included: Gordon Parks. Folio, in white card portfolio.

The Concerned Photographer 2. The photographs of Marc Riboud, Dr. Roman Vishniac, Bruce Davidson, Gordon Parks, Ernst Haas, Hiroshi Hamaya, Donald McCullin, W. Eugene Smith.
Grossman Publishers, 1972.
171 pp., illus. Preface and text by Michael Edelson; introduction by Capa. Includes: Gordon Parks's series on Black Harlem. Sq. 8vo, cloth, d.j. First ed.

CHARLOTTE (NC). Noel Gallery.
November-December 28, 2001.
Three-person exhibition of motion picture still photography. Included: Adger W. Cowans, Gordon Parks, Bob Green.

CHICAGO (IL). Chicago Public Library.
WPA and the Black Artist: Chicago and New York.
16 pp., color cover illus., 17 b&w illus. Checklist of 62 works by 13 New York artists and 21 Chicago artists. Intro. by Ruth Ann Stewart. Artists included: Charles Alston, Robert Blackburn, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Joseph Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Rex Goreleigh, Vertis Hayes, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Norman Lewis, Archibald Motley, Gordon Parks, Augusta Savage, Charles White, Henry Avery, Richmond Barthé, William Carter, Charles Dawson, Walter W. Ellison, Ramon Gabriel, Bernard Goss, Fred Hollingsworth, Joseph Kersey, William McBride, Frank Neal, Marion Perkins, Charles Sebree, Dox Thrash, Vernon Winslow. Biographies mention Alonzo Aden, James Porter, Hale Woodruff. [Traveled to: Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, NY.] 8vo, stapled stiff wraps.

CHICAGO (IL). Illinois Art Gallery, Illinois State Museum.
The Flowering: African-American Artists and Friends in 1940s Chicago: A Look at the South Side Community Art Center.
April 7-May 28, 1993.
Exhib. cat., checlist of works. Curated by Judith Burson Lloyd and Anna Tyler. Group exhibition. Included: Ernest Alexander, Henry Avery, Richmond Barthé, Katherine Bell, Sylvester Britton, Margaret Burroughs, William Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Irene Clark, Eldzier Cortor, Robert Tyler Crump, Charles Vincent Davis, Walter Ellison, William McKnight Farrow, Ramon Gabriel, Bernard Goss, Fred Hollingsworth, Richard Hunt, Frederick D. Jones (as Fred), Joe Kersey, Clarence Lawson, Hughie Lee-Smith, William McBride, Archibald Motley, Frank Neal, George Neal, Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, Ramon Price, Walter Sanford, William Edouard Scott, Allen Stringfellow, Earl M. Walker, William (Bill) Weaver, Charles White. [Review: Garrett Holg, "Recalling a Cultural Oasis on South Side," Chicago Sun-Times, (May 9, 1993):9.]

CHICAGO (IL). LaSalle Bank, N.A.
One of a Kind: Portraits from the LaSalle Bank Photography Collection.
119 pp. exhib. cat., 22 color and 40 tritone illus. Foreword by Thomas C. Heagy; text by Carol EhlersIncluded: Dawoud Bey, Roy DeCarava, Seydou Keita, Gordon Parks, Carrie Mae Weems. 4to (29.3 x 27.2 cm.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

CHICAGO (IL). South Side Community Art Center.
We Too Look at America [Opening exhibit of paintings by Negro artists of the Illinois Art Project, Work Projects Administration].
December 16, 1940-January 28, 1941.
Exhib. cat. Dedication by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Includes: Richmond Barthé, Margaret Taylor Goss [Burroughs], John Carlis, Jr., William S. Carter, Eldzier Cortor, Charles V. Davis, Ramon Gabriel, Joseph Kersey, William McBride, Archibald Motley, George E. Neal, Gordon Parks, Charles Sebree, Charles White. [Review: Selma Gordon, "Seventy-Five Years of Negro Progress," The Crisis 48 (January 1941):10-11+.] [Chicago Public Library N6487.C52S72].

Lee/Model/Parks/Samaras/Turner: Five Interviews Before the Fact.
Boston: Photographic Resource Center, 1979.
iv, 40 pp. [second edition: Staten Island, NY: CODA Enterprises, 1997.]

New Thoughts on the Black Arts Movement.
New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2006.
402 pp., 40 illus., chapter notes, notes on contributors, index. Contributors include: Collins, Crawford, Kellie Jones, Mary Ellen Lennon, Erina Duganne, Cherise Smith, Lee Bernstein, and others. Includes: Billy (Fundi) Abernathy, Sylvia Abernathy, Muhammad Ahmad, Benny Andrews, Amiri Baraka, Camille Billops, Betty Blayton, Gloria Bohanon, Ed Brown, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Ben Caldwell, Dana Chandler, Edward Christmas, Dan Concholar, Houston Conwill, Kinshasha Conwill, Robert Crawford, Alonzo Davis, Dale Davis, Roy DeCarava, Murry Depillars, Dj. Spooky (Paul D. Miller), Jeff Donaldson, Emory Douglas, Louis Draper, David Driskell, Melvin Edwards, Albert Fennar, Reginald Gammon, Ray Gibson, Sam Gilliam, Tyree Guyton, David Hammons, Maren Hassinger, James Hinton, Richard Hunt, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Suzanne Jackson, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Tom Lloyd. Clarence Major, Edward McDowell, Dindga McCannon, Senga Nengudi, John Outterbridge, Joe Oversotree, Gordon Parks, Judson Powell, Noah Purifoy, Sr., Herbert Randall, Betye Saar, Beuford Smith, Marvin Smith, Morgan Smith, Edward Spriggs, SUN RA, Curtis Tann, Askia Touré, James Vanderzee, Ruth Waddy, Bill Walker, Timothy Washington, Charles White, Randy Williams, William T. Williams, Deborah Willis, and Hale Woodruff. The texts explore the racial and sexual politics of the era, links with other contemporaneous cultural movements, prison arts, the role of Black colleges and universities, gender politics and the rise of feminism, color fetishism, photography, and more. 8vo (26 x 18 cm.; 9.9 x 7.1 in.), cloth, d.j.

Exhibiting Blackness: African Americans and the American Art Museum.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2011.
240 pp., color illus., notes, index. The narrative begins in 1927 with the Chicago "Negro in Art Week" exhibition, and in the 1930s with the Museum of Modern Art's exhibition of "William Edmondson" (1937) and "Contemporary Negro Art" (1939) at the Baltimore Museum of Art; the focus, however, is on exhibitions held from the 1960s to present with chapters on "Harlem on My Mind" (1969), "Two Centuries of Black American Art" (1976); "Black Male" (1994-95); and "The Quilts of Gee's Bend" (2202). Numerous artists, but most mentioned only in passing: Cedric Adams, Charles Alston, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, numerous Bendolphs (Annie, Jacob, Mary Ann, Mary Lee, Louisiana) and Loretta Bennett, Ed Bereal, Donald Bernard, Nayland Blake, Gloria Bohanon, Leslie Bolling, St. Clair Bourne, Cloyd Boykin, Kay Brown, Selma Burke, Bernie Casey, Roland Charles, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Claude Clark, Linda Day Clark, Robert Colescott, Dan Concholar, Emilio Cruz, Ernest Crichlow (footnote only), Alonzo Davis, Selma Day (footnote only), Roy DeCarava, Aaron Douglas, Emory Douglas, Robert M. Douglass, Jr., David Driskell, Robert S. Duncanson, William Edmondson, Elton Fax (footnote only), Cecil L. Fergerson, Roland Freeman, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, Reginald Gammon (footnote only), K.D. Ganaway, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, William A. Harper, Palmer Hayden, Vertis C. Hayes, Barkley L. Hendricks, James V. Herring, Richard Hunt, Rudy Irwin, May Howard Jackson, Suzanne Jackson, Joshua Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Gwendolyn Knight, Wifredo Lam, Artis Lane, Jacob Lawrence, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Alvin Loving (footnote only), William Majors (footnote only), Richard Mayhew, Reginald McGhee, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Richard Mayhew, Willie Middlebrook, Ron Moody, Lottie and Lucy Mooney, Flora Moore, Scipio Moorhead, Norma Morgan, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Sara Murrell (footnote only), Otto Neals (footnote only), Odili Donald Odita, Noni Olubisi, Ademola Olugebefola, John Outterbridge, Gordon Parks, six Pettways (Annie E., Arlonzia, Bertha, Clinton, Jr., Jesse T., Letisha), James Phillips, Howardena Pindell, Horace Pippin, Carl Pope, James A. Porter, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Noah Purifoy, Martin Puryear, Okoe Pyatt (footnote only), Robert Reid (footnote only), John Rhoden, John Riddle, Faith Ringgold (footnote only), Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders (footnote only), Augusta Savage, William E. Scott, Georgette Seabrook, James Sepyo (footnote only), Taiwo Shabazz (footnote only), Gary Simmons, Lorna Simpson, Merton Simpson (footnote only), Albert Alexander Smith, Arenzo Smith, Frank Stewart, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, Danny Tisdale, Melvin Van Peebles, James Vanderzee, Annie Walker, Kara Walker, Augustus Washington, Timothy Washington, Carrie Mae Weems, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Pat Ward Williams, William T. Williams, Deborah Willis, Fred Wilson, Ernest C. Withers, Beulah Ecton Woodard, Hale Woodruff, Lloyd Yearwood, Annie Mae and Nettie Pettway Young. 8vo (9 x 6 in.), wraps.

A Wealth of Wisdom: Legendary African American Elders Speak.
New York: Atria Books, 2004.
xix, 278 pp., portrait illus. by Howard L. Bingham. Includes several artists: Elizabeth Catlett, David Driskell, Geoffrey Holder, Gordon Parks. 8vo (23 cm.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

CRAIG MARBERRY (Text and interviews) and MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM (photos).
Spirit of Harlem: A Portrait of America's Most Exciting Neighborhood.
New York: Doubleday, 2003.
232 pp., illus. Foreword by Gordon Parks. Includes interview with Bryan Collier, Brett Cook-Dizney, Marvin Smith. Mention of Louis Delsarte, Jacqui Holmes and Candace Hill-Montgomery (artists in residence at the Studio Museum in 1979.) 8vo (8.4 x 7.8 in.), cloth. First ed.

Biographical Dictionary of Kansas Artists active before 1945.
Includes: Robert E. Bell, Oliver Brooks, Dorothy Page Crawford, Aaron Douglas, Martha Douglas, Abraham Lincoln Hanson, Arthur C. Harris, Vera Ruth Jackson, Eunice, Johnson, Harold Leroy Johnson, Flora Cornell Lewis, Gordon Parks, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Lucile Troupe (china painter). [http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu/dspace/bitstream/1808/1028/1/BDKAversion1.pdf] Orig. 1981, updated web publication, 2006.

The Black Photographers Annual Vol. 3 (1976).
Foreword by Gordon Parks; intro. James Baldwin. Includes: Anthony Barboza, Arza Barnett, Carroll Parrott Blue, John Braithwaite, Ovie Carter, William J. Cottman, Adger Cowans, Bob Crawford, Roy DeCarava, Albert Fennar, Hugh Grannum, Ronald K. Gray, N. Keith Hale, Lou Jones, Jeff Lawson, Matthew Lewis, Mickey Mathis, John Clark Mayden, Reginald McGhee, Marilyn Nance, Larry Neilson, P. H. Polk, Eli Reed, George L. Robinson, Addison N. Scurlock, Moneta Sleet, Jr., Beuford Smith, Jamyl Smith, Ming Smith, Gerald Straw, Theron Taylor, Donald Thomas, James VanDerZee, Robert Van Lierop, Eric G. Vann, Shawn Walker, Lewis Watts, Judith C. White, Shedrich Williams, Daniel S. Williams. [Also exhibited at the Studio Museum in Harlem.] Small 4to, wraps.

The Black Photographers Annual Vol. 4 (1980).
Brooklyn: Another View, 1980.
104 pp., 79 full-page b&w illus. Intro. by John A. Williams, essays on Parks and Saunders, interview with James Vanderzee. Includes: Jules Allen, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Anthony Barboza, Ronald Barboza, Dawoud Bey, Carroll Parrott Blue, Adger W. Cowans, Cary Beth Cryor, Louis Draper, Sharon C. Farmer, Roland Freeman, Keith Hale, Robert Houston, Marilyn Nance, Gordon Parks, Jacqueline LaVetta Patten, Paul Phillips, Richard Saunders, Moneta Sleet, Beuford Smith, Hamilton S. Smith, Ming Smith, Frank Smith, Frank Stewart, Gerald Straw, James Vanderzee, Mel Wright. 4to, printed papered boards. First ed.

DALLAS (TX). Dallas Museum of Art.
Contemporary Photographs: Recent Acquisitions.
June 14-August 31, 2008.
Group exhibition. Included: a trio of photographs by Gordon Parks and a large-scale color photograph by Stan Douglas.

Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora: Origins, Experiences and Culture.
ABC-CLIO, 2008.
3 vols. 1110 pp. Marked by a more than usual editorail indifference to the visual arts, entries of erratic quality and less than desirable levels of research or scholarship. Deborah Willis is alotted a bare handful of pages to cover the entirety of African American photography. The essay on African Diaspora Art was allotted 17 pages to cover a period of 35,000 years and makes a courageous attempt to do so. It is not supported by any entries on individual artists, and many of the artists mentioned are not in the index. The entry is also plagued with inexcusable misspellings of numerous artists' names. The essay on Diaspora photography is also beset by the requirement of inappropriate brevity; the author desperately spends most of the allotted space listing the names of a fairly subjective selection of photographers, some with birth dates, others not. Clyde Taylor packs his 2 1/2 page space allotment to cover Diaspora Film with as many names as possible and, understandably, still can find no room for the Black Audio Film Collective or other such experimental filmmakers, Other essays are depressingly vacuous - the essay on the Black Arts Movement, allotted 2 pages, spends only 31 lines on vague remarks about the movement which the reader is led to think is attributable to events that took place in the Nile Valley thousands of years before. What can you say about a book that devotes more space to rap and hip-hop than to Barbados. Not a book worth consulting? 4to (10.3 x 7.3 in.), cloth.

Malcolm X: The Great Photographs.
Stewart Tabori & Chang, 1993.
Nearly 100 b&w photos by Gordon Parks, and other famous photographers, arranged chronologically with informative text on each. 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.

DENVER (CO). Colorado Photographic Arts Center.
James Vanderzee / Gordon Parks.
June 25-July 31, 1979.
Two-person exhibition.

DETROIT (MI). Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History.
In the Spirit of Martin: The Living Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Washington, DC: SITES and Atlanta: Tinwood Books, 2002.
224 pp., 200 color illus., glossary of people, places, and events, artist biogs., contributor biogs. The catalogue for a traveling exhibition containing a wide range of visual artists' responses to the life of Martin Luther King. Intro. by Nikki Giovanni; texts by Helen Shannon, Walter Leonard, Stanley Crouch, June Jordan, Julius Lester, John Lewis, Bernice Johnson Reagon, and others. Includes 120 works by important African American and white artists. Included are artists as diverse as Charles Alston, Romare Bearden, Phoebe Beasley, Anthony Bonair, John T. Biggers, Willie Birch, Elizabeth Catlett, Thornton Dial, Sr., James A. Dixon, L'Merchie Frazier, Reginald Gammon, Reginald Gee, Sam Gilliam, Chester Higgins, Jr., Jacob Lawrence, Glenn Ligon, Kerry James Marshall, Lev T. Mills, Gordon Parks, Elliott Pinkney, Howardena Pindell, Martin Puryear, Faith Ringgold, Raymond Saunders, Beuford Smith, Alma W. Thomas, Charles White, Jack Whitten, John Wilson, et al. [Traveled to the Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, FL, September 7-December 1, 2002; Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, MN, January 19-April 6, 2003; International Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, May 15-July 27, 2003; Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, TN, August 30-November 9, 2003; and Montgomery Museum of Fine Art, Montgomery, AL, January 3-March 28, 2004.] 4to (31 cm.; 12 x 9.5 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Black Directors in Hollywood.
University of Texas Press, 2003.
389 pp., 57 b&w illus., index. Discusses 67 individuals and over 135 films. 8vo, wraps.

