Get ready to blast off with the latest Gundam series, Mobile Suit Gundam: of Mercury! But wait, there's more! Two MSs from the prequel PROLOGUE are making an early appearance. These sleek machines feature ion mold and clear parts, allowing for a stunning display of luminosity. The shield can be separated into 7 bit staves and connected to the backpack and receiver gun, which can also be equipped with a massive beam blade effect part. With discerning parts division, assembly is a breeze and the colorful finish is sure to impress. Don't miss out on these cutting-edge MSs!---FEATURES:---A) Beam Saber x2:
- Breathtakingly brilliant beams burst forth, brandishing their power with precision and panache.
- Boundlessly versatile, these sabers slice through the air with a seamless grace, leaving adversaries awestruck.
- Beaming with a radiant glow, they illuminate the battlefield, guiding warriors towards victory.
- Bolstered by their double presence, these sabers double the intensity, doubling the thrill.

B) Receiver Gun x1:
- Resilient and reliable, this gun receives the call of duty with unwavering loyalty.
- Remarkably accurate, it hits the mark with pinpoint precision, never missing its intended target.
- Rapid-fire capabilities unleash a barrage of bullets, raining down like a storm of justice.
- Resonating with power, it amplifies the courage of its wielder, empowering them to conquer any challenge.

C) Shield x1:
- Sturdy and steadfast, this shield stands as an impenetrable fortress, shielding its bearer from harm.
- Strategically designed, it deflects incoming attacks with an elegant ease, turning aggression into futility.
- Symbolizing resilience, it emboldens its wielder, instilling an unyielding spirit in the face of adversity.
- Shimmering with a protective aura, it radiates an aura of invincibility, inspiring allies and intimidating foes.

D) Shell Unit Clear Parts x1:
- Crystal clear and captivating, these shell parts encase the core with a mesmerizing allure.
- Crafted with meticulous precision, they seamlessly blend into the overall design, enhancing its aesthetic appeal.
- Complementing the inner workings, they provide a glimpse into the intricate machinery, captivating onlookers.
- Capturing the essence of elegance, they exude a sense of sophistication, elevating the product to new heights.

E) Beam Blade Effect Parts x1:
- Electrifying and enthralling, these effect parts unleash a dazzling display of energy, electrifying the battlefield.
- Enveloping the blade with a luminous aura, they transform it into a weapon of pure brilliance, captivating all who witness it.
- Emanating a pulsating glow, they create an atmosphere of awe, leaving adversaries trembling in their wake.
- Elevating the intensity of combat, they infuse each strike with an explosive force, ensuring victory is within reach.

F) Joint Parts x1:
- Flexible and formidable, these joint parts connect the pieces with a seamless fluidity, enabling dynamic movements.
- Facilitating a wide range of motion, they grant unparalleled agility, allowing warriors to strike from any angle.
- Fortifying the structure, they reinforce the product's durability, ensuring it withstands the test of time.
- Fusing together with precision, they create a harmonious synergy, transforming the product into a masterpiece.

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