Great Britain (with England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales), Ireland


Product information:
Edition: 107. edition, in colour
Pages: 608
Format: 155 mm x 230 mm, hardcover
Great Britain (with England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales), Ireland Fully updated with numerous editorial additions such as planned phase out notices for machin brands without matrix codes and new counterfeit notices for UK brands A clearer presentation of the extended thermal prints for British machine stamps, additional cross-references for wet and self-adhesive stamps with the same motif and further information on Irish STAMPA overprints offer considerable improvements compared to the previous edition. Reviewing and updating all price reviews with numerous adjustments across UK and modern Irish brands Valuation increases can be found above all in the area of ​​British classics, modern Motiv and certain Machin brands. Twelve new British varieties discovered, some with high rating