Up for sale are these issues from DC Comics: Justice League of America #64, #68 (1968) Teen Titans #25 (1970) and The Flash #215 (1972)

IMPORTANT: These comics do NOT have intact covers. Justice League of America #64 and #68 and Teen Titans #25 all have the top parts of their front covers torn off, which was a practice back in the 1960s and 1970s to discount comic books for sale. 

JL #64 is fully detached from its cover, so the comic just comes with the cover over it but not connected to it. You can see the comic separate from its cover in one of the pics.

The Flash #215 has lost its front cover entirely; it only has the back cover, and it's fully detached! I included a pic showing the comic and the back cover side by side.

The comic pages themselves are still clean, very readable. So if you're looking to read the stories themselves and don't care at all about their outward appearance or having the covers intact (or even connected to the actual comic at all), this lot may be acceptable.

Comics owned in a smoke free home.