Ceylon Organic Whole Cloves Pure Natural Sun Dried Clove High Quality

Spices 20g

Health benefits :

  1. Protect against cancer

  2. Kill bacteria

  3. Regulate blood sugar

  4. Promote bone health

  5. Reduce stomach ulcers

We sell only grade A quality cloves which are grown in Sri Lanka uphills

The unopened flower buds of the clove tree are what we use as cloves.Cloves enrich all the dishes it is added to with flavor and taste.Clove oil has a very important role in dental health too as most of the toothpaste contains it. They are used as ant-sept mouthwashes that remove bacteria and provide quick relief during toothache and gum pain.Clove oil is also used in the making of soaps and perfumes.Clove imparts a warm, aromatic and nearly sweet taste to food and hence they are used in the making of baked items like cakes, bread and also sauces and pickles.

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