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The Battle of Helms Deep, Lord of the Rings, complete game, 100 counters

New.  This is a remake of a classic stand alone game
  • 56 x 1/2" square double sided counters, 1.5mm thick
  • 8 x pages of rules
  • 1 x A4 Map sheets on 170gms card (297*210mm)
The Battle of Helm's Deep was a short siege in the early part of the campaign, when the forces of good were being driven back by the forces of evil. The men of Rohan under Theoden, their king, had fallen back to an ancient fortress in a narrow mountain gorge, closely pursued by the evil forces of Saruman, a traitorous magician.

Between 1936 and 1949, J.R.R. Tolkien created a world peopled by Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, Wizards. Orcs, Men, Dragons and a multitude of other creatures from fantasy and myth. These characters talk about their history and culture within the pages of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
The exploits and adventures of these books have thrilled millions and stand as a work that may never see an equal in the art of fantasy writing.
The background to the story in these volumes was a war such as has never been seen on the face of the Earth. Thousands of men, goblins, heroes and anti-heroes fought a campaign to gain control of a single magic ring. and through this ring, to control the entire world.
The Battle of Helm's Deep was a short siege in the early part of the campaign. when the forces of good being driven back by the forces of evil. The men of Rohan under Theoden, their King, had fallen back to an ancient fortress in a narrow mountain gorge, closely pursue by the evil forces of Saruman, a traitorous magician.
This game recreates the storming of the fortress on the night of March 3rd. 3019 or the Third Age of Mid