Twentieth-Century American Art.
Oxford University Press, 2002.
288 pp., 151 illus. (including 91 in color). Although it includes a chapter on "Feminist art and Black art," this by no means summarizes the level of inclusion of black artists at every point throughout the text. There are many glaring omissions (John Biggers, Mildred Howard, Lois Mailou Jones, Martin Puryear, Bob Thompson, etc.) and some odd summary comments (for example, Norman Lewis's work is described as "improvisatory environments"), but it's hard to quibble with the first survey of American art to give more than token acknowledgement to the work of African American artists. Over fifty artists and 17 illustrations are included: Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Amiri Baraka, Jean-Michel Basquiat (illus.), Romare Bearden, Elizabeth Catlett, Dana Chandler, Michael Ray Charles (illus.), Barbara Chase-Riboud, Robert Colescott (illus.), Thornton Dial (illus.), Aaron Douglas, Emory Douglas, Melvin Edwards (illus.), Sam Gilliam, Coco Fusco (illus.), David Hammons (illus.), Palmer Hayden, Lonnie Holley, Cliff Joseph, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson (illus.), William H. Johnson, Cliff Joseph, Byron Kim, K.O.S., Jacob Lawrence (illus.), Norman Lewis (illus.), Alvin Loving, Kerry James Marshall, Archibald J. Motley (illus.), Chris Ofili, Lorraine O'Grady, Joe Overstreet, Gordon Parks, Adrian Piper, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Gary Rickson, Faith Ringgold (illus.), Alison Saar (illus.), Betye Saar (illus.), Augusta Savage, Gary Simmons, Lorna Simpson, Alma Thomas, Iké Udé, James Vanderzee, Kara Walker, Carrie Mae Weems (illus.), Charles White, Pat Ward Williams (illus.), Fred Wilson (illus.), Hale Woodruff. Karamu House, the Black Arts Movement and Spiral are mentioned in passing. 8vo (9.2 x 6.5 in..), wraps.

The Muhammad Ali Reader.
Ecco, 1998.
300 pp., 16 page photo insert. Collection of important writings on all phases of Ali's career. Includes: LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), Malcolm X, Gordon Parks, et al. 8vo (9.8 x 6.5 in.), cloth, d.j.

Songs of My People: African Americans: A Self-Portrait.
New York: Little, Brown & Co., 1992.
208 pp., 152 photographic illus. Introduction by Gordon Parks. Essays by Sylvester Monroe, Paula Giddings, Nelson George and Joyce Ladner. Includes photographs by Michelle Agins, Jules Allen, Anthony Barboza, Conrad Barclay, Howard Bingham, Bob Black, Geary G. Broadnax, Dudley Brooks, Ron Caesar, D. Michael Cheers, George Chinsee, Jacques Chinet, Roland L. Freeman, Vince Frye, Mark Gail, T. Ortega Gaines, C.W. Griffin, Keith Hadley, Durell Hall, Jr., Craig Herndon, Chester Higgins, Fred Hutcherson, Jason Miccolo Johnson, David Lee, Matthew Lewis, Roy Lewis, Kirk McKoy, Odell Mitchell, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Ozier Muhammad, Marilyn Nance, Eli Reed, Jeffery Allan Salter, Coreen Simpson, Lester Sloan, D. Stevens, Bruce Talamon, Dixie D. Vereen, Kenneth Walker, Riccardo Watson, John H. White, Keith Williams, Pat West, and other leading Black photojournalists. [The exhibition traveled to 23 U.S. cities and 7 countries in Europe. 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.

African-American Artists.
Mason Crest Publishers, 2012.
Young adults. Ages 10-13. 64 pp., illus. Includes: paintings by Edward M. Bannister and Henry Ossawa Tanner, Gordon Parks's photographs, and Aaron McGruder's comics, among others. A sparse introduction. 8vo (24 x 19 cm.; 9.75 x 7 in.), papered boards. First ed.

African America: Portrait of a People.
Detroit: Visible Ink, 1994.
Section on Fine and Applied Arts pp. 593-655 mentions a sizeable number of artists (with many misspellings): Scipio Moorhead, Eugene Warburg, Bill Day [presumably Thomas Day], Charles Alston, Benny Andrews, Henry Bannarn, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé (photo), Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Robert Blackburn, curator Horace Brockington, Elmer Brown, Eugene Brown, Kay Brown, Linda Bryant, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, E. Simms Campbell, Elizabeth Catlett, Cathy Chance, Dana Chandler, Gylbert Coker, Robert Colescott, Houston Conwill, Michael Cummings, Ernest Crichlow, Emilio Cruz, Roy DeCarava (with photo), Beauford Delaney, Aaron Douglas, David Driskell, Robert Duncanson, William Edmondson, Elton Fax, (with photo), Meta Warrick Fuller, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Philip Hampton, Florence Harding (as Harney), Palmer Hayden, James V. Herring, George Hulsinger, Richard Hunt, Clementine Hunter, Zell Ingram, Venola Jennings, Larry Johnson, Lester L. Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnston, Ben Jones, Emeline King, Jacob Lawrence (with photo); Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Ionis Bracy Martin, Cheryl McClenny, Geraldine McCullough, Evangeline J. Montgomery, Jimmy Mosely, Juanita Moulon, Archibald Motley (with photo), Otto Neals, Senga Nengudi, Ademola Olugebefola, Hayward Oubré, John Outterbridge, Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, Delilah Pierce, Howardena Pindell, Jerry Pinkney, Horace Pippin, James Porter, Florence Purviance, Martin Puryear, Faith Ringgold, Betye Saar, Charles Sallee, Augusta Savage, William E. Scott, Charles Searles, Lorna Simpson, Willi Smith (with photo), William E. Smith, Edward Spriggs, F. [Doc] Spellmon, Nelson Stevens, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Jean Taylor, Alma Thomas, Bob Thompson, Dox Thrash, James VanDerZee, Laura Waring, Faith Weaver, Edward T. P. Welburn, Charles White, Randy Williams, William T. Williams (with photo), John Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Dolores Wright, Richard Yarde, and George Washington Carver. Also mentions fashion designers Stephen Burrows (photo), Gordon Henderson, Willi Smith. 4to, cloth.

EVANSTON (IL). Spertus Museum of Judaica.
A Force for Change: African American Art and the Julius Rosenwald Fund.
February 6-August 16, 2009.
175 pp. exhib. cat., color and b&w illus., bibliog. Texts by Peter M. Ascoli (grandson and biographer of Julius Rosenwald), Kinshasha Holman Conwill, Julia L. Foulkes, Alfred Perkins, Darryl Pinckney, and curator Daniel Schulman. Features more than 60 paintings, sculptures and works on paper by 22 artists who were recipients of Rosenwald fellowships between 1928-1948, including: William D. Artis, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Aaron Douglas, Ronald Joseph, Jacob Lawrence, Gordon Parks, Rose Piper, Haywood Bill Rivers, Augusta Savage, Charles White, Hale Woodruff, et al. [Traveled to: Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA, September 13, 2009-January 10, 2010; Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ, February 7-July 25, 2010.] 4to (28 cm.), wraps.

From Harlem to Paris: Black American Writers in France, 1840-1980.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
358 pp. Although the focus is on writers, musicians and visual artists are mentioned as well. Artists mentioned include: Josephine Baker, Richmond Barthé, Hart Leroy Bibbs, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Ed Clark, Beauford Delaney, Palmer Hayden, Hector Hyppolite, Ted Joans, Clarence Major, Sam Middleton, Gordon Parks, Elizabeth Prophet, Henry O. Tanner, Melvin Van Peebles, Eugene Warburg, Hale Woodruff. Passing mention of numerous others such as Larry Potter, Walter Coleman, Agustín Cardenas, Wifredo Lam (as Wilfredo), Hervé Télémaque, et al. [Fabre's earlier "Les Noirs Americains" (Paris: Librarie Armand Colin, 1970) had mentioned only 8 black visual artists Jacob Lawrence, Palmer Hayden, Charles White, Charles Alston, Richmond Barthé, Lawrence Taylor, Beulah Woodward, Richard Hunt.] 8vo (9.3 x 6.2 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

FLUSHING (NY). Queens Museum of Art.
Louis Armstrong: A Cultural Legacy.
Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1994.
248 pp. exhib. cat., over 350 color and b&w illus., bibliog., index. Texts by Mark H. Miller, Richard A. Long, Dan Morgenstern, and Donald Bogle. Includes: Romare Bearden, Gordon Parks, Jacob Lawrence. [Traveling exhibition.] 4to (29 cm.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Seeing Jazz: Artists and Writers on Jazz.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1997.
144 pp., 95 color and b&w illus., list of plates. Foreword by Clark Terry; afterword by Milt Hinton. Published in association with the traveling exhibition organized by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Writers and visual artists include (among others): James Baldwin, Gwendolyn Brooks, Count Basie, Smokey Robinson; artists: Terry Adkins, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Amiri Baraka, Anthony Barboza, Romare Bearden, Miles Davis, David Driskell, Jarvis Grant, Roland Jean, Hughie Lee-Smith, Norman Lewis, Ed Love, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Ademola Olugebefola, Gordon Parks, James Phillips, Raymond Saunders, Charles Searles, Vincent Smith, Renée Stout, Ann Tanksley, Denise Ward-Brown, William T. Williams, and dozens more. [Traveled to: Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, FL; Jazz Gallery, New York, NY; Western Gallery, Bellingham, WA; Middlebury College Museum of Art, Middlebury, VT; Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute of Art, Utica, NY; Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, TN; Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV; Museum of the Southwest, Midland, TX.] Sq. 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.

African American National Biography.
Originally published in 8 volumes, the set has grown to 12 vollumes with the addition of 1000 new entries. Also available as online database of biographies, accessible only to paid subscribers (well-endowed institutions and research libraries.) As per update of February 2, 2009, the following artists were included in the 8-volume set, plus addenda. A very poor showing for such an important reference work. Hopefully there are many more artists in the new entries: Jesse Aaron, Julien Abele (architect), John H. Adams, Jr., Ron Adams, Salimah Ali, James Latimer Allen, Charles H. Alston, Amalia Amaki, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, William E. Artis, Herman "Kofi" Bailey, Walter T. Bailey (architect), James Presley Ball, Edward M. Bannister, Anthony Barboza, Ernie Barnes, Richmond Barthé, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Cornelius Marion Battey, Romare Bearden, Phoebe Beasley, Arthur Bedou, Mary A. Bell, Cuesta Ray Benberry, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Howard Bingham, Alpha Blackburn, Robert H. Blackburn, Walter Scott Blackburn, Melvin R. Bolden, David Bustill Bowser, Wallace Branch, Barbara Brandon, Grafton Tyler Brown, Richard Lonsdale Brown, Barbara Bullock, Selma Hortense Burke, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Taylor Goss Burroughs, John Bush, Elmer Simms Campbell, Elizabeth Catlett, David C. Chandler, Jr., Raven Chanticleer, Ed Clark, Allen Eugene Cole, Robert H. Colescott, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest T. Crichlow, Michael Cummings, Dave the Potter [David Drake], Griffith J. Davis, Thomas Day, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Thornton Dial, Sr., Joseph Eldridge Dodd, Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, Sam Doyle, David Clyde Driskell, Robert S. Duncanson, Ed Dwight (listed as military, not as artist); Mel Edwards, Minnie Jones Evans, William McNight Farrow, Elton Fax, Daniel Freeman, Meta Warrick Fuller, Reginald Gammon, King Daniel Ganaway, the Goodridge Brothers, Rex Goreleigh, Tyree Guyton, James Hampton, Della Brown Taylor (Hardman), Edwin Augustus Harleston, Charles "Teenie" Harris, Lyle Ashton Harris, Bessie Harvey, Isaac Scott Hathaway, Palmer Hayden, Nestor Hernandez, George Joseph Herriman, Varnette Honeywood, Walter Hood, Richard L. Hunster, Richard Hunt, Clementine Hunter, Bill Hutson, Joshua Johnson, Sargent Claude Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Ann Keesee, Gwendolyn Knight, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Samella Lewis, Glenn Ligon, Jules Lion, Edward Love, Estella Conwill Majozo, Ellen Littlejohn, Kerry James Marshall, Lynn Marshall-Linnemeier, Richard Mayhew, Carolyn Mazloomi, Aaron Vincent McGruder, Robert H. McNeill, Scipio Moorhead, Archibald H. Motley, Jr., Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Mr. Imagination (Gregory Warmack), Lorraine O'Grady, Jackie Ormes, Joe Overstreet, Carl Owens, Gordon Parks, Sr., Gordon Parks, Jr., C. Edgar Patience, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Margaret Smith Piper, Rose Piper, Horace Pippin, William Sidney Pittman, Stephanie Pogue, Prentiss Herman Polk (as Prentice), James Amos Porter, Harriet Powers, Elizabeth Prophet, Martin Puryear, Patrick Henry Reason, Michael Richards, Arthur Rose, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Augusta Savage, Joyce J. Scott, Addison Scurlock, George Scurlock, Willie Brown Seals, Charles Sebree, Joe Selby, Lorna Simpson, Norma Merrick Sklarek, Clarissa Sligh, Albert Alexander Smith, Damballah Smith, Marvin and Morgan Smith, Maurice B. Sorrell, Simon Sparrow, Rozzell Sykes, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, J.J. Thomas, Robert Louis (Bob) Thompson, Mildred Jean Thompson, Dox Thrash, William Tolliver, Bill Traylor, Leo F. Twiggs, James Augustus Joseph Vanderzee, Kara Walker, William Onikwa Wallace, Laura Wheeler Waring, Augustus Washington, James W. Washington, Jr., Carrie Mae Weems, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, John H. White, Jack Whitten, Carla Williams, Daniel S. Williams, Paul Revere Williams (architect), Deborah Willis, Ed Wilson, Ellis Wilson, Fred Wilson, John Woodrow Wilson, Ernest C. Withers, Beulah Ecton Woodard, Hale Aspacio Woodruff.

American Photography: A Century of Images.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1999.
228 pp., 50 color and 110 b&w illus. Includes: Bernie Boston, Albert Chong, Chester Higgins, Jr., Gordon Parks, Eli Reed, Lorna Simpson, James Vanderzee, Carrie Mae Weems, Ernest C. Withers. 4to, cloth, d.j.

Different: Historical Context Contemporary Photographers and Black Identity.
London and New York: Phaidon, 2001.
207 pp., b&w and color illus. (most full-page), index of artists. Major text by Stuart Hall. Work by black artists from the U.S., Britain, Caribbean, and Africa, exploring images of their identity. Includes: Ajamu, Faisal Abdu'allah, Vincent Allen, David A. Bailey, Oladélé Bamgboyé, Dawoud Bey, Zarina Bhimji, Vanley Burke, Mama Casset, Albert V. Chong, Clement Cooper, Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Samuel Fosso, Armet Francis, Remy Gastambide, Bob Gosani, Joy Gregory, George Hallett, Lyle Ashton Harris, Seydou Keita, Roshini Kempadoo, Peter Max Khondola, Alf Kumalo, Anthony Lam, Eric Lesdema, Dave Lewis, Peter Magubane, Ricky Maynard, Eustaguio Neves, Horace Ove, Gordon Parks, Eileen Perrier, Ingrid Pollard, Richard Samuel Roberts, Franklyn Rodgers, Faizal Sheikh, Yinka Shonibare, Malick Sidibé, Lorna Simpson, Clarissa Sligh, Robert Taylor, Iké Udé, James VanDerZee, Maxine Walker, Carrie Mae Weems, Deborah Willis, Ernest Withers. Small 4to (25 cm.), red papered boards. First ed.

