The buggy is in good condition.  My little one is fairly tall and this was the only buggy that she could sit comfortably in when she got a little older.

From the John Lewis page:
The Baby Jogger City Mini GT incorporates the compact, all-terrain mobility of the City Mini and improves the ride for older children. With a wider, taller and deeper seat that features extra padding and a deeper footrest, the City Mini GT is suitable up to 15kg.
For parents:
The rugged and durable wheels with forever-air technology make this pushchair ideal for all terrains. The adjustable handlebars ensure a comfortable stroll for taller parents and the huge canopy now has more clearance for taller children. Additionally, the storage basket has been improved with a deeper and lower opening which makes it easier to access. The brake has also been moved to the handlebar for easy and quick access. Baby Jogger have also improved the fold clip, so that it automatically secures itself when the pushchair is folded.
For children:
With a full recline option, the City Mini GT is suitable from birth and features patented quick fold technology and a universal accessory mounting bracket. The front swivel wheel features suspension for a smoother ride.