Eye Complaints (Myopia, Glaucoma, Eye Floaters, Astigmatism, Blepharospasm, Photophobia, Night Blindness, Lagophthalmos, Exophthalmos)

Among various actions of Physostigma, if we have to pick the most prominent one then that would be on the eyes. It acts magnificently on the eyes and deals effectively with numerous eye-related problems. To begin with, it is a highly beneficial medicine for cases of myopia. Myopia, also known as near sightedness and short-sightedness, is a vision condition in which the sufferer can see near objects clearly but farther objects are blurry. It can be of great help in cases where myopia is increasing. Secondly, it is a well-indicated medicine for cases of glaucoma (a condition that causes damage to the eye’s optic nerve). It is prominently indicated for glaucoma that follows after an eye injury. It is useful to manage cases of muscae volitantes (eye floaters). Here its use is primarily considered when there occur black spots or flashes of light before eyes.

Head (Headache)

The action of Physostigma is also well marked on the head. It is of great help in managing headache. The guiding feature to use it is headache that worsens from the least mental exertion. It also gets worse at night. Along with pain, there is sleeplessness. There is no headache in the morning. The pain is marked over both the eyes. With this there is great difficulty in raising the eyelids. The headache can begin from the back of the head (occiput) and pass forward or vice versa. This medicine can be given to manage a pressure sensation on the top and the temples of the head. The pressure from the top of the head extends to the back of head.

Ear Problems (Earache, Tinnitus)

Physostigma acts well on the ears. Firstly, it helps to relieve earache. It works well in cases of sharp, shooting ear pain. A crawling sensation may be felt in the left ear. Secondly, it is a suitable medicine for cases of tinnitus (noises in ear without any external source of sound). Its use is recommended for ringing, buzzing or hissing noises in the ears. The ears feel blocked and stuffed up too. In some cases, there is sensitivity to every sound.

Nose (Cold, Fever Blisters, Twitching)

For treating nasal complaints, this medicine is mainly applicable to manage cold. The guiding feature to use it is easy–flowing nasal discharge attended with burning, smarting, itching, tingling in the nostrils. Nasal stuffiness is present. It suits well cases of fever blisters (fluid-filled bumps that arise due to an infection from herpes simplex virus) around the nose. Twitching of muscles of nose is yet another indication for using this remedy.

Gastric Issues (Stomach Pain, Diarrhea, Constipation, Piles)

Physostigma is suitable for managing some gastric concerns too. It can effectively help cases of stomach pain that is felt after eating. The stomach is sensitive to pressure as well. It is beneficial for soreness and bloating in navel region. It is also a good medicine to relieve colicky pain in abdomen during loose motion which gets better by extending legs. This medicine can be given in cases of loose motion. Here its use is considered for soft, thin, profuse, yellowish stool or lumpy stool mixed with watery discharge. Its use can be done in constipation cases also arising from lack of tonicity of intestines. Lastly, a prominent indication for using it is piles (swollen, inflamed veins in the anus or the lower rectum) occurring in women after childbirth.