HAMPTON (VA). Hampton University.
The International Review of African American Art Vol. 8, no. 4.
64 pp. issue devoted to African American photography. Articles include: "African American Photographers 1839-1989. An Overview" by Deborah Willis; "Vanderzee" by Donna Mussenden Vanderzee; "The Eye Music of Gordon Parks" by Mary Jane Hewitt and "For The Record: James Van Der Zee, Marcus Garvey, and The UNIA Photographs." illus. by Gordon Parks, Vance Allen, Sulaiman Ellison, James P. Ball, Goodridge Brothers, James Van Der Zee, James Latimer Allen, C.M. Battey, Elise Forrest Harleston, P.H. Polk, Richard S. Roberts, Marvin and Morgan Smith, Moneta Sleet, Jr., Richard Saunders, and Robert Sengstacke. 4to, wraps.

HAMPTON (VA). Hampton University.
The International Review of African American Art Vol. 9, no. 4: Artists of the '30s and '40s.
"Wm. H. Johnson" by Leslie King-Hammond; "Romare Bearden" by June Kelly; "Color, Structure, Design: Artistic Expressions of Lois Mailou Jones" by Tritobia Benjamin; "Ellis Wilson's Pursuit of a Theme on Labor" by David Duckwork; "Ruth Waddy: A California." Artwork by: William H Johnson, Romare Bearden, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Ellis Wilson, Gordon Parks, Ruth Waddy, Mel Edwards, George Smith, Daniel LaRue Johnson, Margo Humphrey, Marie Johnson, Judy Houston, Irene Clark, Betye Saar. 4to, wraps.

HANOVER (NH). Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College.
Modern and Contemporary Art at Dartmouth: Highlights from the Hood Museum of Art.
240 pp., illus. throughout. Text by Emily Burke, et al. The third book in a series on the permanent collection at the Hood Museum of Art; Focuses on the museum's post-1945 holdings and features works by: Terry Adkins, Alison Saar, Romare Bearden, Magdalena Campos-Pons, Renée Cox, El Anatsui, Ellen Gallagher, Jacob Lawrence, Glenn Ligon, Sana Musasama, Wangechi Mutu, Philome Obin, Magdalene Odundo, Gordon Parks, Alison Saar, Raymond Saunders, Joyce J. Scott, Berni Searle, Malick Sidibé, Lorna Simpson, Kara Walker, Carrie Mae Weems, and Fred Wilson. 4to, pictorial wraps.

Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People.
Documentary film. [Premiered at Sundance Film Festival, January 14, 2014. Screened at: Film Forum, New York, NY;]

HARTFORD (CT). Amistad Foundation, Wadsworth Atheneum.
Martin Luther King Jr.: Life, Times, and Legacy.
November 14, 2007-April 27, 2008.
Group exhibition. Artists included: Elizabeth Catlett, Jeff Donaldson, David Driskell, Terence Hammonds, Wadsworth Jarrell, Gordon Parks, Alexis Peskine, Sheila Pree-Bright, Faith Ringgold, Betye Saar, Moneta Sleet, and others.

HARTFORD (CT). Wadsworth Atheneum.
Double Exposure: African Americans Before and Behind the Camera.
20 pp. exhib. cat., illus. Group exhibition of daguerrotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes as well as work by contemporary photographers. Curated by Lisa Henry and Frank Mitchell. Includes: Maya Freelon Asante, April Banks, Sheila Pree Bright, Kesha Bruce, Albert Chong, Renée Cox, Gerald Cyrus, Roy DeCarava, Leslie Hewitt, Melvina Lathan, Stephanie Lindsey, Gordon Parks, Wendy Phillips, Betye Saar, Lorna Simpson, Bayeté Ross Smith, Darryl Smith, Hank Willis Thomas, James Vanderzee, Augustus Washington, Lewis Watts, Carrie Mae Weems, Amanda Williams, Carla Williams, Deborah Willis, et al. [Traveled to: Museum of the African Diaspora, San Francisco, 2008; DePaul University Art Museum, Chicago, IL, April 16-June 14, 2009; Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, FL, 2010; Thorne-Sagendorph Gallery, Keene State College, NH, 2010; David Driskell Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2011.]

Modern Art in the USA: Issues and Controversies of the 20th Century.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 2001.
xviii, 478 pp., b&w illus., bibliog., notes, index. Anthology of 160 critical writings and artists' statements on early American modernism, machine age, jazz age, WPA art and photography, Abstract Expressionism, Pop art, conceptual art, earthworks, black art, feminist art, postmodernism, public art, body art, censorship, etc. Includes: documents from the Black Arts Movement (Edmund Barry Gaither, Michele Wallace interview with Faith Ringgold), an excerpt from Judith Wilson's text on African American art in The Decade Show; writings by W.E.B. DuBois, Alain Locke, Langston Hughes, and more. Artists mentioned include: Charles Alston, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Elizabeth Catlett, Robert Colescott, David Driskell, Melvin Edwards, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Lyle Ashton Harris, William H. Johnson, Gwendolyn Knight, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Archibald Motley, Chris Ofili, Lorraine O'Grady, Gordon Parks, Howardena Pindell, Martin Puryear, Alison and Betye Saar, Augusta Savage, Dread Scott, Lorna Simpson, Renée Stout, Kara Walker, the Wall of Respect, Pat Ward Williams, Fred Wilson, Carrie Mae Weems. 8vo, wraps. First printing.

HOUSTON (TX). The Menil Collection.
Everyday People: 20th-Century Photography from The Menil Collection.
January 26-April 29, 2007.
Group exhibition. Included: Gordon Parks, Moneta Sleet, Jr., ad James Vanderzee.

ITHACA (NY). Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University.
Blackness in Color: Visual Expressions of the Black Arts Movement (1960 to present).
August 26-October 22, 2000.
Exhibition in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Africana Studies and Research Center at Cornell University. Artists included: Emma Amos, Nii Ahene ’La Mettle-Nunoo, Akili Ron Anderson, Ellsworth Ausby, Abdullah Aziz, Romare Bearden, G. Falcon Beazer, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Bob Blackburn, Carole Blank, Skunder Boghossian, Kay Brown, Vivian E. Browne. Viola Burley Leak, Carole M. Byard, Elizabeth Catlett, Dana Chandler, Eldzier Cortor, Adger Cowans, Renée Cox. Pat Davis, Murry DePillars, Jeff Donaldson, David Driskell, Melvin Edwards, Miriam B. Francis, Reginald Gammon, David Hammons, Michael Harris, Gaylord Hassan, Frieda High Wasikhongo Tesfagiorgis, Linda Hiwot, Robin Holder. Jamillah Jennings, Lois Mailou Jones, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Barbara J. Jones-Hogu, Charlotte Kâ (Richardson), Wifredo Lam, Carolyn Lawrence, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Al Loving, Valerie Maynard, Dindga McCannon, Geraldine McCullough, Muhammad Mufutau, Otto Neals, Malangatana Ngwenya, Ademola Olugebefola, Gordon Parks, James Phillips, Okoe Pyatt, Abdul Rahman, Faith Ringgold, Ibrahim El-Salahi, Betye Saar, Charles Searles, James Sepyo, Taiwo Shabazz, Lorna Simpson, Merton Simpson, Nelson Stevens, Leo Franklin Twiggs, Cheryl Warrick, Carrie Mae Weems, Charles White, Emmett Wigglesworth, Grace Williams, William T. Williams.

Encyclopedia of African American Artists (Artists of the American Mosaic).
Westport (CT): Greenwood, 2009.
280 pp., b&w illus. and 8 pp. color plates, brief bibliogs. after biographical entries, short general bibliog., index. 66 artists included, some with full entries, some additional artists named in passing. Not remotely encyclopedic. Includes: Charles Alston, Olu Amoda, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, George Andrews, Herman Kofi Bailey, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, John T. Biggers, Elmer Simms Campbell, George Washington Carver, Elizabeth Catlett, Sonya Clark, Robert Colescott, Larry Collins, Ed Colston, Achamyele Debela, Roy DeCarava, Gebre Desta, Buddie Jake Dial, Thornton Dial, Sr., Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, David Driskell, Melvin Edwards, Victor Ekpuk, Ben Enwonwu, Tolulope Filani, Sam Gilliam, Palmer Hayden, Alvin C. Hollingsworth, Charnelle Holloway, George Hughes, Richard Hunt, Wadsworth Jarrell, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnson, Lois Mailiou Jones, Ronald Joseph, Byron Kim, Wosene Worke Kosrof, Jacob Lawrence, Edmonia Lewis, Cynthia Lockhart, Frank (Toby) Martin, Richard, Mayhew, Carolyn Mazloomi, Julie Mehretu, Archibald Motley, Wangechi Mutu, Barbara Nesin, Odili Donald Odita, Christopher Okigbo, Bruce Onobrakpeya, Kolade Oshinowo, Gordon Parks, Thomas Phelps, Horace Pippin, Willi Posey (under Jones), Ellen Jean Price, Martin Puryear, Femi Richards, Faith Ringgold, Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson, Betye Saar, Augusta Savage, John T. Scott, Gerard Sekoto, Thomas Shaw, Lorna Simpson, Edgar Sorrells-Adewale, SPIRAL, Renée Stout, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Fatimah Tuggar, Obiora Udechukwu, James Vanderzee, Ouattara Watts, Carrie Mae Weems, Charles White, William T. Williams, Hale Woodruff. 4to (10.1 x 7.2 in.), boards.

60 Years of Blacks in the Arts.
In: Ebony 61, no. 1 (November, 2005):140+; small thumbnail images of work by Elizabeth Catlett, Jacob Lawrence, Moneta Sleet, Jr., Charles White. Mentions Margaret Burroughs, Romare Bearden, Richard Hunt, Geraldine McCullough, and Gordon Parks. 4to, wraps.

Struggles for Representation: African American Documentary Film and Video.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999.
xxxiii, 483 pp., illus. Examines over 300 non-fiction films by more than 150 African American film/videomakers and includes an extensive filmography, bibliography, and excerpts from interviews with film/videomakers. 11 texts, including: "Pioneers of Black Documentary Film" by Pearl Bowser; "Military rites and wrongs: African Americans in the U.S. Armed Forces" by Phyllis R. Klotman; "Documenting Social Issues: Black journal, 1968-1970" by Tommy Lee Lott; "Eyes on the Prize: Reclaiming Black images, culture, and history" by Elizabeth Amelia Hadley; "Paths of Enlightenment: heroes, rebels and thinkers" by Clyde Taylor; "Rewritten on film: documenting the artist" by Janet K. Cutler; "Uptown where we Belong: space, captivity, and the documentary of Black community" by Mark Frederick Baker and Houston A. Baker, Jr.; "Discourses of Family in Black Documentary Film" by Valerie Smith; "Springing Tired Chains: Experimental Film and Video" by Paul Arthur; "Black high-tech documents" by Erika Muhammad; "The 'I' Narrator in Black Diaspora Documentary" by Manthia Diawara. Includes (among many others): William Alexander, Camille Billops, Carroll Parrott Blue, St. Clair Bourne, Ayoka Chenzira, Tony Cokes, Kathleen Collins, Julie Dash, Zeinabu Irene Davis, Cheryl Dunye, Haile Gerima, Leah Gilliam, Thomas Allen Harris, Charles Hobson, Isaac Julien, Alile Sharon Larkin, Barbara McCullough, Michelle Parkerson, Gordon Parks, Marlon Riggs, Jacqueline Shearer, Cauleen Smith, Yvonne Welbon, as well as pioneers such as Oscar Micheaux and mainstream directors such as Warrington Hudlin, Spike Lee, and digital media artist Pamela L. Jennings. 8vo (9.2 x 6.1 in.).

LAGOS (Nigeria). National Museum and Theatre Gallery.
Second World Black and African Festival of Art and Culture [FESTAC 77].
January 15-February 12, 1977.
64 pp. exhib. cat. Group exhibition. American participants included: Adger Cowans, Tyrone Mitchell, Gordon Parks, Noah Purifoy, Faith Ringgold, Haywood "Bill" Rivers, Charles Searles, Vincent Smith, William T. Williams, Melvyn Ettrick (representing Jamaica). Also included: Dudley Charles (Guyana), Gizaw Tadesse, Mesfin Tadesse, Cherenet Tassew, and thousands of other participants. [Reviews: African Arts Vol. 11, Issue 1 (October 1977); Black Scholar 9, 1 (September, 1977):34-37; and a recent evaluation by Denis Ekpo, "Culture and Modernity Since Expo '77," in Afropolis: City/Media/Art:149-157.]

Out of the Forties.
Austin: Texas Monthly Press, 1983.
149 pp., b&w photos. Includes: Gordon Parks. Square 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.

The Artist Portrait Series: Images of Contemporary African American Artists.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2001.
xviii, 122 pp., 61 b&w illus., index. Foreword by Margaret Rose Vendryes; intro. by Deborah Willis. Portrait images by photographer Fern Logan. Subjects include: Candida Alvarez, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Ellsworth Ausby, Romare Bearden, Dawoud Bey Camille Billops, Bob Blackburn, Vivian Browne, Selma Burke, Nanette Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Ed Clark, Eldzier Cortor, Adger Cowans, Ernest Crichlow, Roy DeCarava, Louis Delsarte, Joseph Delaney, Melvin Edwards, Herbert Gentry, Rosa Guy, Manuel Hughes, Richard Hunt, Bill Hutson, Lois Mailou Jones, Gwendolyn Knight (as Gwendolyn Lawrence), Jacob Lawrence, Samella Lewis, James Little, Al Loving, Fern Logan, Andrew Lyght, Richard Mayhew, Arthur Mitchell, Tyrone Mitchell, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Gordon Parks, Howardena Pindell, John Pinderhughes, Faith Ringgold, Betye Saar, Coreen Simpson, Merton Simpson, Charles Smalls, Vincent Smith, Frank Stewart, Raymond Bo Walker, Jack Whitten, William T. Williams, Mel Wright, and others. 4to (27 cm.; 10 x 8 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

LONDON (UK). Whitechapel Art Gallery.
Back to Black: Art, Cinema, and the Racial Imaginary.
June 7-September 4, 2005.
200 pp. exhib. cat., 185 illus. (64 in color), bibliog. Curated by Dr. Petrine Archer-Straw, David A. Bailey, Richard J. Powell. Texts by curators and Mora Beauchamp-Byrd, Kathleen Cleaver, Manthia Diawara, Kodwo Eshun, Paul Gilroy, Kellie Jones. Artists and filmmakers (including many white film directors) on show include: Theodoros Bafaloukos (white director of "Rockers"), Ernie Barnes, Romare Bearden, Dawoud Bey, Everald Brown, Vanley Burke, fashion designer Stephen Burrows, Marcel Camus (French director of "Black Orpheus"), Elizabeth Catlett, Larry Cohen, William Crain (director of "Blacula"), Ossie Davis, Haile Gerima, Christopher Gonzalez, Guy Hamilton, David Hammons, Barkley L. Hendricks, Perry Henzell (white director of "The Harder They Come"), Gavin Jantjes, Kapo, Kofi Kayiga, Patrick Lichfield, Donald Locke, Ed Love, Edna Manley, Arthur Marks, Gilbert Moses III, Horace Ové, Joe Overstreet, Gordon Parks, Adrian Piper, Faith Ringgold, Eddie Romero, Betye Saar, Barry Shear, Peter Simon, Melvin Van Peebles, Osmond Watson, Charles White, Aubrey Williams, Llewellyn Xavier. [Traveled to: The New Art Gallery, Walsall, UK.] 4to (26 cm.), cloth. First ed.

