Détails de l’annonce

Titre: WWE: Vengeance 2006
Condition: Neuf
Nombre de disques: 2
Genre: Sport
Acteurs: Vengeance 2006
Langue: English
Durée: 241 minutes
Region Code: Region 2
Marque: WWE Silvervision
Langue des sous-titres: Portoghese
Classification: 15
Description: Yearly Vengeance compilation for 2006 featuring the cream of WWE's kings of grunt and grapple in matches recorded over the last year. Matches included: 'Generation X vs. The Spirit Squad', 'Extreme Lumberjack Match - John Cena vs. Sabu', 'Kane vs. Imposter Kane', 'WWE Championship Match - Rob Van Dam vs. Edge', 'Intercontinental Triple Threat Match - Shelton Benjamin vs. Carlito vs. Johnny Nitro', 'Two Out Of Three Falls Match - Mick Foley vs. Ric Flair', 'Umaga vs. Eugene', 'Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton'.

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