
 Junkers Ju-52/3MG5E Luftwaffe P5+JD Operation Weserubung, Luftwaffe, Norway 1940

Limited Edition

An hour before midnight on April 8, 1940, the Norwegian security vessel "Pol III" was on a patrol in the Oslo Fjord, when it discovered unidentified ships in the horizon. A few minutes later it was rammed and shot at by a German torpedo boat. The invasion of Norway had started. The Luftwaffe would have participated with 1,082 aircrafts by the end of the invasion. 

By the end of April 9, there would be about 16,000 German soldiers on Norwegian soil. Operation Weserubung was to be the first major combined operation here the army, navy and air force were joined together. At the beginning of the Norwegian operation, 571 Ju 52/3m transports were available, in addition to other types such as this floatplane, which as used in the Luftwaffe's first major airborne operation.

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