Lucerne (Switzerland). Camera.
Camera 45eme Annee, no. 10 (Octobre 1966).
104 pp., 70+ illus. This issue includes: Gordon Parks: La Mode et la photographie. 4to, wraps.

Black City Cinema: African American Urban Experiences in Film.
Temple University Press, 2003.
280 pp., index. From black cast musicals and silent-era race films to blaxploitation and hood films in the late 90s, with a strong emphasis on Spike Lee's contributions along the way. A general survey of the mainstream films of black cinema depicting or directed by African Americans. No new material or filmmakers are introduced. Documentary, short films, animation, and most independent black filmmaking is never mentioned. Includes in passing: Charles Burnett, George and Noble Johnson, Oscar Micheaux, Spencer Williams, Ernest Dickerson, William Foster, Haile Gerima, the Hudlin brothers, Allen and Albert Hughes, Gordon Parks, Sr. and Jr., Matty Rich, John Singleton, Robert Townsend, Melvin and Mario Van Peebles, and a dozen others. 8vo (9.4 x 6.1 in.), cloth.

Blacks in America: A Photographic Record.
Rochester: International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, 1986.
62 pp. exhib. cat., 109 b&w illus. A photographic survey of African Americans from 1850 to present. Includes: Roy DeCarava, Gordon Parks. [Traveled to: African-American Museum of Nassau County, June 7-August 2, 1986.] Small 4to, wraps. First ed.

The Photography Encyclopedia.
New York: Schirmer Books, 1999.
768 pp. Alphabetical entries covering photographers, curators, collectors, historians, dealers, institutions, and more. The author was a renowned photographer for the Village Voice. 4to (10.9 x 8.3 in.), pictorial boards.

MEMPHIS (TN). Memphis Brooks Museum of Art.
Photographs from the Memphis World, 1949-1964.
August 23, 2008-January 5, 2009.
135 pp. exhib. cat., 58 b&w illus., bibliog. Curated from the Brooks Museum of Art Memphis World Collection. Intro. by Marina Pacini; texts by Russell Wigginton (on the history of the Memphis World newspaper) and by Deborah Willis (emphasis on black press photographers generally, most of whom were not included in the exhibition: Allan Edward Cole, Gordon Parks, and Teenie Harris.) Includes: 12 photos by Ernest C. Withers, 11 by the Hooks Brothers, several by R. Earl Williams, P. Cuff, Clarence Blakely, E.H. Jaffe, Henry Ford, Reese Studios, Mark Stansbury, Tisby. The selection includes photographs of groups and numerous photographs of individuals with brier biographies and other information on each by fifteen contributors. [19 of the photographs also exhibited at: Clough Hanson Gallery, Rhodes College, September 5-October 4, 2008.] Sq. 8vo, pictorial wraps.

Chicago's South Side, 1946-1948.
Berkeley: University of California Press, in association with the Graduate School of Journalism, Center for Photography, University of California, Berkeley, 2000.
127 pp., 104 b&w illus. Intro. by Orville Schell; memoir and comments on the work by Gordon Parks; commentary by Robert B. Stepto. Taken over a course of three years beginning in 1946, this body of photographs by white photojournalist Wayne F. Miller range from storefront church services, tiny apartment kitchens to slaughterhouse workers in the taverns at night. He records the hopes and hardships shared by a community of migrants who had just migrated from the rural South to the urban North, to Chicago's South Side. [See also: Maren Stange, Bronzeville: Black Chicago in Pictures, 1941-1943, for the period just prior to the one covered by Miller.] Sq. 4to (10 x 11 in.), cloth, d.j.

Committed to the Image: Contemporary Black Photographers.
Brooklyn: Museum of Art in association with London: Merrell, 2001.
240 pp., excellent quality b&w and color illus., brief biogs. of artists, bibliog. Texts by Clyde Taylor and Deba P. Patnaik. Published to accompany an exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Includes 94 contemporary African American photographers who live and work in the United State, each represented by several images. Excellent reference. Artists included: Salimah Ali, Jules Allen, Anthony Barboza, Ronald Barboza, Hugh Bell, Donald L. Bernard, Kwame Brathwaite, Nathaniel Burkins, Keith Calhoun, Don Camp, Ron Campbell, Howard T. Cash, Albert Chong, Barron Claiborne, Carl Clark, Linda Day Clark, Wayne Clarke, Jim Collier, Kerry Stuart Coppin, Adger W. Cowans, Renée Cox, Gerald Cyrus, Martin Dixon, Sulaiman Ellison, Mfon (Mmekutmfon) Essien, Delphine A. Fawundu, Albert R. Fennar, Collette Fournier, Omar Francis, Roland L. Freeman, Gerard H. Gaskin, Bill Gaskins, Tony Gleaton, Faith Goodin, Lonnie Graham, Todd Gray, Bob Greene, C.W. Griffin, Inge Hardison, Joe Harris, Art Harrison, Leroy W. Henderson, Jr., Raymond W. Holman, Jr., Imari (DuSauzay), Reginald L. Jackson, Leslie Jean-Bart, Jason Miccolo Johnson, Omar Kharem, Gary Jackson Kirksey, Andrea Davis Kronlund, Fern Logan, Lauri Lyons, Stephen Marc, Charles Martin, Steve J. Martin, Chandra McCormick, Willie Middlebrook, Cheryl Miller, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Ozier Muhammad, Marilyn Nance, Oggi Ogburn, Gordon Parks, Toni Parks, John Pinderhughes, Carl Pope, Jr., Herbert Randall, Eli Reed, Vernon Reid, Orville Robertson, Herb Robinson, Richard Howard Rose, Jeffery A. Salter, Juma Santos, Jeffrey Henson Scales, Keisha Scarville, Accra Shepp, Coreen Simpson, Beuford Smith, Jamyl Oboong Smith, Chuck Stewart, Frank Stewart, Gerald Straw, Bruce W. Talamon, Ron Tarver, Shawn W. Walker, Carrie Mae Weems, Edward West, Cynthia Wiggins, Budd Williams, Ernest C. Withers, Suné Woods, Mel Wright, Gene Young. 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.

MINNEAPOLIS (MN). Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
The Sports Show.
February 19-May 13, 2012.
302 pp., color and b&w illus. Text by curator David E. Little. Features photographs from the collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and other cultural institutions, together with mass media photographs, television clips, movies, installations, and videos. Included:: Gordon Parks, Paul Pfeiffer, Hank Willis Thomas (and innumerable images of black athletes taken by famous white photographers.) 4to, boards.

MINNEAPOLIS (MN). University Art Museum, University of Minnesota.
A Stronger Soul Within a Finer Frame: Portraying African Americans in the Black Renaissance.
64 pp. exhib. cat., 21 b&w illus., color cover illus., exhib. checklist. Multi-disciplinary exhibition rather randomly covering literature, painting, graphic arts, film and music. Many works were exhibited in reproduction only. Text by John S. Wright and Tracy E. Smith. Includes: James Latimer Allen, Charles Alston, Richmond Barthé, C.M. Battey, Aaron Douglas, E. Simms Campbell, Palmer Hayden, Lois Mailou Jones, Archibald Motley, Jr., Augusta Savage, Addison Scurlock, Albert A. Smith, Henry Ossawa Tanner, James Vanderzee, Mexican artist Miguel Covarrubias, and many white artists. Also includes a section on the Black Arts movement of the Sixties with images of work by Alison Saar and Gordon Parks. 4to (28 cm), pictorial stapled wraps. First ed.

Reel Black Talk: A Sourcebook of 50 American Filmmakers.
Westport (CT): Greenwood, 1997.
396 pp., illus., preface brief chronology, appendix, bibliog., index. Foreword by George Hill. Essays on historic figures and interviews with contemporary African American filmmakers. Includes: Oscar Micheaux, Spencer Williams, William Alexander, Madeline Anderson, Neema Barnette, St. Clair Bourne, Charles Burnett, Bill Duke, Gordon Parks, Julie Dash, Ayoka Chenzira, Francee Covington, Carl Franklin, Ivan Dixon, Jamaa Fanaka, Wendell Franklin, William Greaves, Henry Hampton, Hobart Whitaker Harris, Wendell Burks Harris, Jr., Reginald and Warrington Hudlin, Albert and Allen Hughes, the team of George Jackson and Doug McHenry, Asley James, Avon Kirkland, Stan Lathan, Spike Lee, Louis Massiah, Floyd Norman and Leo Sullivan, Michelle Parkerson, Mattie Rich, Marlon T. Riggs, Hugh Robertson, Michael Schultz, Jackie Shearer, John Singleton, Arlando C. Smith, Robert Townsend, Melvin Van Peebles, Mario Van Peebles, Mick Warren III, the Wayans family, and Allen Willis. 8vo (9.8 x 6.4 in.), cloth

Negro Art in Chicago.
In: Opportunity, Journal of Negro Life 18, no. 1 (January 1940): 19­22, 28­31. "There is a small group of young Negro artists in Chicago that will be heard from one of these days...At present they are struggling in garage and top floor tenement studios...They paint for the love of it. There is much talent in the group." [Reprinted in Lindsay Patterson, ed., The Negro in Music and Art, 1968.] 4to (11 x 8 in.), wraps.

The Parkway Community House and the Golden Age of Bronzeville.
Mention of early Gordon Parks exhibition at Parkway House. [http://www.hydeparkhistory.org/herald/ParkwayCenter.pdf]

Popular Fronts: Chicago and African-American Cultural Politics, 1935-46.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999.
256 pp., illus., bibliog., notes, index. Extensive discussion of the cultural importance of the South Side Art Center. Mentions William E. Smith, Raymond Steth, Dox Thrash, Henry A. Avery, Richmond Barthé, Margaret Burroughs, John Carlis, Jr., William S. Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Charles Davis, Walter Ellison, William McKnight Farrow, Ramon Gabriel, Rex Goreleigh, Bernard Goss, Joseph Kersey, Jacob Lawrence, Clarence Lawson, Archibald Motley, Jr., George Neal, Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, David Ross, William E. Scott, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Earl Walker, Charles White, Lorraine Williams, Vernon Winslow. 8vo, cloth. First ed.

The Black Image in the New Deal: The Politics of FSA Photography.
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1992.
xii, 305 pp., 105 b&w photos, list of illus., notes, bibliog., index. Interesting scholarly study of FSA photographs 1935-42. 10% of the images of the FSA depicted black subjects or their dwellings. Includes: Dan Burley, Ellsworth Davis, Griffith J. Davis, Roy DeCarava, Austin Hansen, Nat Harris, Leonard C. Hyman, Vera Jackson, Billy Joseph, E. F. Joseph, Dewitt Keith, Robert H. McNeill, Gordon Parks, P.H. Polk, Paul Poole, Emmanuel F. Rowe, Richard Samuel Roberts, Richard Saunders, Addison L. Scurlock, Robert S. Scurlock, Moneta J. Sleet, Roger Smith, James Vanderzee, Robert Williams, Emma King Woodard, Steve Wright. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. First ed.

NEW ORLEANS (LA). New Orleans Museum of Art.
The Art of Caring: A Look at Life through Photography.
May 16-October 11, 2009.
Exhib. cat., illus. Divided into 7 thematic sections: Children and Family, Love, Wellness, Disaster, Caregiving and Healing, Aging, and Remembering. Includes: Albert Chong, Chester Higgins, Gordon Parks, et al.

NEW ORLEANS (LA). Ogden Museum of Southern Art, University of New Orleans.
Visualizing the Blues: Images of the American South, 1862-1999.
February 6-May 16, 2004.
Group photography exhibition including over 50 photographers. Curated by Wendy McDaris. Included: Gordon Parks and Ernest C. Withers. [Traveled to: Krannert Art Museum, September 5-November 2, 2003, and other venues.]

NEW ORLEANS (LA). Stella Jones Gallery.
Ebony soliloquy: a five year retrospective (1996-2001).
47 pp. exhib. cat., illus. (mostly color.) Preface by Samella Lewis. Group exhibition. Included: Richard Barthé, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Herbert Gentry, Loïs Mailou Jones, Phoebe Beasley, Yvonne Edwards-Tucker, Artis Lane, Evangeline "EJ" Montgomery, Mary Lovelace O'Neal, Ann Tanksley, Louis Delsarte, Malaika Favorite, Randall Henry, Dennis Paul Williams, Tayo Adenaike, El Anatsui, Antonio Carreño, LeRoy Clarke, Edouard Duval-Carrié, Wosene Kosrof, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Ernest Crichlow, Reginald Gammon, Richard Hunt, Samella Lewis, Richard Mayhew, William "Bill" Pajaud, Jr., Gordon Parks, Sr., Ron Adams, Benny Andrews, Allan Rohan Crite, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Francisco Mora, James Amos Porter, Vincent Smith. 4to (28 cm.), wraps.

NEW ROCHELLE (NY). Castle Gallery, College of New Rochelle.
Bridging the Gap: Photographs by Gordon Parks and Toni Parks.
November 4, 2013-May 2, 2014.
Two-person exhibition of b&w and color photographs spanning five decades. Father-daughter exhibition. [Same title of an exhibition that took place in this gallery in 2010-11 - perhaps the same show remounted, or a different selection of work.]

The New York Public Library African American Desk Reference.
Wiley, 1999.
Includes a short and dated list of the usual 110+ artists, with a considerable New York bias, and a random handful of Haitian artists, reflecting the collection at the Schomburg: architect Julian Francis Abele. Josephine Baker, Edward M. Bannister, Amiri Baraka, Richmond Barthé, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, John T. Biggers, Camille Billops, Bob Blackburn, Betty Blayton, Frank Bowling, Grafton Tyler Brown, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, David Butler, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Edward Clark, Robert Colescott, Ernest Crichlow, Emilio Cruz, William Dawson, Roy DeCarava, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Aaron Douglas, John Dowell, Robert S. Duncanson, John Dunkley, William Edmondson, Melvin Edwards, Minnie Evans, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, Sam Gilliam, Henry Gudgell, David Hammons, James Hampton, William A. Harper, Bessie Harvey, Isaac Hathaway, Albert Huie, Eugene Hyde, Jean-Baptiste Jean, Florian Jenkins, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnston, Lois Mailou Jones, Lou Jones, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Ronald Joseph, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Georges Liautaud, Seresier Louisjuste, Richard Mayhew, Jean Metellus, Oscar Micheaux, David Miller, Scipio Moorhead, Archibald J. Motley, Abdias do Nascimento, Philomé Obin, Joe Overstreet, Gordon Parks, David Philpot, Elijah Pierce, Howardena Pindell, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, David Pottinger, Harriet Powers, Martin Puryear, Gregory D. Ridley, Faith Ringgold, Sultan Rogers, Leon Rucker, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Augusta Savage, William Edouard Scott, Senegalese filmmaker Ousmane Sembene, Ntozake Shange, Philip Simmons, Lorna Simpson, Moneta J. Sleet, Vincent D. Smith, Micius Stéphane, Renée Stout, SUN RA, Alma Thomas, Neptune Thurston, Mose Tolliver (as Moses), Bill Traylor, Gerard Valcin, James Vanderzee, Melvin Van Peebles. Derek Walcott, Kara Walker, Eugene Warburg, Laura Wheeler Waring, James W. Washington, Barrington Watson, Carrie Mae Weems, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Jack Whitten, Lester Willis, William T. Williams, John Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Richard Yarde. 8vo (9.1 x 7.5 in.), cloth, d.j.

