Shining Force II for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. This is a high quality reproduction made by myself.

This cartridge has save game capabilities.

These Mega Drive cartridge reproductions are of the highest quality available. Plastics and printed circuit board hold a quality never seen before on the usual and common chinese bootlegs, and the labels are created by myself from scratch, using high resolution official art, and printed in the highest quality on paper very similar to the original

I also take requests, so if you want a specific game or romhack not listed , any version, any region, I will gladly make it, creating the label according to your wish.

REGARDING MINIBOXES: the Miniboxes are made from 390gsm notturno cardboard for the tray, and 190gsm satin photopaper for the sleeve.
Please note the following: the Miniboxes are a collectible product, meant for display and collecting purposes. They are not meant for constant displacement, harsh handling, laying it around the house somewhere, etc.

*NOTE*: These game cartridges are compatible with original SEGA Mega Drive and/or SEGA Genesis systems. They may or may not be compatible with clone systems (Retron, ATGames, etc).