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Frémiet, Emmanuel (1824-1910):
(Lying Newfoundland dog / Liegender Hund) - Bronze Statue

19th century.

Height: ca. 14 cm; length: ca. 25 cm; width: ca. 10,5 cm (all measurements including pedestal). Weight: 2,620 kg. In very good condition. Signed on the pedestal. Very beautiful, candid sculpture of a lying dog - probably a Newfoundland dog or a Golden Retriever - by E. Fremiet. Emmanuel Frémiet was a French sculptor born in Montrouge, who was renowned for his monumental works commissioned by the state. He was also acclaimed for his realistic animal sculptures. Frémiet specialized in equestrian statues and was particularly known for his attention to detail. Despite never formally studying at the École des Beaux-Arts, Frémiet's talent and virtuosity were evident in his extensive body of work, which included iconic pieces like "Gorille enlevant une femme" and "St-Michel terrassant le dragon." He was also recognized for his commercial success with bronze reproductions of his sculptures. The well-known sculptor Pierre-Nicolas Tourgueneff was one of plenty of art students who learned sculpture under the tutelage of Emmanuel Frémiet.

Bestell-Nr: 296454

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