NEW YORK (NY). Buhl Collection Gallery.
Hands of our Doing: An Exhibition of Photographs from the Buhl Collection.
Group exhibition. Included: Dawoud Bey and Gordon Parks.

NEW YORK (NY). International Center of Photography.
Malcolm X, A Photo History.
April 2-June 27, 1993.
Group exhibition. Curated by Howard Chapnick. Included: Gordon Parks, Robert Haggins, and others.

NEW YORK (NY). International Center of Photography.
This Is Not a Fashion Photograph: Selections from the ICP Collection.
January 16-May 3, 2009.
Group exhibition. Included: Samuel Fosso, Gordon Parks.

NEW YORK (NY). International Center of Photography and Seattle Art Museum, Seattle.
Only Skin Deep: Changing Visions of the American Self.
New York: ICP and Abrams, 2003.
416 pp. exhib. cat., illus. Curated by Coco Fusco and Brian Wallis. Exhibition of 77 photographers. Includes: Dawoud Bey, Kerry Stuart Coppin, Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Renée Cox, Roy DeCarava, Rico Gatson, Mark S. Greenfield, Lyle Ashton Harris, Chester Higgins, Jr., Rashid Johnson, Isaac Julien, Glenn Ligon, Wangechi Mutu, Kori Newkirk, Maria de Mater O'Neill, Gordon Parks, Adrian Piper, Lorna Simpson, James Vanderzee, Carrie Mae Weems, Fred Wilson. 4to (10.3 x 7.8 in.), cloth, d.j.

NEW YORK (NY). Michael Rosenfeld Gallery.
Mood Indigo: The Legacy of Duke Ellington - A Look at Jazz and Improvisation in American Art.
May 21-July 30, 2004.
Group exhibition constructed around the first public display of Duke Ellington's personal piano. Included: Romare Bearden, Eldzier Cortor, Beauford Delaney, William H. Johnson, Norman Lewis, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Alma W. Thomas, and photographs of Ellington in concert by Gordon Parks.

NEW YORK (NY). Museum of Modern Art.
Resistance Is....
June 29-September 2, 2007.
Group photography exhibition. Images of demonstrations, portraits of prominent reformers, and other interpretations and strategies of resistance are assembled to expose the breadth of our revolutionary consciousness. Included: Gordon Parks, et al.

NEW YORK (NY). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.
Black New York Photographers of the Twentieth Century: Selections from the Schomburg Center Collections.
May 19-September 30, 1999.
76 pp., 56 full-page b&w illus., 1 text illus., checklist with brief biographies of all photographers. Intro. Mary F. Yearwood. Includes: Salimah Ali, James L. Allen, Jules Allen, Vance Allen, Bert Andrews, Anthony Barboza, Cornelius M. Battey, Dawoud Bey, Terry E. Boddie, Anthony Bonair, Kwame Brathwaite, Ron Campbell, Doughba Hamilton Caranda-Martin, Wayne Clarke, Gerald Cyrus, Isaac Diggs, Martin Dixon, Sulaiman Ellison, Lavell (Khepera Ausar) Finerson, Collette V. Fournier, Gerard H. Gaskin, Austin Hansen, Inge Hardison, Joe Harris, Gerald E. Hayes, Tahir Hemphill, Leroy W. Henderson, Heru (Art Harrison), Chester Higgins, Cecil Layne, Steve J. Martin, Frantz Michaud, Cheryl Miller, Marilyn Nance, Gordon Parks, Moira Pernambuco, Edgar E. Phipps, Juanita M. Prince-Cole, Orville Robertson, Eli Reed, Richard Saunders, Coreen Simpson, Moneta Sleet, Jr., Beuford Smith, Klytus Smith, Ming Smith, Morgan and Marvin Smith, Chuck Stewart, Frank Stewart, James Vanderzee, Shawn W. Walker, Budd Williams. 4to, pictorial wraps. First ed.

NEW YORK (NY). Schomburg Center For Research in Black Culture.
Standing in the Need of Prayer: A Celebration of Black Prayer.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003.
224 pp., duotone illus. Foreword by Coretta Scott King; intro. by Howard Dodson. Group exhibition of photographs and inspiring prayers drawn primarily from the collections of the Schomburg Center, spans the broad spectrum of religious traditions during the 19th and 20th centuries including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Yoruba, Coptic Christianity, and Haitian Vodou. Included photographs by Roland Charles, Sulaiman Ellison, Phyllis Galembo, Austin Hansen, Chester Higgins (over a dozen photos), Jason Miccolo Johnson, Gordon Parks, Sr., Moira Pernambuco, Eli Reed, Richard Saunders, Robert Sengstacke, Coreen Simpson, Morgan and Marvin Smith, Dixie Vereen, Shawn Walker, Gilberto Wilson, et al. 8vo (8.3 x 7.9 in.), hardcover.

NEW YORK (NY). Studio Museum in Harlem.
Collection in Context.
January 23-March 31, 2001.
Group exhibition. Included: Dawoud Bey, Arnold J. Kemp, Kerry James Marshall, Odili Donald Odita, J.D. 'Okhai Ojeikere, Gordon Parks, Malick Sidibé, Carrie Mae Weems.

NEW YORK (NY). Studio Museum in Harlem.
hrlm: pictures.
July 20-October 23, 2005.
Group exhibition of more than 50 photographs by 31 artists (not all of African descent). Curated by Rashida Bumbray, Ali Evans and Christine Y. Kim. Artists in the exhibition included: Jules Allen, Alice Attie, damali ayo, Randal Wilcox, Dawoud Bey, Terry E. Boddie, Jonathan Calm, Christine Camila, Karen Davis, h. eugene foster, Adler Guerrier, Eric Henderson, Mikki K. Harris, Leslie Hewitt, Brooke Jacobs, Robert W. Johnson, Ray A. Llanos, Melinda Lewis, Dave McKenzie, Gordon Parks, Carlos Perez, Katherin Schmidiger, Greg Tate, Constance Williams, and James VanDerZee.

NEW YORK (NY). Studio Museum in Harlem.
On Freedom: The Art of Photojournalism: 5 Photographers.
July 10-September 28, 1986.
Unpag. (20 pp.) exhib. cat., b&w illus. Text by Deborah Willis. Included: Mikki Ferrill, Peter Magubane, Ozier Muhammad, Gordon Parks, Robert A. Sengstacke, et al. [Review: Andy Grundberg, "Five Photographers Who See Beyond the Fact, " NYT, September 7, 1986 - bare mention of exhibition along with list of other African American, Jewish, Hispanic photo exhibitions.] Oblong 4to (22 x 28 cm.), stapled wraps. First ed.

NEW YORK (NY). Studio Museum in Harlem.
March 26-April 27, 1980.
Unpag. (16 pp.) exhib. cat., 9 illus. (1 in color), biogs. Includes 50 self-portrait photographs by 32 photographers. Pref. by Mary Schmidt Campbell; texts by Patricia Mornan Bell and Richard Muhlberger. Group exhibition includes: Salimah Ali, Jules Allen, Anthony Barboza, Hugh Bell, Dawoud Bey, Michael Britto, Adger W. Cowans, Pat Davis, Daniel Dawson, Mel Dixon, Al Fennar, Bob Fletcher, Roland Freeman, Vince Frye, Al Green, Gail Hansberry, Leroy Henderson, John Burke Horne, Roy Lewis, Fern Logan, Jeanne Moutoussamy, Marilyn Nance, Larry Neilson, Gordon Parks, John Pinderhughes, Coreen Simpson, Beuford Smith, Ming Smith, Chuck Stewart, James Vanderzee, E. Lee White, and Leroy Woodson. [Traveled to: Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, MA, August 17-October 5, 1980.] Sq. 8vo (20 x 20 cm), stapled wraps. First ed.

NEW YORK (NY). Whitney Museum of American Art.
Dirt & Domesticity: Constructions of the Feminine.
June 12-August 14, 1992.
79 pp. exhib. cat., b&w illus. Texts include: Myth and matriarchy: an analysis of the mammy stereotype by Kate Haug. Artists include: Gordon Parks, Betye Saar, Lorna Simpson, Carrie Mae Weems, Pat Ward Williams. 8vo (23 cm; 9 x 6 in.), wraps. First ed.

The African Diaspora: African origins and New World identities.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999.
xxviii, 566 pp., illus., index of names. Over 40 visual artists mentioned in passing; only Basquiat is singled out for detailed and extensive individual consideration by Andrea Frohne. Selected texts, each with individual notes and bibliographies, including: "Cultural reconfigurations in the African Caribbean" by Maureen Warner-Lewis; "Modernity, memory, Martinique" by Richard Price; "Images of Africa and the Haiti revolution in American and Brazilian abolitionism" by Celia M. Azevedo; "The centrality of margins: art, gender, and African American creativity" by Sally Price; "Horned ancestral masks, Shakespearean actor boys, and Scotch-inspired set girls: social relations in nineteenth-century Jamaican Jonkonnu" by Sandra L. Richards; "From folklore to literature: the route from roots in the African world" by Oyekan Owomoyela; "Blackness as a process of creolization: the Afro-Esmeraldian Décimas (Ecuador)" by Jean Rahier; "Islam and the black diaspora: the impact of Islamigration" by Ali A. Mazrui; "The concept of modernity in contemporary African art" by Nkiru Nzegwu; "Habits of attention: persistence of Lan Ginée in Haiti" by LeGrace Benson; "Representing Jean-Michel Basquiat" by Andrea Frohne; "Optic black: implied texts and the colors of photography" by Charles Martin; "Caribbean cinema, or cinema in the Caribbean?" by Keith Q. Warner. 8vo (24 cm.), cloth.

African Americans in the Visual Arts.
New York: Facts on File, 2003.
x, 262 pp., 50 b&w photos of some artists, brief 2-page bibliog., index. Part of the A to Z of African Americans series. Lists over 170 visual artists (including 18 photographers) and 22 filmmakers with brief biographies and token bibliog. for each. An erratic selection, far less complete than the St. James Guide to Black Artists, and inexplicably leaving out over 250 artists of obvious historic importance (for ex.: Edwin A. Harleston, Grafton Tyler Brown, Charles Ethan Porter, Wadsworth Jarrell, John Outterbridge, Noah Purifoy, William Majors, Camille Billops, Whitfield Lovell, Al Loving, Ed Clark, John T. Scott, Maren Hassinger, Lorraine O'Grady, Winnie Owens-Hart, Adrienne Hoard, Oliver Jackson, Frederick Eversley, Glenn Ligon, Sam Middleton, Ed Hamilton, Pat Ward Williams, etc. and omitting a generation of well-established contemporary artists who emerged during the late 70s-90s. [Note: a newly revised edition of 2012 (ten pages longer) has not rendered it a worthy reference work on this topic.] 8vo (25 com), laminated papered boards.

PALM BEACH (FL). Norton Museum of Art.
African American Art from the Norton Collection.
April 19-August 31, 2008.
Group exhibition of work by African American artists from the 1920s-90s. Included: Jacob Lawrence, Gordon Parks, Faith Ringgold, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Thermon Statom, Bob Thompson, and others.

PARIS (France). Pavilion des Arts.
Black Photography in America.
Unpag. (36 pp.) text by Alain Dister, 36 b&w photos, mostly full-page, by Gordon Parks (12 images), James VanderZee (8 images), Roy DeCarava (12 images), and Coreen Simpson (4 images). Dual lang. text in French/English. The exhibition was part of the 1988 Mois de la Photo, Paris. 4to, printed card covers. First ed.

PARIS (France). Revue noire.
Revue noire 8: African Cinema (decembre 1992).
68 pp., b&w and color illus. Dual lang. text French / English / Portuguese. Ed. by Jean Loup Pivin. Art by Jean Pierre Bekolo, Mansour Diop, Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, Aboudramane, Abderrahmane Sissako, Djibril Diop Mambéty, Régina Fanta Nacro; Black Audio Film Collective; photography by John Kiyaya, Bouna Medoune Seye; Gordon Parks, Spike Lee, Raoul Peck, Flora Gomes. Tall 4to (33 x 23 cm.), wraps. First ed.

PHILADELPHIA (PA). African American Museum in Philadelphia.
Saturday Night / Sunday Morning.
April 10-September 17, 2005.
Curated by Deborah Willis. Enormous group exhibition of contemporary Black photographers. Included: Jim Alexander, Linda L. Ammons, Ken Ashton, Harold Baquet, Petrushka Bazin, Bonita Bing, Mark Lee Blackshear, Barbara Blanco, Terry Boddie, Deadra Bryant, Keith Calhoun, Michael Cheers, Carl Clark, Linda Day Clark, Beverly Collins-Roberts, Beverly Cox, Gerald Cyrus, C. Daniel Dawson, Isaac Diggs, Kimara Alan Dixon, Sean Drakes, David C. Driskell, Ken Dunkley, Kerika Fields, Jack Franklin, Russell K. Frederick, Roland Freeman, Jonathan Bruce French, Phyllis Galembo, Wyatt Gallery, Gerard H. Gaskin, Bob Gore, Ronald Gray, Joy Gregory, Lonnie Graham, Gregory Halpern, Thomas Alan Harris & Don Perry, Chester Higgins, Jr., Sylvia Hoke, Curlee Holton, Jessica Ingram, Danielle Jackson, Terrence Jennings, Jason Miccolo Johnson, Lou Jones, Gediyon Kifle, Gloria C. Kirk, Bill Lathan, Melvina Lathan, Ramsess Wayne Lawrence, Nashormeh N. R. Lindo, Harlee Little, Ray A. Llanos, Isabelle Lutterodt, Jati Lindsay, Amanda Marsalis, Ellis Marsalis III, Diana McClure, Chandra McCormick, Cecil McDonald, Jr., Bruce McNeil, Lloyd McNeill, Stephen Marc, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe. Julio Nazario, Oggi Ogburn, Kambui Olujimi, D. Michael Platt, Ernie Paniccioli, Gordon Parks, Brian Palmer, Wendy Phillips, John Pinderhughes, Sheila Pree, Faith Ringgold, Bayeté Ross-Smith, Joseph Rodriguez, Kenneth Royster, Sue Ross, Radcliffe Roye, Tasin Sabir, Jeffrey Henson Scales, Meg Henson Scales, Jamel Shabazz, Accra Shepp, Daryl Sivad, Clarissa Sligh, Lester Sloan, Paul D. Somerville III, Lamont Steptoe, Charles "Chuck" Stewart, Frank Stewart, Kasha Stewart, Johnette Iris Stubbs, Noelle Theard, Hank Willis Thomas, George Dalton Tolbert IV, June DeLairre Truesdale, Sheila Turner, Stacey Vasquez, Colette Veasey-Cullors, Richard Watson, Eric Waters, Carrie Mae Weems, Wendel A. White, Carlton Wilkinson, Clarence Williams, III, Milton Williams, William Williams, Razi Wilson, Sarah Wilson. [Traveled to: Leica Gallery, NY; Chatanooga African American Museum.]

