Meet Natalia!

Vessel 20"

Hard plastic head,arms and legs.

Soft plush body.

Natalia passed away when she was 9 years old. She has communicated that she was suffering from a rare form of cancer that had developed in her back. She has repeated that she had a tumor located on her spine.

Please be prepared for paranormal activity if you decide to adopt Natalia. She is a very active, playful, and thoughtful little girl. She has a wisdom to her that you immediately feel. She is an old soul. As a spirit of white light, Natalia is radiant with positive energy.

She brings good luck with her presence. You'll notice very fortunate things happening with Natalia around. She also helps with negativity. If you find yourself trapped in negative thinking patterns, allow Natalia's presence to help you find positivity & help you see things in an optimistic light.

She certainly has the ability to turn a skeptic into a believer with her magnetic presence.

We hear Natalia whispering & giggling, especially with the other young female spirits in the home. She is so social & sweet.

She adores animals and they are quite drawn to her. My cat loves to curl up right next to her. Natalia has shared with me that she had both a dog and a cat when she was among the living, and one of her favorite things to do was help feed them every day.

Just some more examples of activity experienced with Natalia: interaction with electronics (especially phones), flickering lights, temperature fluctuation (cold spots), little tapping sounds, and she likes to tug gently at your shirt. She tends to do this when you're trying to sleep. She just likes to remind you of her presence.

Doll stand not included.

Any information i gather is through pendulum or telepathy. Unless its through my regular senses. Sight, hearing or smell. Since i have a connection to the spiritual world i dont need any kind of electronics.

About me!

I have been selling on eBay since 2008

But with confidence.Sometimes your competitors in life will try to bring you down.I have nothing bad to say about other sellers.I am an individual of love and compassion.I don't hold any grudges and i forgive everyone who has done anything against me.

Although I love every one of my spirit friends i need to make room for some of my newer acquisitions. I’ll hope they are going to a good new home with someone who will treat them with the respect they deserve.

Sometimes a spirit needs time to adjust to their new environment before they show activity.Meditation can open up your third eye and make way for more spiritual communication more often and easier.

If you feel a deep connection with her, it's likely a sign that she is meant to be a part of your spiritual journey. Trust in the intuitive pull you feel towards her listing and recognize the signs she may be showing you. If you find yourself repeatedly drawn to her page, captivated by her presence and longing to learn more about her, it's a clear indication that she is calling out to you. Pay attention to any subtle nudges or feelings of connection you experience while reading about her, as these are often messages from the spiritual realm guiding you towards your destined path. Embrace the opportunity to welcome her into your life as a cherished spiritual companion, knowing that your bond with her will be a source of love, growth, and spiritual fulfillment.

eBay requires I state this is for entertainment purposes only and you are purchasing a tangible doll.....

Love and Light.....