
Bronze medal, France/Andorra.
Minted in 1978.
Some traces of handling.

Engraver : Luigi Teruggi ("LT").

Dimension : 49mm.
Weight : 43 g.
Metal : bronze.

Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)  : none .

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        The principality of Andorra remained in the 19th century governed by its ancient paréages, sharing power between the bishop of Urgel and the count of Foix, whom the French authorities inherited. In 1866, the bishop of Urgel, Mgr Caixat, without having consulted Napoleon III, promulgated a reform which modified the political organization of the country. It grants the right to vote to all heads of family to designate the General Council of the Valleys, the councils of each parish and the commissioners responsible for auditing the accounts. Despite the hostility of the dominant families, Napoleon III confirmed the reform in 1868.
        Following unrest and an attempted intervention by the Spanish Republic, the two co-princes decided to establish universal male suffrage, by a decree of July 17, 1933, and to send a French gendarmerie force to Andorra to maintain the status quo.
        The decree of 1933 was repealed by a decree of October 2, 1941 which reestablished the 1866 system, but a new decree of August 23, 1947 reestablished universal male suffrage. Women gained the right to vote in 1970. However, the real reform of the status of Andorra was carried out by the Constitution of Mars 14, 1993.

    Sources: Copy in Latin of the original act in Charles Baudon de Mony, Political Relations of the Counts of Foix with Catalonia, second volume, Paris, Picard et fils, 1896, p. 161 et seq.
    Translation according to the text of the Ministry of Justice, in André Vilar, L'Andorre, study of public and international law (thesis), Paris, V. Giard and E. Brière, 1904, p. 159 et seq.

    In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Many quarrels and difficulties have been pending for a long time over
        The principality of Andorra remained in the 19th century governed by its ancient paréages, sharing power between the bishop of Urgel and the count of Foix, whom the French authorities inherited. In 1866, the bishop of Urgel, Mgr Caixat, without having consulted Napoleon III, promulgated a reform which modified the political organization of the country. It grants the right to vote to all heads of family to designate the General Council of the Valleys, the councils of each parish and the commissioners responsible for auditing the accounts. Despite the hostility of the dominant families, Napoleon III confirmed the reform in 1868.         The decree of 1933 was repealed by a decree of October 2, 1941 which reestablished the 1866 system, but a new decree of August 23, 1947 reestablished