PHILADELPHIA (PA). Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Represent: 200 Years of African American Art.
January 10-April 5, 2015.
224 pp. exhib. cat, color illus. Intro. Richard J. Powell, thematic essays by Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw. Highlights over 150 objects in the museum's collection, whereas the exhibition packed into an overly small room included only 75 works by a meager 50 artists, including: Moses Williams, Dawoud Bey, Moe Brooker, Samuel J. Brown, Donald Camp, Elizabeth Catlett, Roy DeCarava, Beauford Delaney, Aaron Douglas, John Dowell, Jr., David Drake (Dave the Potter), Sam Gilliam, Barkley L. Hendricks, Peter Hill, William H. Johnson, Jacob Lawrence, Glenn Ligon, Odili Donald Odita, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Gordon Parks, Jerry Pinkney, Horace Pippin, Martin Puryear, Faith Ringgold, Alison Saar, Joyce J. Scott, Lorna Simpson, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, Bob Thompson, Dox Thrash, Bill Traylor, James Vanderzee, Kara Walker, Carrie Mae Weems, and John Wilson. [Review: Philip Kennicott, The Washington Post, January 14, 2015;] 4to (12.2 x 9.8 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Roy Stryker: U.S.A., 1943-1950. The Standard Oil New Jersey Photography Project.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1983.
Foreword by Cornell Capa. 144 pp., 135 b&w plates. Contains portfolios of photographs by over a dozen photographers, including Gordon Parks. 4to, pictorial papered boards, d.j. First ed.

The Negro Almanac: A Reference Work on the Afro-American.
New York: A Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1983.
1550 pp. Includes essay on The Black Artist. Gylbert Coker cited as art consultant. Many misspellings. Artists mentioned include: Scipio Moorhead, James Porter, Eugene Warburg, Robert Duncanson, William H. Simpson, Edward M. Bannister, Joshua Johnston, Robert Douglass, David Bowser, Edmonia Lewis, Henry O. Tanner, William Harper, Dorothy Fannin, Meta Fuller, Archibald Motley, Palmer Hayden. Malvin Gray Johnson, Laura Waring, William E. Scott, Hughie Lee-Smith, Zell Ingram, Charles Sallee, Elmer Brown, William E. Smith, George Hulsinger, James Herring, Aaron Douglas, Augusta Savage, Charles Alston, Hale Woodruff, Charles White, Richmond Barthé, Malvin Gray Johnson, Henry Bannarn, Florence Purviance, Dox Thrash, Robert Blackburn, James Denmark, Dindga McCannon, Frank Wimberly, Ann Tanksley, Don Robertson, Lloyd Toones, Lois Jones, Jo Butler, Robert Threadgill, Faith Ringgold, Romare Bearden, Ernest Crichlow, Norman Lewis, Jimmy Mosley, Samella Lewis, F. L. Spellmon, Phillip Hampton, Venola Seals Jennings, Juanita Moulon, Eugene Jesse Brown, Hayward Oubré, Ademola Olugebefola, Otto Neals, Kay Brown, Jean Taylor, Genesis II, David Hammons, Senga Nengudi, Randy Williams, Howardena Pindell, Edward Spriggs, Beauford Delaney, James Vanderzee, Melvin Edwards, Vincent Smith, Alonzo Davis, Dale Davis, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Gordon Parks, Rex Goreleigh, William McBride, Jr., Eldzier Cortor, James Gittens, Joan Maynard. Kynaston McShine, Coker, Cheryl McClenney, Faith Weaver, Randy Williams, Florence Hardney, Dolores Wright, Cathy Chance, Lowery Sims, Richard Hunt, Roland Ayers, Frank Bowling, Marvin Brown, Walter Cade, Catti, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Manuel Hughes, Barkley Hendricks, Juan Logan, Alvin Loving, Tom Lloyd, Lloyd McNeill, Algernon Miller, Norma Morgan, Mavis Pusey, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Thomas Sills, Thelma Johnson Streat, Alma Thomas, John Torres, Todd Williams, Mahler Ryder, Minnie Evans, Jacob Lawrence, Haywood Rivers, Edward Clark, Camille Billops, Joe Overstreet, Louise Parks, Herbert Gentry, William Edmondson, James Parks, Marion Perkins, Bernard Goss, Reginald Gammon, Emma Amos, Charles Alston, Richard Mayhew, Al Hollingsworth, Calvin Douglass, Merton Simpson, Earl Miller, Felrath Hines, Perry Ferguson, William Majors, James Yeargans. Ruth Waddy; Evangeline Montgomery, Jeff Donaldson, Wadsworth Jarrell, Gerald Williams, Carolyn Lawrence, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Frank Smith, Howard Mallory, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Nelson Stevens, Vivian Browne, Kay Brown, William Harper, Isaac Hathaway, Julien Hudson, May Howard Jackson, Edmonia Lewis, Patrick Reason, William Simpson, A. B. Wilson, William Braxton, Allan Crite, Alice Gafford, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, William Artis, John Biggers, William Carter, Joseph Delaney, Elton Fax, Frederick Flemister, Ronald Joseph, Horace Pippin, Charles Sebree, Bill Traylor, Ellis Wilson, John Wilson, Starmanda Bullock, Dana Chandler, Raven Chanticleer, Roy DeCarava, John Dowell, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Daniel Johnson, Geraldine McCullough, Earl Miller, Clarence Morgan, Norma Morgan, Skunder Boghossian, Bob Thompson, Clifton Webb, Jack Whitten. 4to, cloth. 4th ed.

PRINCETON (NJ). Princeton University Art Museum.
Between Image and Concept: Recent Acquisitions in African American Art.
November 12, 2005-February 6, 2006.
Group exhibition. Artists included: Emma Amos, Sanford Biggers, iona rozeal brown, Elizabeth Catlett, Thornton Dial, Sr., Leonardo Drew, Ellen Gallagher, Cavin Jones, Glenn Ligon, Gordon Parks, Martin Puryear, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Gelsey Verna, Kara Walker, Charles White, William Earle Williams, John Wilson.

PROVIDENCE (RI). Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design.
A Century of Black Photographers, 1840-1960.
March 31-May 8, 1983.
192 pp., 150 illus., biogs., bibliog. Includes a list of photographers who were not exhibited (listed by state). Curated by Valencia Hollins Coar. Texts: "Black Photography: Contexts For Evolution" by Deborah J. Johnson; "Historical Consciousness and Photographic Moment" by Michael R. Winston; "Photography And Afro-Amemrican History" by Angela Davis. [Traveled to six other venues including the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Newark Museum, and ending at the HIgh Museum, Atlanta, GA, June 29- August 26, 1984.] [Review: C. Gerald Fraser, "A Century of Black Photographers," NYT, March 2, 1984.] Included in the exhibition: James Presley Ball, Sr., J.P. Ball & Son, Wallace Goodridge, the Goodridge Brothers, Harry Shepherd, Herbert Collins, Cornelius M. Battey, Arthur P. Bedou, Leonard G. Hyman, Paul Poole, James A. Vanderzee, Prentiss H. Polk, Harvey James Lewis, Robert H. McNeill, Reverend Lonzie Odie Taylor, Allen E. Cole, Milton J. Hinton, Gordon Parks, Griffith J. Davis, Richard Saunders, Carroll T. Maynard, Clifton George Cabell, Robert S. Scurlock, George H. Scurlock, Moneta J. Sleet, Matthew Lewis, Jr., Roy DeCarava. Supplementary list of photographers not included in the exhibition: James N. Bird, D. J. McCaw, J. D. Bell, Frank Herman Cloud, H. D. Grifith, E. M. Colburne, George Hunter, et al. 4to, wraps.

The Body and The Lens: Photography 1839 to the Present.
New York: Abrams, 1995.
176 pp., 118 color and b&w illus., bibliog., index. Includes: James Presley Ball, Gordon Parks, Lorna Simpson, Carrie Mae Weems. 8vo, wraps.

American Visual Culture.
New York: Berg, 2009.
256 pp. Chapter 3 "Cultural Anxieties II: A Case of Black and White" includes discussion of lynching photographs, mention of Gordon Parks ("American Gothic") and considerable discussion of Emory Douglas's revolutionary visual consciousness (3 illus. from 1968-1970.) 8vo 99.2 x 6.1 in.), cloth, d.j.

African-American Art: Past and Present (Video).
Wilton (CT): Reading and O'Reilly, 1992.
Survey of African American art. Over 65 artists represented. The program is divided into three sections: African Art, 18th and 19th Century Fine Art Survey, and 20th Century Fine Art Survey: In the Artist's Words. Part 1: The heritage of African Art, the Decorative Arts of Seagrass Basketry, Pottery, Quiltmaking, Shotgun Houses, Ironwork and the 18th and 19th Century Fine Art Survey with artists Joshua Johnson, Robert S. Duncanson, Edmonia Lewis, Edward Bannister and Henry Ossawa Tanner. Part 2: The 20th Century Fine Art Survey. Some of the painters, sculptors and photographers included are: Malvin Gray Johnson, Aaron Douglas, Hale Woodruff, William Henry Johnson, Archibald Motley Jr., Palmer Hayden, Sargent Johnson, Horace Pippin, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Selma Burke, Romare Bearden, Alma Thomas, Gordon Parks, Elizabeth Catlett, Faith Ringgold, Howardena Pindell, John Biggers, Bob Thompson, Jean Michel Basquiat, Sam Gilliam, Richard Hunt, Alison Saar, Beverly Buchanan, and David Hammons. Part 3: A continuation of the 20th Century Fine Art Survey plus In the Artists Words - ten artists and educators talk about their lives, philosophy and art. VHS-NTSC: color; sd; 90 min. (3 videocassettes)

St. James Guide to Black Artists.
Detroit: St. James Press, 1997.
xxiv, 625 pp., illus. A highly selective reference work listing only approximately 400 artists of African descent worldwide (including around 300 African American artists, approximately 20% women artists.) Illus. of work or photos of many artists, brief descriptive texts by well-known scholars, with selected list of exhibitions for each, plus many artists' statements. A noticeable absence of many artists under 45, most photographers, and many women artists. Far fewer artists listed here than in Igoe, Cederholm, or other sources. Stout 4to (29 cm.), laminated yellow papered boards. First ed.

Black Genius and the American Experience.
New York: Carroll & Graf, 1998.
xii, 497 pp., [32] pp. plates, bibliog., index. Foreword by Alvin F. Poussaint. Includes chapters on: Romare Bearden, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, and Gordon Parks. 8vo (25 cm.).

Anthology of African and Indian Ocean Photography/Anthologie de la photographie africaine et de l'océan indien.
Paris: Revue Noire Editions, 1998.
432 pp., 500 b&w and color illus., biogs., bibliog., including 200 portfolios of work by African and African Diasporic photographers, biogs., bibliog. Reference to the history of Sub-Saharan photography: the precursors, studio photographers, official agerncies, independents to the contemporary global diaspora. Pub. in separate English, French and Portuguese editions. Texts by Elikia M'Bokolo, Agnes de Gouvian Saint-Cyr, Jean Loup Pivin, Vera Viditz-Ward, Philippe David, Frederic Chapuis, Albert Chong, Aminata Sow Fall, Alexander Joe, John Mauluka, Santu Mofokeng, Jean-Francois Werner, Erika Nimis, Richard Pankhurst and Denis Gerard, Simon Njami, Sebastien Porte, Santu Mofokeng, Tobias Wendt, Guy Hersant, Tierno Monenembo, Michele Rakotoson, et al. Photographers include: Alex Agbaglo Acolatse, the Aguilar brothers, Joseph Moise Agbodjelou, Ajamu, Akinbode Akinbiyi, Daniel Affoumo Amichia, Cornelius Yao Augusti Azaglo, Phillip Kwame Apagya, John Badchu, Rose-Ann Marie Bailey, Albert Chong, David Damoison, J. P. Decker, Jean Depara, Doudou Diop, Aloune Diouf, Nelson Ankruma Event, Samuel Fosso, Antoine Freitas, Meissa Gaye, Mix Gueye, Deale, Scholtz Studio, Mama Casset, Studio 3Z, Mountaga Dembele, Felix Diallo, the Boyadjans, Houssein Assamo, Abdourahman Issa, Amin Mahamoud Ahmed, Ramadan Ali Ahmed, Alioune Bâ, Stella Fakiyesi, Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Rene Pena Gonzales, Francis K. Honny, Serge Emmanuel Jongue, Zaccharia Kabe, Kenneth Kamau, Dorris Haron Kasco, Seydou Keita, Alf Kumalo, John Kiyaya, Philippe Koudjina, Dionysius Leomy, Alfonso Lisk-Caren, Peter Magubane, Boubacar Mandémory, John Mauluka, Robert H. McNeill, Pierrot Men, Santu Mofokeng, Zwelethu Mthethwa, Eustaquio Neves, Antonio Ole, F.F. Olympio, Jose Ondoa, Carla Osorio, Gordon Parks, Rene Pena, Vantoen Pereira, Jr., Abderramane Sakaly, Rene-Paul Savignan, Bouna Medoune Seye, Malick Sidibé, Penny Siopis, Doro Sy, Adama Sylla, HF Fine Studio, Patrice Felix Tchicaya, Andrew Tshabangu, James Vanderzee, David Zapparoli, and dozens more. 4to (32 x 24.5 cm.), cloth with embossed lettering, dust jacket. First ed.

SALEM (MA). Peabody Essex Museum.
In Conversation: Modern African American Art.
June 1-September 2, 2013.
Group exhibition of over 100 paintings, sculptures and photographs by 43 artists, drawn from the Smithsonian American Art Museum's collection. Included: Benny Andrews, Romare Bearden, John T. Biggers, Frederick T. Brown, Allan Rohan Crite, Roy DeCarava, Beauford Delaney, Thornton Dial, Frederick Eversley, Roland Freeman, Sam Gilliam, Tony Gleaton, Earlie Hudnall, Jr., Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Robert McNeill, Marilyn Nance, Gordon Parks, Sr., Alma Thomas, Bob Thompson, and James Vanderzee, among many others.

SAN FRANCISCO (CA and NEW YORK (NY)). Jenkins Johnson Gallery.
February 5-March 28, 2009.
Two-venue bi-coastal exhibition. Co-curated by Karen Jenkins-Johnson and Lisa Henry. Group exhibition. Included: John Bankston, Romare Bearden, Sheila Pree Bright, Elizabeth Catlett, Robert Colescott, Gerald Cyrus, Kira Lynn Harris, Deborah Jack, Jacob Lawrence, Sonya Lawyer, Glenn Ligon, Felicia Megginson, Gordon Parks, Lorna Simpson, Hank Willis Thomas, James VanDerZee, Carrie Mae Weems, Carla Williams & Deirdre Visser, Philemona Williamson, John Wilson, Lauren Woods.

SAN FRANCISCO (CA). CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, California College of the Arts.
More American Photographs.
October 4-December 17, 2011.
95 pp. exhib. cat., illus. Group exhibition. Included: Gordon Parks and Hank Willis Thomas.

SAN FRANCISCO (CA). Jenkins Johnson Gallery.
Director's Choice.
January 7-February 21, 2014.
Group exhibition. Included: Carrie Mae Weems and Gordon Parks.

SAN FRANCISCO (CA). Jenkins Johnson Gallery.
Director's Pick.
January 8-March 28, 2015.
Group exhibition. Included: Kenyatta Hinkle (collages), Gordon Parks (political photographs from the 60s.)

