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NEW Wreck of the Pandora, Sci-Fi, Survival, complete game

New, This is a remake of a classic stand alone game, from SPI Ares magazine
  • 100 x 1/2" square double sided counters,  1.5mm thick
  • 1 x table printed on 180gms light card
  • 5 x pages of rules 
  • 1 x A3 map printed on heavy 170gms silk paper 
  • The map is approx 297 x 420mm / 11.7 x 16.5 in
Note 1: Some minor resizing of the maps to fit them on A3 
Note 2: All A3 maps will be delivered folded


The Wreck of the Pandora is a game of discovery and survival for one to five Players. Each Player takes the role of one surviving crew member aboard the Pandora- Players must attempt to regain control of the ship, destroy or reconfine the wandering specimens in their restraint pods, restart the ship's systems to avoid cold shutdown, and get the damaged craft home. Each Player in turn moves, acquires tools, and at- tempts to use and repair ship's equipment. Specimens are moved automatically as they react

At coordinate 339317987 714, Biological Survey Mission Pandora is in the process of exiting FTL mode. The ship has been out for some time gathering biological specimens in a dozen systems. Now, her mission completed, Pandora is home- ward bound. The five crew members and their specimens ate in stasis. The ship's computer is in control during the series of difficult (and inexact) jumps necessary to reach Kinshasha CABSA.

 As Pandora enters FTL mode, the nearby blue-white Wolf-Rayt star emits a powerful burst of near ultraviolet radiation. Pandora's computer has placed the ship too dose to the pulse and the results are catastrophic. All over the ship, electronic components arc burned out. Systems begin to fail, first the primaries, then the backups.

The computer's response is rapid hut inefficient due to the damage already suffered. Crew and specimens are brought out of stasis, some safely, others in various state, of impaired functioning. In some cases, crew and specimens have failed entirely in exit stasis. 

Those crew members who survive are disoriented, frightened and not I o: ally a ware of what is going on. Most short-term memory is gone. There is a certain awareness of being aboard ship and even of the nature of the ship. Emergency systems arc obviously, on and. equally obviously, malfunctioning. Specimens can be observed wandering freely about the ship, many of them carrying about and curiously examining portable ship's tools.

 As the shaken crew members begin to regain consciousness of their surroundings, they can hear the ship's distress beacon playing repeatedly over

 "BSM Pandora calling. Rescue alert. Position approximate at 339317987 714. Auto-statis red: Out of FTL. Out of stasis. Power down. Nav down. Envio down, Con down, Comp down. Ship

approaching cold shutdown … BSM Pandora calling. Rescue..."