Harlem on My Mind: Cultural Capital of Black America 1900-1968.
New York: Random House and Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1968.
255 (1), illus. Pref. by Thomas P. F. Hoving; the controversial preface by Candice Van Ellison (a 17-yr. old high school student), and foreword by Allon Schoener. Originally an exhibition mounted at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, this important compendium of over 500 photos and press clippings remains a useful photographic reference to the cultural and political history of the Harlem community. The 1979 edition of the catalogue omits the Hoving, Van Ellison, and original Schoener foreword, replacing them with a new Schoener foreword and a foreword by Black scholar Nathan Irvin Huggins. The 1995 edition reprints the original texts from 1968 with a new foreword by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Included among the photographs selected in this 'documentary' exhibition were works by Gordon Parks, Frank Stewart, James Vanderzee, Lloyd Yearwood. The exhibition sparked the formation of the Black Emergency Cultural Coalition (B.E.C.C.), founded on January 9, 1969 to protest the exhibition, and maintain a picket line in front of the Metropolitan Museum. Protesters included: Benny Andrews, Raymond Andrews, Romare Bearden, Barbara Carter, Roy DeCarava, Calvin Douglass, Reginald Gammon, Leroy Henderson, Felrath Hines, Cliff Joseph, Norman Lewis, Richard Mayhew, Raymond Saunders, Vivian E. Browne, Russ Thompson, Bob Carter, Bill Durante, Mahler Ryder, curator Henri Ghent, activist Joan Sandler, and Ed Taylor, joined by white artists Alice Neel, John Dobbs, and Mel Roman. [Reviews: John Canaday, "Getting Harlem Off My Mind," NYT, January 12, 1969:D25; Grace Glueck, "Art: 'Harlem on My Mind' in Slides, Tapes and Photos," NYT, January 17, 1969:28; Cathy Aldredge, "Harlem on My Mind: A Boxed-In Feeling," New York Amsterdam News, February 1, 1969:38; and "Letters to the Editor of The Times," NYT, January 22, 1969:46; January 29, 1969:40; and February 1, 1969: 28; Benny Andrews, "The B.E.C.C. Black Emergency Cultural Coalition," Arts Magazine, Summer 1970:18-19 (list of protesters.) Among the post-exhibition analyses, see: Steven C. Dubin, Chapter 2 "Crossing 125th Street: Harlem on My Mind Revisited," in Displays of Power: Controversy in the American Museum from the Enola Gay to Sensation. NYU Press, 2001:18ff; see also an important later scholarly analysis: Bridget R. Cooks, "Black Art and Activism," American Studies, 48:1 (Spring 2007): 5-40. On the web at: https://journals.ku.edu/index.php/amerstud/article/viewFile/3141/3898.].] 4to (28 x 22 cm.), laminated boards, d.j. First ed.

SCOTTSDALE (AZ). Museum of Contemporary Art.
October 3, 2003-January 4, 2004.
64 pp., 24 color plates, 2 b&w historical photos, biogs., exhib. Checklist, bibliog. Texts by Kim Curry-Evans, Dr. Neal A. Lester. Includes: Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Radcliffe Bailey, Dawoud Bey, Milton Bowens, Mark Bradford, Sonya Clark, Tina Dunkley, Bill Gaskins, Kojo Griffin, David Hammons, Barkley L. Hendricks, Jacob Lawrence, Cathleen Lewis, Stephen Marc, Kerry James Marshall, Beverly McIver, Kori Newkirk, Gordon Parks, Nadine Robinson, Alison Saar, Lorna Simpson, Joe Willie Smith, James Vanderzee, Cynthia Wiggins, Kehinde Wiley, Deborah Willis. [Traveled to: Clark Atlanta University Galleries, Atlanta, GA, February 1-April 10, 2004; Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, May 4-July 3, 2004; Museum of the African Diaspora, San Francisco, CA, January-March, 2005; Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, LA April 16-June 19, 2005; Forty Acres Art Gallery, Sacramento, CA, June-August, 2005; Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA, July 9-September 11, 2005.] 4to, wraps. First ed.

En el pico del águila: Una introducción a la cultura afroamericana.
Madrid: Ediciones Ardora, 1998.
Intro. by Amiri Baraka. Includes: Gordon Parks, Oliver Jackson, Melvin Van Peebles. In Spanish. 8vo, cloth.

Grace Abounding: The Core Knowledge Anthology of African-American Literature, Music, and Art.
Charlottesville (VA): Core Knowledge Foundation, 2006.
910 pp., illus. A neo-conservative multi-cultural add-on. Designed for homeschoolers and teachers of Grades 4-10 with lesson plans, tests and answer keys, not priced as affordable text for students. Said to provide "insight into every facet of the African-American literary and arts tradition, tracing its development from African roots, through Emancipation, Reconstruction, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Black Arts Movement of the 1970s, all the way to the emergent voices of the twenty-first century." 36 artists are included, each with biog. blurb, illus., brief commentary on illus., several sample questions. includes: Charles Alston, William Artis, Edward M. Bannister, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Frederick Brown, Hilda Wilkinson Brown, Elizabeth Catlett, Irene Clark, Beauford Delaney, Louis J. Delsarte, Richard Dempsey, Aaron Douglas, David C. Driskell, Sam Gilliam, Rex Goreleigh, James Hampton, Sargent Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Edmonia Lewis, Hughie Lee-Smith, Richard Mayhew, Lev T. Mills. Scipio Moorhead, Gordon Parks, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Charles Sallee, Augusta Savage, William E. Smith, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma W. Thomas, James Vanderzee, Charles White, Hale Woodruff. 2nd ed. with CD

ST. LOUIS (MO). St. Louis Art Museum.
African American Art: Photographs from the Collection.
April 15-July 24, 2005.
Group exhibition featuring 10 photographs acquired since 1988. Curated by Andrew Walker. Included: D. Michael Cheers, Roy DeCarava, David Lee, Stephen Marc, Gordon Parks, Moneta Sleet Jr., James Van der Zee, and Carrie Mae Weems.

America and Americans.
New York: Viking, 1966.
207 pp., 136 photo illus. (including 24 in color.) A combination of text by Steinbeck and images by 55 prominent photographers. Includes photographs by Gordon Parks. 4to (10.6 x 8.5 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

SYRACUSE (NY). Robert B. Menschel Photography Gallery, Syracuse University.
Appeal to this Age: Photography of the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968.
November 1-December 20, 1995.
Unpag. exhib. cat., b&w illus. Curated by Steven Kasher. Includes: Gordon Parks and Ernest Withers. [Traveling exhibition.]

TRENTON (NJ). New Jersey State Museum.
Selected Works: Art by African Americans in the Museum's Collection.
September 22, 2007-March 20, 2008.
Group exhibition. Among the works included in this exhibition are paintings by Frank Bowling, Alma Thomas, Hale Woodruff, Benny Andrews, Rex Goreleigh and Hughie Lee-Smith; prints by Jacob Lawrence and Emma Amos; collages by Romare Bearden; photographs by Gordon Parks, Milton J. Hinton and Chuck Stewart; and sculpture by Mel Edwards and Selma Hortense Burke.

TRENTON (NJ). New Jersey State Museum.
Twentieth-Century Minority Art Collection.
November 1, 1986-January, 1987.
Group exhibition. Included: Richard Hunt, Jacob Lawrence, Gordon Parks, Horace Pippin, Bob Thompson.

WASHINGTON (DC). American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
African American Art: Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights Era and Beyond.
April 27-September 3, 2012.
256 pp. exhib. cat., color and b&w illus. Text by Richard J. Powell, with catalogue entries by Virginia Mecklenburg, Theresa Slowik and Maricia Battle. Curated by Virginia Mecklenburg. A selection of paintings, sculpture, prints, and photographs by forty-three black artists who explored the African American experience from the Harlem Renaissance through the Civil Rights era and the decades beyond. [Traveling to: Muscarelle Museum of Art, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, September 28, 2012-January 6, 2013; Mennello Museum of American Art, Orlando, FL, February 1-April 28, 2013; Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, June 1-September 2, 2013; Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, TN, February 14-May 25, 2014; Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA, June 28-September 21, 2014; Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY, October 18, 2014-January 4, 2015.] 4to (12.3 x 10.3 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

WASHINGTON (DC). Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Celebrating the Legacy III: African American Art at the Corcoran.
January 5-February 25, 2002.
Group exhibition. Curated by Susan Badder. Exhibition includes paintings, sculpture, prints and photographs. Artists included: Joshua Johnson, Robert Duncanson, William Edmondson, Sargent Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Gordon Parks, Addison Scurlock, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, James Vanderzee.

WASHINGTON (DC). Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Common Ground: Discovering Community in 150 Years of Art, Selections from the Collection of Julia J. Norrell.
October 23, 2004-January 31, 2005.
208 pp. exhib. cat., 130 illus. (40 in color). Exhibition of 187 photographs, paintings, drawings, and sculptures from the holdings of Washington, D.C.-based collector Julia (Judy) Norrell. Foreword by Bill Clinton; texts by Philip Brookman, Merry Foresta, Julia J. Norrell, Paul Roth, Jacquelyn Days Serwer. Includes: Radcliffe Bailey, Beverly Buchanan, William H. Clarke, Roy DeCarava, David Driskell, Jonathan Green, Chester Higgins, Jr., Clementine Hunter, Rashid Johnson, Jacob Lawrence, Willie Little, Whitfield Lovell, Zwelethu Mthethwa, Gordon Parks, Addison L. Scurlock, Fazal Sheikh, Malick Sidibé, Renée Stout, James Vanderzee, Carrie Mae Weems, Fred Wilson, and numerous white artists. [Traveled to North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC, May 7-June 16, 2006.] 4to (30 cm.), cloth, d.j.

WASHINGTON (DC). Corcoran Gallery of Art.
The American Evolution: A History Through Art.
March 1-July 27, 2008.
Group exhibition. Included: Kerry James Marshall, Gordon Parks, Martin Puryear, Kara Walker.

WASHINGTON (DC). Howard University Gallery of Art.
Mixing Metaphors: The Aesthetic, the Social and the Political in African American Art.
August 14-December 17, 2010.
Exhib. cat., illus. Group traveling exhibition. Curated by Deborah Willis - a selection from the Bank of America collection. 94 photographs, paintings, prints, drawings, sculpture and mixed media executed by 37 artists ranging from range from photographers Ernest C. Withers, Robert Sengstacke, Jamel Shabazz, Lorna Simpson, Chuck Stewart, Gordon Parks, Dawoud Bey, Carrie Mae Weems, and James VanDerZee to Henry Clay Anderson, Benny Andrews, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Willie Birch, Beverly Buchanan, Walter Cade, Kevin E. Cole, Robert Colescott, Allan Rohan Crite, Allan Edmunds, Lawrence Finney, Sam Gilliam, Earlie Hudnall, Margo Humphrey, Jacob Lawrence. Willie Little, Juan Logan, Whitfield Lovell, Julie Mehretu, Martin Puryear, Faith Ringgold, Mario A. Robinson, Raymond Saunders, Leo Twiggs, James W. Washington, William T. Williams, and Fred Wilson. [Traveled to: The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum, Atlanta, GA, March 19-July 31, 2011.]

WASHINGTON (DC). National Portrait Gallery.
Let Your Motto be Resistance: African American Portraits.
October 19, 2007-March 2, 2008.
184 pp., 98 full-page b&w illus., notes, biographies of subjects, index of photographers. Intro. by Lonnie G. Bunche, III; texts by Deborah Willis, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis, Cheryl Finley; poems by Elizabeth Alexander. Spectacular exhibition of 98 photographic portraits of famous African American subjects from Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth to Wynton Marsalis, including images of nine visual artists: Edward M. Bannister, Romare Bearden, Elizabeth Catlett, Felrath Hines, Jacob Lawrence, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Gordon Parks, Horace Pippin. Curated by Deborah Willis. Work by 71 photographers including approximately a dozen images taken by African American photographers: Anthony Barboza, Arthur P. Bedou, Gordon Parks, Prentiss H. Polk, Addison L. Scurlock, James Vanderzee, Milton Williams. [The inaugural exhibition of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington, DC. An abbreviated version of the exhibition is to be consitituted as a traveling show.]

WASHINGTON (DC). Smithsonian Museum of American Art.
African American Art: Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights Era, and Beyond.
April 27-September 3, 2012.
252 pp. exhib. cat., illus. Text by Richard J. Powell, Virginia Mecklenburg, Theresa Slowik. Curated by Virginia Mecklenburg. Paintings, sculpture, prints, and photographs by 43 black artists, a total of 100 works drawn entirely from the Smithsonian American Art Museum collection, including new acquisitions. [Will travel to: Muscarelle Museum of Art, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, September 28, 2012-January 6, 2013; Mennello Museum of American Art, Orlando, FL, February 1-April 28, 2013; Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, June 1-September 2, 2013; Albuquerque Museum of Art, Albuquerque, NM, September 29, 2013-January 19, 2014; Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, TN, February 14-May 25, 2014; Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA, June 28-September 21, 2014; Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY, October 18, 2014-January 4, 2015.] 4to (12 x 10 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

WASHINGTON (DC). Smithsonian Museum of American Art.
African American Masters: Highlights from the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
New York: Abrams, 2003.
112 pp., 52 color plates, bibliog., index. Text by Gwen Everett. Includes: Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, John T. Biggers, Allan Rohan Crite, Roy DeCarava, Beauford Delaney, Melvin Edwards, Roland Freeman, Sam Gilliam, Russell T. Gordon, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Norman Lewis, Whitfield Lovell, Robert McNeill, Gordon Parks, Horace Pippin, James Porter, Betye Saar, Renée Stout, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, James Vanderzee, Hale Woodruff, Purvis Young, et al. [Traveled to: New-York Historical Society, April 1-June 1, 2003, Cheekwood Museum of Art, Nashville, TN, June 28-September 7, 2003, Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, Jacksonville, FL, October 2-November 30, 2003, Cincinnati Art Museum, January 8-March 7, 2004, Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, NH, April 3-June 7, 2004, Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE, July 2-September 5, Long Beach Museum of Art, October 3-November 28, Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City, UT, January 8-February 28, 2005, Spelman College Museum of Fine Arts, Atlanta, GA, March 24-May 13, 2005.] Sq. 4to (25 cm.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Art by African Americans in the Collection of the New Jersey State Museum.
Trenton: The New Jersey State Museum, 1998.
159 pp., b&w and color illus., chronology of Black America (by Larry Greene), selected general bibliog., checklist of 170 works. Foreword by David C. Driskell; individual biographical texts (some with footnotes) and full-page color plate for each of the 60 artists by Alison Weld (curator), Sharon Patton, Margaret Rose Vendryes, Tritobia H. Benjamin, James Smalls, Carl E. Hazlewood, Calvin Reid, and Ronne Hartfield. Artists included in this selection: Uthman Ibn Abdur-Rahmen, Terry Adkins, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Edward Mitchell Bannister, Anthony Barboza, Romare Bearden, Frank Bowling, Wendell T. Brooks, James Andrew Brown, Selma Burke, Willie Cole, Allan Rohan Crite, Victor Davson, Roy DeCarava, Nadine DeLawrence, Thornton Dial, Sr., Robert S. Duncanson, William Edmondson, Melvin Edwards, Minnie Evans, Sam Gilliam, Rex Goreleigh, Gladys Grauer, Renée Green, Larry Hilton, Milton Hinton, Lonnie Holley, Diane Horn, Manuel Hughes, Richard Hunt, Joshua Johnson, Ben Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Norman Lewis, James Little, Tom Lloyd, Al Loving, Thomas Malloy, John Moore, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Joe Overstreet, Lorenzo Pace, Gordon Parks, Janet T. Pickett, Horace Pippin, P.H. Polk, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Mei Tei-Sing Smith, Chuck Stewart, Alma Thomas, Bob Thompson, Dox Thrash, Bill Traylor, James VanDerZee, Shawn Walker, Charles White, and Hale Woodruff. An exhibition of the same name (September 19-December 31, 1998) was organized to accompany publication of the catalogue. 4to (28 cm.), wraps. First ed.

WEST PALM BEACH (FL). Norton Museum of Art.
Say it Loud: Art by African and African American Artists in the Collection.
December 27, 2012-March 3, 2013.
Group exhibition. Curated by Cheryl Brutvan. Included: Charles Alston, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Mark Bradford, Nick Cave, Willie Cole, Robert H. Colescott, Sam Gilliam, Jacob Lawrence, Al Loving, Kerry James Marshall, J.D. 'Okhai Ojeikere, Gordon Parks, Faith Ringgold, Betye Saar, Augusta Savage, Yinka Shonibare, Mary Sibande, Malick Sidibé, Lorna Simpson, Alma Thomas, Bob Thompson, James Vanderzee, Kara Walker, Carrie Mae Weems.

WICHITA (KS). Kansas African American Museum.
Vantage Point: Photographs from the Permanent Collection.
April 5-June 14, 2014.
Group exhibition. Included: Gordon Parks, Chandra McCormick and Carl Sidle, et al.

WICHTA (KS). Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University.
Art of Our Time: Selections from the Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University.
April 24-August 8, 2010.
168 pp. exhib. cat., color illus. Ed. Patricia McDonnell and curator Emily Stamey. The exhibition focuses on 57 works from the collection. Included: Benny Andrews, Jacob Lawrence, Gordon Parks and Kara Walker. [Traveled to: Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, SC; Mitchell Gallery, St. John's College, Annapolis, MD, August 26-October 14, 2011.] 4to (11.3 x 8.5 in.), wraps.

My Soul Looks Back in Wonder: Voices of the Civil Rights Experience.
Sterling, 2004.
240 pp., photo illus. Foreword by David Halberstam, iIntroductory notes by Williams to 30 eyewitness accounts; final text by Marion Wright Edelman. Photos by Gordon Parks, Lester Sloan, et al. 4to (9.4 x 6.4 in.), cloth, d.j.

WILLIAMSTOWN (MA). Williams College Museum of Art.
Black Photographers Bear Witness: 100 Years of Social Protest.
72 pp. exhib. cat., illus., bibliogs. Texts by Deborah Willis and Howard Dodson. Includes James Presley Ball, Cornelius M. Battey, James Vanderzee, Marvin and Morgan Smith, Gordon Parks, Moneta Sleet Jr., Robert Sengstacke, Ozier Muhammad, Brent Jones, Christian Walker, Pat Ward Williams, and Carrie Mae Weems. [Review by Andy Grundberg, "A Century of Black History Brought Into Focus," NYT, July 2, 1989.] 4to (28 cm.), pictorial self-wraps. First ed.

WILLIS DEBORAH (photo ed.) and MICHAEL H. COTTMAN (text).
The Family of Black America.
New York: Crown, 1996.
189 pp., color and b&w illus. Research by Linda Tarrant-Reid. Photographers include: James Vanderzee, Richard Samuel Roberts, Radcliffe Bailey, Dawoud Bey, Roland Charles, Marvin Edwards, Roland Freeman, Lonnie Graham, Chester Higgins, Jr., Lou Jones, Winston Kennedy, William E. Lathan, Stephen Marc, John W. Mosley, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Gordon Parks, John Pinderhughes, Eugene Roquemore, David "Oggi" Ogburn, Mei Tei Sing Smith, Hank Sloane Thomas (aka Hank Willis Thomas), Lester Sloan, Jeffrey Henson Scales, Accra Shepp, Moneta Sleet, Jr., Clarissa Sligh, Ron Tarver, Carrie Mae Weems, Robert Whitby, Wendel A. White, Juanita Williams, Mel Wright. 4to, wraps. First ed.

Visualizing Political Struggle: Civil Rights Era Photography.
London: Continuum, 2005.
In: Holloway, David and John Beck, eds. American Visual Cultures:166-173, 4 b&w illus. A survey of how Civil Rights era photography aroused public opinion and informed social consciousness, that at least mentions in passing a small roster of black photographers: Roy DeCarava, Jonathan Eubanks, Benedict Fernandez, Bob Fletcher, Jack T. Franklin, Doug Harris, R. C. Hickman, Bert Miles, Gordon Parks, Richard Saunders, Moneta Sleet, Jr., Beuford Smith, Elaine Tomlin, Cecil Williams, and Ernest Withers. 8vo (9.7 x 6.7 in.), cloth, d.j.

The Black Female Body: A Photographic History.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2002.
228 pp., 185 illustrations from the origins of photography to the present. The text examines Western culture's fascination with black women's bodies. Black photographers included: Harry Adams, Ajamu, James Lattimer Allen, Allison Bolah, Roland Charles, Albert V. Chong, Renée Cox, Angele Etoundi Essamba, Elise Fitte-Duval, Kianga Ford, Joy Gregory, Lyle Ashton Harris, Chester Higgins, Jr., Allen Jackson, Roshini Kempadoo, Harlee Little, Fern Logan, Stephen Marc, Lynn Marshall-Linnemeier, John W. Mosley, Ming Smith Murray, Oggi Ogburn, Lorraine O'Grady, Catherine Opie, Gordon Parks, Edgar Eugene Phipps, Adrian Piper, Prentiss H. Polk, Richard Samuel Roberts, Coreen Simpson, Lorna Simpson, Clarissa T. Sligh, Beuford Smith, James Vanderzee, Maxine Walker, Cynthia Wiggins, Carla Williams, Charles Williams, Pat Ward Williams, Deborah Willis. [Note: complete list of illustrations, not included in the book, are available at Carla Williams's website carlagirl.net]. 4to (30.5 x 23 cm.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Posing Beauty: African American Images from the 1890s to the Present.
New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2009.
280 pp., color plates, notes, bibliog., index. Includes: Ifétayo Abdus-Salam, James Lattimer Allen, Kwaku Alston, Henry Clay Anderson, Thomas Askew, Anthony Barboza, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Josephine Baker, Cornelius Battey, James Brown, Renée Cox, Mansita Diawara, Lola Flash, Daniel Freeman, Joy Gregory, Charles (Teenie) Harris, Lyle Ashton Harris, Alex Harsley, Terrence Jennings, Marian Jones, Seydou Keita, Lauren Kelley, Harlee Little, Robert H. McNeill, white photojournalist Wayne F. Miller, John W. Mosley, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, David "Oggi" Ogburn, J.D. 'Okhai Ojeikere, Gordon Parks, Prentiss H. Polk, Sheila Pree Bright, Eli Reed, Richard S. Roberts, Jeffrey Scales, Addison Scurlock, Robert Sengstacke, Jamel Shabazz, Malick Sidibé, Coreen Simpson, Lorna Simpson, Bayeté Ross Smith, Hank Willis Thomas, Mickalene Thomas, Lewis Watts, Carrie Mae Weems, Wendel A. White, Carla Williams, Ernest C. Withers, Lauren Woods, et al. [Published in conjunction with exhibition of the same title at Gulf & Western, New York, NY; Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, New York, August 27-October 18, 2009; Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, January 16-May 9, 2010; Taubman Museum, Roanoke, VA, June 11-August 22, 2010; Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA, September 11-November 21, 2010; Newark Museum, Newark, NJ, February 2-May 8, 2011; USC Fisher Museum of Art, Los Angeles, September 7-December 3, 2011; Everhart Museum, Scranton, PA, February 2-April 1, 2012; Figge Museum of Art, Davenport, IA, September 8-November 3, 2012; The College of Wooster Art Museum, Wooster, OH, January 15-March 3, 2013; Spelman College, Atlanta, GA, September 5-December 7, 2013; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, April 26-July 27, 2014, and many other venues.] 4to (12.4 x 9.3 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Reflections in Black: A History of Black Photographers 1840 to the Present.
New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2000.
348 pp., 81 color plates, 487 b&w illus., notes, bibliog., index. Foreword by Robin D.G. Kelley. Published to accompany the three-part traveling exhibition organized by the Smithsonian Institution. Important gathering of photographs of Black subjects by African American photographers from mid-nineteenth century through the present (roughly half from 1980s and 90s) by the pre-eminent historian of this subject. Photographers include: O'Neal Abel, Salima Ali, James Lattimer Allen, Winifred Hall Allen, Amalia Amaki, Linda L. Ammons, Ken D. Ashton, Thomas Askew, John B. Bailey, James Presley Ball, Sr., James Presley Ball, Jr., Thomas Ball, Anthony Barboza, Cornelius M. Battey, Anthony Beale, Arthur P. Bedou, Donald Bernard, Dawoud Bey, Howard Bingham, Caroll Parrott Blue, Terry Boddie, Rick Bolton, St. Clair Bourne, George O. Brown, John H. Brown, Jr., Keith M. Calhoun, Dennis Callwood, Don Camp, Roland Charles, Albert Chong, Carl Clark, Linda Day Clark, Allen Edward Cole, Florestine Perrault Collins, Herbert Collins, Adger Cowans, Renée Cox, Cary Beth Cryor, Steven Cummings, Gerald G. Cyrus, Jack Davis, C. Daniel Dawson, Roy DeCarava, Doris Derby, Stephanie Dinkins, Lou Draper, George Durr, Nekisha Durrett, Edward (Eddie) Eleha, Darrel Ellis, Jonathan Eubanks, Delphine A. Fawundu, Alfred Fayemi, Jeffrey Fearing, Joe Flowers, Collette Fournier, Jack T. Franklin, Elnora Frazier, Daniel Freeman, Roland L. Freeman, King Daniel Ganaway, Bill Gaskins, Glenalvin Goodridge, Wallace Goodridge, William Goodridge, Bob Gore, Lonnie Graham, Todd Gray, Camille Gustus, Robert Haggins, Austin Hansen, Edwin Harleston, Elise Forrest Harleston, Charles "Teenie" Harris, Doug Harris, Joe Harris, Lyle Ashton Harris, Thomas Allen Harris, Lucius Henderson, Craig Herndon, Leroy Henderson, Calvin Hicks, Chester Higgins, Jr., Milton Hinton, Raymond Holman, Earlie Hudnall, Jr., Curtis Humphrey, Reginald Jackson, Chris Johnson, Brent Jones, Kenneth George Jones, Lou Jones, Benny Joseph, Kamoinge Workshop, Perry A. Keith, Andrew T. Kelly, Roshini Kempadoo, Winston Kennedy, Keba Konte, Andree Lambertson, Bill Lathan, Carl E. Lewis, Nashomeh L. R. Lindo, Harlee Little, Fern Logan, Stephen Marc, Lynn Marshall-Linnemeier, Charles Martin, Louise Ozell Martin, Chandra McCormick, Robert H. McNeill, Bertrand Miles, Cheryl Miller, Robert (Bob) Moore, John W. Mosley, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Ming Smith Murray (as Ming Smith), Mansa Mussa, Marilyn Nance, Sunny Nash, Constance Newman, David Ogburn, G. Dwoyid Olmstead, Kambui Olujimi, Villard Paddio, Gordon Parks, D.M. Pearson, Moira Pernambuco, Bonnie Phillips, John Pinderhughes, P. H. Polk, Paul Poole, Carl R. Pope, Marion James Porter, Sheila Pree, Eli Reed, Richard Roberts, Wilhelmina Williams Roberts, Orville Robertson, Herb Robinson, Eugene Roquemore, Susan J. Ross, Ken Royster, Jeffery St. Mary, Richard Saunders, Jeffrey Scales, Addison L. Scurlock, George H. Scurlock, Robert S. Scurlock, Robert A. Sengstacke, Harry Shepherd, Accra Shepp, Carl Sidle, Coreen Simpson, Lorna Simpson, Moneta Sleet, Clarissa Sligh, Beuford Smith, Marvin Smith, Morgan Smith, Frank Stallings, Charles (Chuck) Stewart, Gerald Straw, Ron Tarver, Hank Willis Thomas, Elaine Tomlin, June DeLairre Truesdale, Sheila Turner, Richard Aloysius Twine, James Vanderzee, Vincent Alan W., Christian Walker, Shawn W. Walker, Augustus Washington, Lewis Watts, Carrie Mae Weems, Ellie Lee Weems, Jean Weisinger, Edward West, Wendel A. White, Cynthia Wiggins, Carlton Wilkinson, Carla Williams, Charles Williams, Milton Williams, Pat Ward Williams, William Earle Williams, Ernest C. Withers, Mel Wright. Large 4to (31 cm.), cloth, d.j. First ed.

Visual Journal: Harlem and D.C. in the Thirties and Forties.
Washington, DC: The Center For African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996.
207 pp., 110 b&w illus., bibliog. Texts by Willis, Nicholas Natanson, Jane Lusaka, Melissa Rachleff, Jane Freundell Levey. Photographers include, Gordon Parks, Robert H. McNeill, Robert S. Scurlock, Morgan and Marvin Smith. Sq. 4to (24 x 26 cm.; 9.75 x 10 in.), pictorial wraps. First ed.

Black Photographers 1840-1940. An Illustrated Bio-Bibliography.
New York: Garland, 1985.
xviii, 141 pp., including 24 pp. list of photographers and bibliography, plus full-page b&w illus.by some of the listed photographers, name index, geographical index, index to photographic collections. Important reference. Includes: James Latimer Allen, Eldridge Asher, John B. Bailey, Hattie Baker, Walter Baker, James Presley Ball, Thomas Ball, Edward M. Bannister, J.F. Barnes, Cornelius Battey, D.E. Beasley, Arthur P. Bedou, Hayes Louis Bowdre, Walter A. Boyd, B.B. Browder, Hayward Bryant, James S. Campbell, Frank Herman Cloud, Herbert Collins, C. J. Davis, Roy DeCarava, Robert S. Duncanson, Eddie Elcha, James C. Farley, George Fields, Daniel Freeman, King Daniel Ganaway, Glenalvin Goodridge, Wallace Goodridge, William Goodridge, J. H. Gray, Francis Grice, Austin Hansen, Elise Forrest Harleston, Frank Harris, Benjamin L. Higgins, Lewis P. Hunster, Harvey Husband, Andrew F. Jackson, John W. Johnson, Dewitt Keith, W. H. Lawson, Edward Henry Lee, Jules Lion, John Roy Lynch, Arthur L. Macbeth, Robert McNeill, R. E. Mercer, J. W. Miller, G. W. Minter, Thestus Myzell, Gordon Parks, F. R. Perryman, Edgar E. Phipps, Prentiss H. Polk, Paul Poole, Charles L. Reason, Richard Samuel Roberts, W.H. Ross, Thomas Rutter, Addison N. Scurlock, Harry (Henry) Shepherd, Frank C. Smith, Marvin and Morgan Smith, W. H. S. Spigner, Walter Stephens. Fannie J. Thompson, James A. Vanderzee, Augustus Washington, Miles Webb, Ellis L. Weems, Woodard Studios. 4to, silver lettered black cloth. First ed.

WINTER PARK (FL). Cornell Museum of Art & American Culture, Rollins College.
Beyond the Veil: Art of African American Artists at Century's End.
January 16-February 28, 1999.
64 pp. exhib. cat., 39 color plates (mostly full-page), biogs. of artists. Text by Mary Jane Hewitt. Artists include: Benny Andrews, Phoebe Beasley, John Biggers, Nanette Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Sam Gilliam, Mildred Howard, Richard Hunt, Oliver Jackson, Artis Lane, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Samella Lewis, Kerry James Marshall, Richard Mayhew, Gordon Parks, Faith Ringgold, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, John T. Scott. 4to (26 cm.), wraps. Ed. of 1500.

WORCESTER (MA). Worcester Art Museum.
Ideas in Images.
52 pp. exhib. cat., 30 full-page b&w photographs. Included: Gordon Parks. Oblong 8vo, pictorial stiff wraps.